DeLeon Springs Merchants' Association, Minutes, May 11, 2010

Present: Don Malmborg, Rose Litwineic, Tammy Schuler, Bob Brooks, Wayne Smith, Laura Strawn, Sharon Tinaya, Sam Knowles, Jim McRae, Andy Natal, Steve Crump, Bob Ford, Sandra & Rosario Rizzo, Christine Hirsh.

Don M. called the meeting to order at 10 am. Everyone introduced themselves, we have new visitors Sandra & Rosario Rizzo who live on Ponce DeLeon Blvd, and Christine Hirsh who is opening a hair salon on Hwy 17.

Minutes from March and April were reviewed and approved and the Treasurer's Report was presented and approved. Tammy reminded everyone that the dues are $5 a month through the end of 2010.

Committee Reports:

Website - No report from Malcolm. We probably need a website committee to help keep the website up to date and manage the content.

Appearance-Health Dept is going to schedule a cleanup and we will help with that. Scheduled for June 12 at 8 am.

Membership-Sharon, chairman, wants to increase the membership through recruitment. She is working on a plan. A new address list was passed out, please give corrections to Laura. Tammy passed out a membership survey, which should be completed and returned to her within one week so they can compile the results before the next meeting.

River of Lakes-Laura reported that the Barberville four community meeting is tomorrow night. Carpool leaves DSMA office at 6;00 pm.

Welcome Center- Brochures were on the agenda, but Sharon has them and she will bring them to the next meeting.

T-shirts-Bob B. has a new shirt design and he is offering a $5 discount to DSMA members on the first 24 shirts he produces. Pre-order forms were distributed.

Projects- Don & Bob F. have been working on new sign in front of Porter House by Antiquish in case we need a new meeting space for more room. They have purchased letters for the new sign for $144.

Old Business: New Chairman Nominations: Rose and Len Litwineic were nominated for the chairmanship and elected unanimously.

Next meeting date was announced, June 8, 2010. Meeting was adjourned at 11:05 am.

Respectfully submitted,

Laura Strawn
