Conference Synopsis

Bureau: / NOAA
Conference Title: / The Annual Great White Shark Conference
Dates/Total Number of Days: / 8/28-8/30/12/ 3 Days
Location/Venue: / Miami Marriott Biscayne Bay, Miami, Florida
Number of DOC Attendees: / 12
Number of Other Federal Attendees: / 0
Number of Non-Federal Attendees: / 3
Total Number of Attendees: / 15
Net Cost to DOC: / $20,472.45
Gross Conference and Travel Costs: / $20,472.45
Transportation Costs: / $18,347.45
Other Costs: / $2,125.00
Funded by: / NOAA
Procurement Method:
Total Average Cost per Attendee: / $ 1364.83


NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service’s mission includes the responsibility of management, conservation and protection of living marine resources within the United States' Exclusive Economic Zone (water three to 200 mile offshore). In the Atlantic, white sharks are a prohibited species and if a white shark is caught, it must be released with a minimum of injury and without taking the animal out of the water. In the Pacific, California state regulations prohibit the taking of white sharks. NMFS employees will attend this conference to work with these communities to discuss issues pertaining to the Great White and to inform the public on conservation efforts.


  1. Other Costs for the Annual Great White Shark Conference was the registration fee of $45. Included in the registration costs is a lunch for each attendee on August 29. The M & IE was adjusted for this lunch.
  2. There is a welcome reception on August 28th. This reception includes finger food and a cash bar. This is not a meal. Conference does not include promotional items, piped in music, and vouchers for beer and wine.
  3. There are 3 NOAA Travelers who will be presenting at the event.
  4. NOAA does not have any contracts for this event. The event is being hosted by the Great White Shark Association which is hosting this event.
  5. The estimated cost of lodging is within the authorized per diem for lodging of $105 per day. Estimated Lodging tax is a flat fee of $15 per room.
  6. The estimated cost of meals and incidentals (M&IE) is within the authorized per diem for M&IE of $66 per day. M&IE for travelers will be reduced for meals provided by the conference.
  7. Mid-morning light-bite break (day two) will only consist of coffee/soda.
  8. There is no historic information in regards to this conference. NOAA employees have not attended this conference in the past.