Mrs. Grant, Room 211


School Phone: 262-376-5597

Additional Materials:

·Non-latex gloves (Walgreens $4.99 or Costco)

· Workbook: Biozone - Anatomy and Physiology

Check made out to GHS for $14.00 ASAP

To be successful:

1.  Listen to what people are saying.

2.  Regular attendance – There is a direct correlation between attendance and your grade. Be sure to dissect on your own if you have a planned absence.

3.  Respect and honesty

4.  Please be on time. Tardiness – Students must be in classroom before the bell rings with needed materials.

1st tardy – warning

2nd tardy – warning

3rd tardy – 25 minute detention

4th tardy – office referral

5.Use appropriate language and behavior at all times.

6.Clean up your lab station or work area. If equipment is not cleaned up, the student will receive a grade reduction on the lab or will be asked to clean up the entire lab at a later time.

Grading Policies:


·  Excused – missed work is due two days after absence! Missed a test? Be ready to take it as soon as possible.

·  Unexcused –If you skip the day of a test your letter grade will be lowered by one letter grade.

·  Make up Lab work: Depending on the lab you will be expected to make up the lab – especially the dissection. If you miss more than one day of dissection you will dissect a pig of your own. You will not be working with a partner.

·  Late work: If you hand in an assignment after I have already passed it back you will receive half credit.

o  1 day – 1 point

o  2 days – 2 points

o  3 days – half credit

1.Grade is based on total points.

2, Grading Scale:

A 100% - 93% / B+ 89% - 87% / C+ 79% - 77% / D+ 69% - 67%
A- 92% - 90% / B 86% - 83% / C 76% - 73% / D 66% - 63%
B- 82% - 80% / C- 72% - 70% / D- 62% - 60%

Semester grade:

·  Quarter 1 (3) grade = 40%, Quarter 2 (4) grade = 40%, Final exam = 20%

What will be graded?

Formative Assessment


Summative Assessment

Includes but is not limited to: Study Guides / Includes but not limited to:
Worksheets / Tests/Quizzes
Workbook pages

Important note: Although formative assessment is not counted in the overall grade calculation there are incentives to completing formative assessments:

a.  Test corrections can be done not matter what your score. You will receive a half of a point back for every correction. Students must have all formative assessments complete in order to do test corrections.

b.  If you have all formative assessments complete you will receive 5% of the total amount of points possible.

Test Information:

·  Tests or quizzes’ will be a combination of multiple choice, matching, labeling diagrams, and short answer. Exams and quizzes are closed book and closed note. The student is expected to study for tests/quizzes daily.

·  Lab tests and quizzes will include identification of structures studied in lab.


·  Webpage – linked to GHS webpage

1.  all PowerPoint’s

2.  some handouts

3.  a list of assignments and labs in each unit

4.  helpful study links and apps

Field Trip –

·  Cadaver Lab – Concordia University (1/2 day)

Chapter Outline

Text: The Human Body in Health and Illness, Herlihy & Maebius (Saunders Publishing)

I. Chapter 1: Introduction to the Human Body pp. 1-10, Chapter 6: Tissues and Membranes pp. 78 – 90

II. Chapter 8: Skeletal System pp. 110 – 133

III. Chapter 9: Muscular System pp. 139 – 156

IV. Chapter 20: Digestive System pp. 373 – 397, Chapter 21: Urinary System pp. 404 - 417

IV. Chapter 14: Blood pp. 254 – 269, Chapter 15: The Heart, pp. 273 – 286, Chapter 16: Blood Vessels and Circulation, pp. 293-314, Chapter 18: Immune System p. 331

V. Chapter 19: Respiratory System, pp. 346 - 366