Name ________________________
English 9 Vocabulary, Mrs. Hunter
List 1 Vocabulary
1. licentious adj. morally unrestrained
Synonym: immoral; lewd Antonym (opposite): chaste, pure
2. numismatist n. a coin collector
3. paucity n. a scarcity, lack
Synonym: insufficiency Antonym: abundance
4. fatalistic adj. believing that all events in life are inevitable and determined by fate
5. obtrude v. to force oneself into a situation uninvited
Synonym: impose; intrude Antonym: extricate
6. pensive adj. dreamily thoughtful
Synonym: reflective; meditative Antonym: silly; frivolous
7. lackadaisical adj. uninterested, listless
Synonym: spiritless; apathetic; languid Antonym: enthusiastic; inspired
8. alienate v. to turn away feelings or affections
Synonym: estrange Antonym: endear; unite
9. elated adj. in high spirits; exultantly proud and joyful
Synonym: overjoyed Antonym: depressed
10. epigram n. a witty saying expressing a single thought or observation
Synonym: aphorism; bon mot; quip
List 2 Vocabulary
1. amalgate v. to combine
Synonym: unite; blend; merge; consolidate Antonym: splinter; disunite
2. demented adj. mentally ill; insane
Synonym: deranged; insane Antonym: sane
3. hone v. to sharpen
Synonym: intensify Antonym: dull
4. beleaguer v. to besiege by encircling (as with am army); to harass
Synonym: surround; annoy Antonym: evade
5. gorge v. to eat or swallow greedily
6. antiquated adj. no longer used or useful; very old
Synonym: obsolete; out-of-date; archaic Antonym: modern
7. opiate n. a narcotic used to cause sleep or bring relief from pain
Antonym: stimulant
8. caricature n. an exaggerated portrayed of one’s features
Synonym: mockery; cartoon
9. dally v. to waste time; to dawdle
Synonym: dawdle; loiter Antonym: hasten; hurry
10. felonious adj. pertaining to or constituting a major crime
List 3 Vocabulary
1. edifice n. a large, elaborate structure; an imposing building
Synonym: fortress Antonym: hovel
2. ambidextrous adj. equally skillful with either hand
3. belated adj. delayed
Synonym: tardy; late Antonym: timely
4. animate v. to give life or motion to
Synonym: enliven; encourage; excited Antonym: quell
5. knead v. to work dough or clay into a uniform mixture
Synonym: squeeze; rub; press
6. chauvinist n. one having a fanatical devotion to a country, gender or religion, with contempt for other countries, the opposite sex, or other beliefs
7. egalitarian adj. promoting equal rights for all people
Antonym: elitist
8. berserk adj. in a state of violent or destructive rage
Synonym: frenzied Antonym: placid; complacent
9. ostentatious adj. marked by a conspicuous, showy or pretentious display
Synonym: grandiose Antonym: unobtrusive; bland
10. delude v. to mislead; to fool
Synonym: deceive Antonym: enlighten
List 4 Vocabulary
1. elude v. to escape notice; to get away from
Synonym: avoid; evade; lose Antonym: attract
2. fallow adj. inactive; unproductive
Synonym: idle; barren Antonym: fertile; productive
3. blight n. anything that destroys, prevents growth, or causes devaluation
Synonym: affliction; disease Antonym: enhancement
4. obsequy n. a funeral rite or ceremony
5. denizen n. an occupant; inhabitant
Synonym: resident Antonym: emigrant; alien
6. fealty n. obligated loyalty or faithfulness
Synonym: devotion; fidelity; allegiance Antonym: disloyalty; treachery
7. entice v. to attract by offering reward or pleasure
Synonym: tempt; lure Antonym: discourage
8. gratify v. to please
Synonym: satisfy; indulge Antonym: displease; disappoint
9. laggard n. a slow person; especially one who falls behind
Synonym: straggler; dawdler Antonym: leader
10. gambit n. maneuver or action used to gain an advantage
Synonym: strategy; ploy; maneuver Antonym: blunder
List 5 Vocabulary
1. jaded adj. worn out; dulled, as from overindulgence
Synonym: exhausted; wearied Antonym: fresh
2. gist n. the main point
Synonym: idea; essence
3. advocate v. to recommend; to speak in favor of
Synonym: promote; encourage Antonym: oppose; contest
4. efface v. to obliterate; to wipe out
Synonym: erase Antonym: enshrine
5. charisma n. personal appeal or attraction; magnetism
Synonym: charm
6. ogre n. a brute; a large monster; a frightful giant
7. mesmerize v. to hypnotize
Synonym: captivate; entrance Antonym: bore
8. entity n. anything having existence, either physical or mystical
9. bandy v. to exchange words; to discuss casually
Synonym: banter
10. dastardly adj. cowardly and treacherous
Synonym: dishonorable; shameful Antonym: righteous
List 6 Vocabulary
1. nepotism n. favoritism shown to family or friends in those in power, especially in business or hiring practices
Synonym: favoritism
2. begrudge v. to resent another’s success; to envy
Synonym: resent Antonym: forgive
3. mandarin n. an influential person; a member of an elite group
4. glutinous adj. gluey; sticky
5. enmity n. a deep-seated hostility, often mutual
Synonym: hatred; antagonism Antonym: friendship
6. declaim v. to speak in a dramatic, pompous, or blustering manner
Synonym: trumpet Antonym: whisper
7. imbue v. to inspire or influence; to saturate
Synonym: instill; pervade
8. gaff n. a pole with a large hook on one end
9. quaff v. to drink in large quantities; to gulp
Synonym: guzzle; swig Antonym: sip
10. bibliophile n. a lover of books
List 7 Vocabulary
1. gird v. to prepare for an event or an action
Synonym: brace
2. daunt v. to make afraid; to discourage
Synonym: intimidate; dishearten Antonym: encourage
3. flux n. a state of continual change or movement
Synonym: fluctuation; instability Antonym: stability; solidarity
4. hovel n. a dirty, wretched living place
Synonym: shanty; shack Antonym: palace; mansion
5. cadaverous adj. of or like a corpse; pale, gaunt, thin
Synonym: ghastly Antonym: robust; healthy
6. gothic adj. of the middle ages; of or relating to a mysterious, grotesque and desolate style of fiction ex. Frankenstein
7. penury n. extreme poverty
Synonym: destitution Antonym: wealth; opulence
8. egress n. an exit; a means of going out
Synonym: passage Antonym: ingress; entrance
9. felicity n. happiness; bliss
Synonym: euphoria; delight Antonym: unhappiness; discontent
10. despot n. a dictator with absolute power
Synonym: tyrant
List 8 Vocabulary
1. beget v. to produce; to make happen
Synonym: generate Antonym: prevent
2. educe v. to draw or bring out
Synonym: elicit Antonym: suppress
3. glean v. to collect bit by bit; to gather with patient labor
Synonym: garner Antonym: disperse
4. chafe v. to wear or irritate, often through rubbing or friction
5. effrontery n. shameless boldness
Synonym: impudence; nerve; audacity Antonym: timidity
6. imbibe v. to drink (especially alcohol)
7. feign v. to pretend
Synonym: simulate; fake
8. desist v. to stop; discontinue
Synonym: cease; end Antonym: begin; start
9. allude v. to hint at, to refer to indirectly
Synonym: suggest; imply Antonym: expose
10. elite n. the choice members or best of a group
Synonym: leaders Antonym: common; multitude
List 9 Vocabulary
1. bilk v. to cheat or swindle; to thwart
2. homily n. a sermon
Synonym: lecture; speech
3. demise n. death; a ceasing to exist
Synonym: termination; conclusion
4. emit v. to send out; to give forth, as in sound or light
Synonym: produce; discharge; release
5. decadence n. moral deterioration
Synonym: decay; corruption; debauchery Antonym: decency
6. aghast adj. feeling great dismay or horror
Synonym: terrified; horrified; shocked
7. granary n. a storehouse for grain
8. choleric adj. easily angered
Synonym: irascible; cantankerous Antonym: apathetic; impassive
9. impede v. to hinder, obstruct
Synonym: delay; retard Antonym: aid; encourage
10. qualm n. a feeling of uneasiness
Synonym: misgiving Antonym: ease
11. lampoon n. a written satire used to ridicule or attack someone
Synonym: parody; caricature
12. narcissistic adj. conceited; having excessive self-love or admiration
Synonym: vain; egotistic Antonym: humble, modest
13. eradicate v. to wipe out; to destroy
Synonym: eliminate Antonym: add; create
14. fabricate v. to concoct; to make up a story in order to deceive
Synonym: forge; fake
15. ghastly adj. horrible; frightful
Synonym: dreadful; hideous Antonym: lovely; attractive
List 10 Vocabulary
1. fallible adj. capable of error
Synonym: imperfect Antonym: infallible; flawless
2. blatant adj. obvious; too conspicuous
Synonym: unconcealed; deliberate Antonym: secretive; cautious
3. dawdle v. to waste time
Synonym: tarry; loiter Antonym: hasten; expedite
4. affiliate n. an associate, partner
Synonym: member; colleague
5. fawn v. to act slavishly submissive
Synonym: grovel Antonym: ignore; disregard; neglect
6. calumny n. a false and malicious accusation
Synonym: slander; slur Antonym: compliment
7. berate v. to scold or rebuke severely and at length
Synonym: admonish; reprimand Antonym: praise
8. minion n. a fawning, servile follower
Synonym: lackey Antonym: leader
9. desolate adj. lonely; forlorn; uninhabited; barren
Synonym: deserted; bleak Antonym: populous; cheerful
10. bane n. the cause of ruin, harm, distress, or death
Synonym: blight; curse Antonym: aid; assistance
11. pacify v. to calm down
Synonym: appease; placate Antonym: provoke; agitate
12. garble v. to mix-up or distort
Synonym: jumble; corrupt
13. prevaricate v. to lie
Synonym: hedge
14. filch v. to steal
Synonym: pilfer; pinch
15. neophyte n. a beginner
Synonym: novice; amateur Antonym: expert; veteran
List 11 Vocabulary
1. flagrant adj. glaringly bad; outrageous
Synonym: offensive; shameless; brazen
2. patrician n. an aristocrat
Synonym: noble Antonym: commoner
3. emissary n. one sent on a special mission to represent others
Synonym: ambassador; agent
4. kindred adj. having similar origin, nature or character
Synonym: homogenous Antonym: disparate
5. fracas n. a loud quarrel or fight
Synonym: brawl
6. lacerate v. to tear (flesh) jaggedly
Synonym: slash; gash; rip Antonym: suture
7. futile adj. useless; pointless
Synonym: ineffectual; fruitless Antonym: effective; useful
8. immaculate adj. spotless; perfect
Synonym: clean; pure Antonym: dirty; spoiled; spotted
9. gait n. a manner of walking
Synonym: walk
10. carp v. to complain or find fault in a petty or nagging way
Synonym: grumble; nag; nitpick Antonym: praise; laud
11. query v. to ask; inquire
Synonym: question; interrogate
12. queue n. a line of people or vehicles
13. nefarious adj. very wicked; notorious
Synonym: villainous; despicable Antonym: reputable; honest
14. genesis n. beginning; origin
Synonym: start; birth Antonym: conclusion; finish
15. façade n. a deceptive outward appearance; a misrepresentation
Synonym: pretense; charade
List 12 Vocabulary
1. deluge n. a flood; an overwhelming rush
Synonym: inundation; surge Antonym: drought; dearth
2. catholic adj. universal; wide-ranging
Synonym: broad Antonym: provincial; limited; parochial
3. eerie adj. weird; mysterious; strange and frightening
Synonym: creepy; sinister Antonym: common; ordinary
4. martial adj. warlike; military
5. anthropomorphic adj. attributing human characteristics or qualities to objects, animals or gods
6. beneficiary n. one who receives benefits
Synonym: recipient; heir
7. careen v. to swerve or lurch from side to side while in motion
Synonym: tilt
8. aplomb n. self-confidence
Synonym: assurance; poise Antonym: awkwardness
9. guile n. slyness and cunning in dealing with others
Synonym: craftiness; astuteness Antonym: honesty
10. modicum n. a small amount
Synonym: bit Antonym: abundance
11. fester v. to grow embittered over time; to rot
12. languish v. to become weak or feeble; to lose strength
Synonym: wither; fade Antonym: thrive
13. pall n. something that covers or conceals
Synonym: shroud
14. havoc n. great destruction; chaos
Synonym: mayhem; disorder Antonym: order
15. rancid adj. having a bad taste or smell; spoiled
Synonym: rotten; repulsive Antonym: fresh
List 13 Vocabulary
1. holocaust n. a great or complete destruction of life
2. embroil v. to draw into a conflict or fight
Synonym: entangle
3. anachronism n. something or someone existing out of its proper time
4. denigrate v. to attack the reputation of; to speak ill of
Synonym: defame; belittle Antonym: praise; promote
5. humane adj. kind; compassionate
Synonym: kindly; benevolent; considerate Antonym: inhumane; cruel
6. effusive adj. emotionally excessive; overly demonstrative
Synonym: gushing Antonym: reserved; restrained
7. defunct adj. no longer in existence
Synonym: invalid; extinct
8. lackey n. a slavish follower
Synonym: minion
9. envisage v. to form a mental picture
Synonym: imagine; visualize
10. lament v. to mourn
Synonym: grieve Antonym: rejoice
11. gape v. to stare with an open mouth
12. impertinent adj. rude and disrespectful
Synonym: insolent; impolite Antonym: polite; courteous
13. haughty adj. arrogant; proud
Synonym: arrogant Antonym: humble; shy
14. nemesis n. someone or something a person cannot conquer or achieve; a hated enemy
Synonym: rival; adversary Antonym: collaborator; friend
15. lethal adj. deadly; fatal
Synonym: mortal Antonym: harmless
List 14 Vocabulary
1.catalyst n. a person, thing or agent that speeds up or stimulates a result, reaction or change
Synonym: mechanism; vehicle; means
2. jargon n. vocabulary distinctive to a particular group of people
Synonym: terminology; lingo
3. judicious adj. showing sound judgment
Synonym: sensible; wise; careful Antonym: foolish; impractical; prejudicial
4. foible n. a minor weakness in character
Synonym: fault; shortcoming
5. benediction n. the act of blessing
Antonym: curse; malediction
6. frivolous adj. trivial; silly
Synonym: inconsequential; vain Antonym: vital; important
7. alacrity n. liveliness; willingness; eagerness
Synonym: enthusiasm; readiness; zeal Antonym: slowness; reluctance
8. deify v. to make a god of; to look upon or worship as a god
Synonym: idolize; worship Antonym: abhor; detest
9. carnage n. bloody and extensive slaughter
Synonym: bloodshed; slaughter
10. impel v. push into motion
Synonym: urge; force; propel; drive Antonym: restrain
11. epitaph n. an inscription on a tombstone; a bridge comment about a deceased person
12. harp v. to persist in talking continuously (on or about something)
Synonym: ramble; complain
13. lateral adj. of or relating to the side
Synonym: sideways
14. pallid adj. pale; faint in color
Synonym: colorless Antonym: hearty; robust
15. impetuous adj. acting suddenly without thought
Synonym: impulsive; rash Antonym: planned; careful
List 15 Vocabulary
1. adjunct adj. connected or attached to in a dependent, subordinate or auxiliary manner, but not part of
2. macabre adj. horrible, grim
Synonym: ghastly; sinister Antonym: beautiful; lovely
3. farcical adj. absurd; ridiculously clumsy
Synonym: ludicrous; funny Antonym: somber; serious
4. debonair adj. carefree and self-confident in manner; elegant and gracious
Synonym: charming; refined; suave Antonym: gauche; awkward
5. penchant n. a strong liking
Synonym: fondness; inclination; taste Antonym: dislike; abhorrence
6. deplete v. to use up gradually
Synonym: empty; exhaust Antonym: replenish
7. chicanery n. the use of tricks or clever talk to deceive or evade
Synonym: trickery; subterfuge Antonym: honesty
8. feisty adj. aggressive; lively, energetic
Synonym: spirited; frisky Antonym: lethargic
9. mitigate v. to make less severe; to become milder
Synonym: diminish; alleviate Antonym: aggravate; exacerbate
10. gull v. to cheat; to fool or hoax
Synonym: dupe; scam; trick
11. nadir n. lowest point
Synonym: bottom Antonym: peak; zenith
12. equivocal adj. ambiguous; intentionally vague
Synonym: uncertain; cryptic Antonym: certain; definite
13. genealogy n. family history
Synonym: lineage
14. impervious adj. incapable of being affected
Synonym: resistant; invulnerable Antonym: vulnerable
15. filial adj. or, relating to, or befitting a son or daughter
List 16 Vocabulary
1. daub v. to paint coarsely or unskillfully
2. admonish v. to warn; to caution in counsel
Synonym: advise; notify; warn
3. obeisance n. a bow or similar gesture expressing deep respect
4. cache n. a concealed store of goods or valuables
Synonym: hoard; reserve
5. affliction n. anything causing great suffering
Synonym: difficulty; pain; burden Antonym: relief; aid
6. mendicant n. a beggar
7. aphorism n. a concise statement of a truth or principle
Synonym: adage; maxim; saying
8. oscillate v. to swing or move back and forth like a pendulum
Synonym: vacillate; fluctuate; alternate
9. delete v. to take out; to remove
Synonym: erase; cancel Antonym: include; add
10. oust v. to drive out; expel; deprive
Synonym: eject
11. impermeable adj. not permitting passage (especially of fluids)
Synonym: impenetrable; impervious Antonym: permeable
12. paean n. a fervent expression, or song, of joy or praise
Synonym: acclaim; tribute
13. imperturbable adj. not easily excited, even under pressure
Synonym: collected; unflustered
14. lax adj. careless or negligent
Synonym: slack; neglectful Antonym: careful; meticulous
15. palpable adj. obvious; capable of being touched or felt
Synonym: evident; conspicuous Antonym: obscure; unclear
List 17 Vocabulary
1. pariah n. a social outcast
Synonym: exile; outsider Antonym: insider
2. fluent adj. able to express oneself easily and clearly
Synonym: well-versed Antonym: inept
3. cavort v. to leap about in a sprightly manner; romp