St. Joseph School

Extra-Curricular Committee Minutes

Monday, May 2, 2016

Meeting Started at 5:20

Opening prayer

Committee members present: Sara Blackburn, Regie Grabo, Brigette Sullivan, Rob Culp

School Representatives present: Shannon Rogers


Regie Grabo read the minutes from the April 11, 2016 meeting. Sara Blackburn made a motion to accept the minutes as read, Brigette Sullivan seconded the motion, motion carried.

Coaching Recommendations

Selection of coaches was discussed. The following were the recommendations for the 2016-17 School year.


Rob Culp – Head Coach

Gregg Bradshaw – Assistant Coach

Brad Nauman – Assistant Coach


No one submitted an application for this position. The committee recommended a co-op with Rankin School. If that avenue does not pan out, the committee recommended that the lady’s play on the boy’s team.

Cross Country

Zac Myers Head Coach

Girls’ Basketball

5th/6th Grade will combine – Jim Olt Head Coach

7th/8th Grade will combine – Ken Peterson – Head Coach

Boys’ Basketball

5th – The committee recommended that a letter be sent to the 5th grade boys asking who is interested in playing. This will give a more accurate account of the number of boys playing next year. We are still looking for coaches. The 4th grade will not play up at this time but it remains a possibility if there are not enough boys to make a team.

6th Grade – Brian Smith Head Coach

Tom Bresnahan Assistant Coach

7th/8th Grade – Dan Sullivan Head Coach

Rob Culp Assistant Coach


Whende Rueschhoff

Girls’ Volleyball

5th/6th Grade will combine – Krista Dare Head Coach

7th/8th Grade will combine – Alicia Grabo Head Coach

Regie Grabo Assistant Coach


Zac Myers – Head Coach

Sports Physical Night Updates

Bill Sevier did talk to Dora & Jeff and they will be available for sports physicals as long as it begins after 5:00.

Rob will call Matt and follow up on the reservation of the clubhouse at Lake Whitehurst. Rob will also call Bill and follow up on any other contacts Bill has made.

The committee decided that the “physicals” will be conducted on May 10, 2016 from 5:30 to 7:00.

Sponsor Board for next year

Rob will talk to the owner of American Sign Design and see if he would be interested in making our signs.

Shannon mentioned that we need a DI Banner

Recruiting new members for 2016-17 school year

The following is a list of names recommended for the committee for next year.

Luke Bolen, Denise Goessman, Tom Bresnahan, Jason Mutchler, Jason Erxleben, Schad Martin, Tom Edwards, Marty Lambe, Aaron Siltman, Ryan Sivori and Whende Rueschhoff.

Shannon and various committee member said they would reach out to these individuals and see if they would be interested in joining the committee next year.

Treasurer’s Report

Was not discussed.

Odds and Ends

Awards Banquet – the committee felt that everything was ready for tomorrow evening. All members are asked to be there by 5:30 to help setup and stay to help breakdown. Matt will recognize the 8th grade parents for track at the banquet.

Concessions – The committee recommended Shannon price a new cheese dispenser for next year. Shannon stated that the old cheese could be utilized in the kitchen. Shannon will have Ally check on the supplies on hand.

Assistant Athletic Directors – it was recommended that someone else be available for the times when Shannon or Zac cannot cover the games. Shannon will look into that.

Division 8 Sportsmanship Awards – Shannon had a list of the member schools in Division 8. She asked the committee to help rank the schools for submittal.

DI students – Shannon mentioned the DI students will be going to Knoxville Tennessee May 24, 25, 26 & 27 for the “Global” competition. They are the only group from this area to have made it this far.

They are sponsoring some fund raising events to help raise $3750.00 required to attend. At this time, they have approximately $1400.00 dollars.

The committee recommended that we help promote these events for the students.

Shannon has watched their program and said it is truly amazing. If anyone is interested in seeing their program, they will be practicing May 10, 11, & 12 at 5:30. Also, May 18 & 19 at 5:30.

Closing prayer

Meeting ended at 6:45 pm

Next Meeting – June 6 @ 5:15

August 8 @ 5:15