English / This Half-Term we will be reading a variety of stories, including:
Tidy Titch – Pat Hutchins
Dogger – Shirley Hughes
Handa’s Surprise – Eileen Browne
Pardon? Said the giraffe – Collin West
Giraffes can’t dance – Giles Andrea
Owl Babies – Martin Wadell
We’re Going on a Bear Hunt – Michael Rosen
A day with the Animal Doctors – Sharon Rentta
The children will listen to stories with increasing attention and recall.
Children will take part in making and describing the setting and characters from a story. They will sequence story pictures and draw and label parts of a story.
Children will take part in daily phonics sessions. This will help them develop reading and writing skills.
We have daily guided reading or individual reading sessions to help develop children’s reading and comprehension skills. Children who are at the pre-reading stage will talk about the pictures in the story, explain how the characters might be feeling, guess what might happen next and talk about their favourite part of a story.
Children will have lots of opportunities to develop their fine motor skills and pencil control in order to progress to forming letters correctly. / This Half-Term we will be reading a variety of stories, including:
The Fabulous Firework Family – James Flora
Hovis the Hedgehog: Bonfire Night – Lynda Leigh Crawford
Around the World We Go – Margaret Wise Brown
The Jolly Christmas Postman – Janet and Allan Ahlberg
A letter to Santa – Debra Halverson
The children will listen to stories with increasing attention and recall. They will sequence pictures of stories.
The children will also explore a variety of different writing templates such as lists and letters.
Children will take part in daily phonics sessions. This will help them develop reading and writing skills.
We have daily guided reading or individual reading sessions to help develop children’s reading and comprehension skills. Children who are at the pre-reading stage will talk about the pictures in the story, explain how the characters might be feeling, guess what might happen next and talk about their favourite part of a story.
Children will have lots of opportunities to develop their fine motor skills and pencil control in order to progress to forming letters correctly.
Maths / Number and place value
Children will:
  • Read and write numbers from 0-5, 1-10 or 1-20 and above.
  • Identify and represent numbers using objects and pictorial representations.
  • Identify one more and one less than a number or group of objects.
  • Begin to understand the language of more than and less than and use this language in practical situations.
Length and weight
Children will:
  • Order two or three items by length or height.
  • Order two items by weight or capacity.
  • Explore non-standard and standard measures.
Addition and Subtraction
Children will:
  • Compare two groups of objects, saying when they have the same number.
  • Finds the total number of items in two groups by counting all of them.
  • In practical activities and discussion, beginning to use the vocabulary involved in adding and subtracting.
/ 2D and 3D shape
Children will:
  • Show an interest in shape and space by playing with shapes or making arrangements with objects.
  • Shows awareness of similarities of shapes in the environment.
  • Show an interest in shape by sustained construction activity or by talking about shapes or arrangements.
  • Show an interest in shapes in the environment.
  • Uses shapes appropriately for tasks.
  • Begin to talk about the shapes of everyday objects, e.g. ‘round’ and ‘tall’.
  • Begin to use mathematical names for ‘solid’ 3D shapes and ‘flat’ 2D shapes, and mathematical terms to describe shapes.
  • Select a particular named shape.
Children will:
  • Recognise and know the value of different coins.
  • Count pennies accurately to buy items from the class shop.
  • Some children will be able to make the same amount using a range of coins.
  • Some children will be able to add two coins together.
Children will:
  • Recognise and use language relating to dates including days of the week and months.
  • Use everyday language related to time.
  • Order and sequence familiar events.
  • Measure short periods of time in simple ways.
  • Some children will measure and begin to record time to the nearest hour.

Science / Animals including humans
Children will:
  • Identify and name some common animals including fish, amphibians reptiles and mammals.
  • Begin to identify, name, draw and label (with support) the basic parts of the human body.
  • Learn which part of the body is associated with each sense.
/ Everyday materials
Children will:
  • Learn how to distinguish between an object and the material which it is made from.
  • Look at identifying and naming a variety of everyday materials including wood, plastic, glass, metal, water and rocks.

Computing / Using technology
Children will:
  • Become skillful in using different tools to control technology.
  • Complete a simple program on a computer.
/ Using the Internet
Children will:
  • Understand that different information comes from different sources e.g books, websites and TV.
  • Children will also learn about E-safety. This covers online games, stranger danger and bullying online.

PSHE / New Beginnings
Children will:
  • Consider how theyfeel about different things.
  • Begin to share worries and concerns and what they arelooking forward to this academic year.
Improving our class and school
Children will:
  • Learn about classroom rules and rules in the community.
Children will also learn about a range of jobs that are carried out by people they know and people that help us. / Safety rules
Children will about:
  • How to keep safe.
  • Road safety.
  • Harmful products in the home.
  • Stranger danger.

Physical Education / Fundamental Movement Skills
Children will master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching, as well as developing balance, agility and coordination. They will then begin to apply these skills in a range of activities. / Team Work
Children will participate in team games, developing simple tactics for attacking and defending.
Creative Curriculum / All About Me
Children will:
  • Learn about where they live, their family, their community and how to lead a healthy lifestyle.
  • Study themselves in a mirror and use a range of materials to create a portrait of themselves.
  • Recognise and discuss the key similarities and differences between themselves and others.
  • Begin to describe self in positive terms and talk about abilities.
Children will:
  • Learn about animals as pets and how to look after them.
  • Learn about animal charities.
  • Learn about animals that help us e.g. guide dogs.
  • How a farm works and comparing farm life to life in a home.
  • Animals around the world e.g. jungle animals, rainforest animals, animals in the polar regions.
  • Create simple representations of animals using a variety of resources.
  • Explore colour mixing to create the correct shade for animals.
/ All around the World
Children will:
  • Have the opportunity to learn about different celebrations around the world and get involved with these celebrations.
  • Hold celebrations in school for their peers
  • Explore a map and globe tofind out where the different countries are. Taste foods from different cultures and countries.
  • Learning about different cultures and discuss the key similarities and differences in relation to their own.
  • Create flags from different countries using a range of materials.
  • Listen and respond to National Anthems of a variety of countries.
  • Listen to music from different countries.
  • Learn about the weather in different countries.
  • Explore a variety of ways to travel to different countries.

Religious Education / Christianity
Who am I?
Children will learn all about themselves. For example, their name, family, home, feelings and their favourite things. / Christianity
Who am I?
Children will continue to learn about themselves. For example, their birth, things they can do, things they cannot do and about their future.
Children will learn about the events of the Christmas story and Christmas Nativity.
Music / Animals
Children will listen to animal music and discuss the characteristics of various animals and how you might describe them using sounds.
Children will also explore pulse and rhythm and explore singing. / Christmas
Joint whole School Christmas activities,