Minutes of the Parish Council monthly meeting held at West Lulworth Village Hall on Monday3August2015 at 7:30pm

Councillors present: Mr J Davey (Chairman), Mrs M Colvin, Mrs C Neal, Mr E de Chazal, Ms C Matthews, Miss S Jackson, MrP Maguire.

In attendance: District Councillor Quinn

Mr A Bird (Lulworth Estates)

Miss E Blake (Clerk)

5 members of the public

15/16/065 / Apologies
Received from Councillors Miller and Whittle, County Councillor Lovell.
Public Questions and Discussions Period
a) Mr Lance queried why double yellow lines had still not been implemented at DurdleDoor. MrAndrew Bird, representing Lulworth Estates, responded that Highways had informed him lines should be painted this week.
b) Mr Lance had tried to access the amended Hambury Bottom plans at Purbeck District Council (PDC) but it was not available to view. District Councillor Quinn had brought copies to the meeting for viewing.
c) Ms Redman had concerns about the Hambury Bottom application. These included the extra top floor, possible light pollution, inadequate parking provision and subsidence.
It is believed there will be a future application for installation of windows for the top floor.
d) Mr Andrew Bird, representing Lulworth Estates, has applied for grant funding for the war memorial repairs and a response is awaited.
e) Lulworth Estates will be looking at car parks in a big way due to being overrun with visitors and dust issues. A planning application for toilets in the car park may be submitted soon.
f) The Boat Shed café is now open. Councillor (Cllr) Davey enquired about proposals for where the old BeachCafé used to be and was informed a planning application is expected to be put in for the fishing huts and the back wall has been stabilised. It is hoped that the bank can be stabilised behind the Boat Shed with the insertion of concrete.
g) In response to a query about an overgrown footpath (28), Mr Bird informed the meeting it was the responsibility of County Council but Lulworth Estates would probably cut the grass again.
h) Camp Bestival traffic management was thought to have worked well this year but security was thought to be less stringent than in previous years. Cllr Neal noted that it was not a local company that had carried out waste requirements and local businesses would probably like a chance to tender for the work. Mr Bird stated it is the events company who arrange all the necessary services and the organisers would like local businesses to be involved. Mr Bird will forward details of any business that wishes to offer its services for Bestival.
i) Cllr Matthews walked to the Cove recently and thought it would be disappointing for visitors to arrive and see the weeds all about. Mr Bird responded that most of the weed issues are on the highway so are the responsibility of County Council; recently some bramble was cleared but some people wanted some left so it is a continual balance. Mr Bird commented inappropriately about the village shop and Cllr Matthews felt it appropriate to leave the meeting.
Cllr Matthews left at 8:20pm, Mr Bird and Cllr Jackson left the meeting at 8:23pm. CllrJacksonreturned at 8:25pm.
ACTION: Cllr Quinn to contact County Councillor Lovell about the highway issues.
Declarations of Interest
Cllr Davey declared an interest in the Lulworth Estates tree works application due to employment.
The minutes from the meeting held on Monday 6 July 2015 were agreed as being a true and accurate representation of the meeting and were duly signed by the Chairman.
Reports from District And County Councillor
District Councillor Quinn read out a report from County Councillor Lovell. New Highways Community Liaison officers have been appointed. On 13th July a members briefing discussed working together to gain economic development. There is a need to ratify their approach in line with government guidelines but the issue for Councillors is housing; there is a duty to co-operate and liaise with bordering Councils regarding housing.
Governance arrangements were decided upon with the Policy Group advising the whole Council who would then approve or object. A committee system was not felt to be fair or equitable as not all Cllrs could attend at all times. The Scrutiny Committee was scrapped as the Audit & Governance Committee covers the role.
The recent County Boundary Review supported retaining single member divisions as otherwise Wareham would have had three Cllrs attending District meetings.
Superfast Broadband should come into the western part of West Lulworth by the end of this year and the eastern part by next year.
The draft Conservation Area Review report is ready but Cllr Quinn has not viewed it yet. It is expected to go to Policy Group on 19th August and Policy Group will report on it.
Cllr Davey noted there were issues with the grass up to Durdle Door again. Cllr Quinn suggested that some issues may be due to County Council reorganisation.
Planning Applications / Updates on Previous Planning Applications
6/2015/0379 Hambury Bottom, Britwell Drive, West Lulworth, BH20 5RS. Amended plans to demolish existing buildings and erect new replacement dwelling with detached garage and underground swimming pool; re-profile and re-landscape the grounds. The quality of the current building was discussed. Cllr Jackson had concerns about the sewage, surface water and drainage not being adequately addressed in the application.
Cllr Matthews returned at 8:40pm.
The increase from five bedrooms to ten en-suite rooms suggested possible business use and the proposed dwelling is much larger than the original. Light pollution issues remained and an adverse effect on neighbours expected. All Councillors objected to the proposed demolition.
ACTION: Clerk to forward objections to PDC and to Cllr Quinn to request the application be brought before the Planning Board and a site visit to take place.
Applications for Tree Works / Updates on Previous Tree Works Applications
TWA/2015/0107 Main Road (16), West Lulworth, BH20 5RN. There were no objections to the application to fell an Ash tree and replace with a birch.
TWA/2015/0096 Lulworth Estates application for substantial tree work as detailed in the tree inspection report dated June 2015. This application was withdrawn although comments were still invited. Cllr Davey suggested the response should state that in principle the Parish Council (PC) are opposed to felling trees but if further clarification is provided it will be discussed fairly.
ACTION: Clerk to forward comments to Purbeck District Council.
Cllr Quinn left the meeting at 9:10pm.
a) The following were approved for payment, proposed by Cllr Colvin and seconded by Cllr Miller:
Grass cutting / Cheque number 000806 / £250.00
Clerks salary (July) / Cheque number 000807 / £219.43
b) The following receipts were noted:
Sale of Trail leaflets / £234.00
Interest on playground account (July) / £0.19
Consultations and New Items for Discussion or Report
a) Neighbourliness Award – a new category has been introduced as part of the Best Village Awards. Entry requires written submission of reasons why the area is most neighbourly.
b) Proposed changes to the mobile library service are proposed where there are few service users and in areas that have an alternative stop. Lulworth Camp is proposed for removal but West Lulworth will still be visited by the mobile library.
ACTION: Clerk to forward online link for Councillors to complete.
c) ‘Ask Dorset’ pop up consultations are available to areas that request it. Mainly consisting of a sticker questionnaire it allows Ask Dorset to gain insight into what local people feel County Council should spend the budget on.
d) The problem of dogs not on leads has been highlighted by a recent attack on a farm animal. Cllr Jackson suggested reminding B&B owners/ hoteliers to advise guests to control their dogs, tidy up after them and remind them of cliff dangers.
e) Cllr Neal pointed out that walkers were accessing the path at the end of Bindon road and asked if the sign stating no right of way could be moved as it is about eight feet from the gate.
ACTION: Cllr Davey to contact Maddy about moving the sign.
f) A Purbeck Common Code of Conduct for all Parish and Town councils has been proposed by PDC. This was agreed to be a good idea and further information to be sought.
g) Taxi License consultation.
ACTION: Clerk to forward further details to all councillors.
h) Dorset Highways Councillors Survey.
ACTION: Clerk to forward further details to all councillors.
Ongoing Actions/ Updates from Previous Meetings
a) New owners of the bus shelter have been contacted about leasing to the PC.
ACTION: Copy of original lease to be provided to cottage owners.
b) The Cove toilets were reported to need cleaning. Cllr Davey stated they should be cleaned twice a day. Cllr Jackson had heard that bins at the Cove had been removed as lorries were unable to access them.
ACTION: Clerk to check cleaning schedule with PDC.
Feedback from meetings
Cllrs Jackson and Matthews had attended the recent Purbeck Partial Review meeting where development options were given as a few major sites or ten percent dispersed all around the district. Cllr Matthews felt the discussion period was too orchestrated and Cllr Jackson suggested the consultation document was too laborious.
Tuesday 15 September, 2:30pm to 4:45pm: What needs planning permission and who determines applications?, PDC
ACTION: Clerk to book Cllrs Colvin and Jackson in.
An Experimental Order for Prohibition of Waiting has been introduced at Durdle Door and yellow lines are expected to be implemented shortly.
Items of information and Items for the next Agenda
Temporary closure of footpaths 2 and 3, West Lulworth, for Camp Bestival.
Date of the Next Parish Council meeting
The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Monday 7 September 2015 at 7:30pm at WestLulworth Village Hall.
With no further business the meeting was closed by the Chairman at 9:30 pm.
Chairman: …………………………………………………. Date: ……………………………………………