Academic Year Planner 2017/18

This is very much a working document):

Teacher / Maria Garcia Vicente
Form Group / FORM 4
Week / Date / Topic / Reading/Homework


1 / September / Introduction to GCSE: coursework requirements - portfolio of work and minor project (yr 11 major project and exam) - power point intro to Typography / Homework: complete Typography word and get information about what it is and how it is used.
2 / September / A look at the use of words/text in pictures - power point. Monogram’s – create one using your own initials – a page of experiments – create a final design - trace
/ Shade in your final design read the section in the book on creating logos
3 / September / Create a series of designs using monogram: drop shadow, mirror image, rotation /
Look at logos on line and collect pictures and information about them.
4 / September / Using graphic design to create descriptive words: ice, melt, bounce, bang, fire, crash, smash, splash, - design three choose best to refine and colour in. / Homework: complete colouring of word – research business
5 / October / Introduction to Photoshop – altering your initials or your “descriptive word” using the computer program. Creating new designs through experimentation. / Homework: research and collect some information about the type of business you are promoting with your business card. Colour in your final design A5 size
6 / October / How to mount work and create the best page layout for your work - show examples Assessment : final idea for “descriptive word” / Homework: complete all mounting and presentation of coursework
7 / October / Power point - show examples: creating a picture of yourself using words that describe you and your life. An exercise in using text to create a picture
HALF TERM (week 8) / Homework: colour in the word picture of you and make sure you have all this terms work neatly mounted in your sketch book over the holiday!
9 / November / Power point: Xmas cards: the different types, styles and ways of making them (drawing, collage, photography) Create a basic pop-up card: annotate and decorate. / Homework: Research the history of Xmas cards A4 page with information in own words and pictures.
10 / November / How to create different designs in diverse media - experimenting / Homework: take photographs to use in the creation of your Xmas cards
11 / November / Using Photoshop to experiment with and refine initial Xmas card designs / Mount new designs and annotate explaining what you did
12 / November / Power Point/examples of pop-up-cards - how to create a three stand pop-up-card / 2 x A4 pages on how to create a pop-up-card - explanatory design sheet information and pictures
13 / December / How to decorate using a variety of media - Assessment creation of final card design / Complete the mounting and annotation of all Xmas Card work
14 / December / Complete all unfinished work - mounting and sticking in of final design / Holiday work: get sketch book up to date - write evaluation of Xmas card project



1 / January / What the “collage – real and digital” artwork of several artists looks like: Power point. Demonstration of how to create a collage in the style of Kareem Rizk. Show examples of this. / Research the collage artist Kareem Rizk. Write a paragraph about his life and work and include 2 pictorial examples of his work.
2 / January / How to create a collage in the style of Jaques Villegle and how to create a “frame”. How to seal work with thinned PVA. / Research the collage artist Jaques Villegle. Write a paragraph about his life and work and include 2 pictorial examples of his work.
3 / January / How to scan own art work and experiment with digital media to create new work / Write an analysis for one of Kareem Rizk’s pictures - using department guidelines.
4 / January / Using Photoshop to create new collages from your originals using numbers and text of different scale and type. / Write an analysis for one of Jaques Villegle’s pictures - using department guidelines.
5 / February / How to mount created work annotate and present it as a mini project / Create your own collage in the style of one of the artist we have studied.
6 / February / Create a poster based on a selected section of one of your Photoshop collages Using watercolour or acrylic paint.
HALF TERM (week 7) / Mount your poster as a “final piece”
8 / February / DADA - investigation of this art style: power point - create a collage in the style of DADA / Present some general information about Dada its style and history include 2 -3 pictures.
9 / March / Investigation of two Dada artists and their painting style: how to create similar work using mixed media / Investigate a Dada artists whose work you like and write a paragraph about him and a paragraph about his work include two pictures
10 / March / Select an area of the Dada collage - create an enlargement painting in mixed media / Mount all work
11 / March / Scan new image in and experiment and develop in Photoshop, Experimentation with text - what and how to add text to scanned image Assessment
Image with text / Complete all unfinished work


Create final design for background to promotional graphics


1 / April / Investigation of an era - the history, the art and design style - power point / Collect information and pictures relevant to era chosen
2 / April / How to create a “mood board” - power-point show exemplars - students collect and cut out images to create a “mood board” related to the era they chose / Investigate advertising “posters” created in the era chosen and collect 4 A6 picture copies
3 / April / Create an “artists copy” of a section of one of the posters related to the era chosen. A5 size. Complete “mood board” / Sketch out your own “poster” depicting the era you have chosen
4 / May / A look at “coffee shops, advertising, promotion, decor and style” - power point Assessment: Colour in your “poster” design using mixed media. - / Investigate the “coffee shop” collect relevant advertising examples
5 / May / Using work you have created so far experiment with various media including digital to create ideas for promotional material for a coffee shop / Create a business card design for a coffee shop
6 / May / Refining ideas for menu and business card designs using Photoshop/mixed media - power point
HALF TERM (week 7) / Investigate Coffee & Cake packaging collect 4 examples - take photographs of coffee shops
8 / June / Posters - a look at their design history - power point - what, why - how they might be created - students create a series of sketches for their coffee shop poster / Read book on developing ideas in graphic communication
9 / June / Using their finished design idea students create and A3 poster using any media of their choice. / Create an A5 /A4 finished design idea for their poster
10 / June / Mounting and presenting of “minor project” era coffee shop graphic communication work. Peer evaluation / Write an evaluation of their “coffee shop” work
11 / June / Assessment


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