1. Personal Information:

First name:Thi thanh mai


E-mail: or

2. Qualification and Professional Courses:

2.1. Professional Education:

Population Leadership Program
Packard & Gate Foundation Fellow
Washington University, Washington, USA / 2004- 2005
Master of Health System Management
LondonSchool of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
LondonUniversity, London, UK / 1998-2000
Medical Doctor
Specialized in Pediatric
Hanoi, Viet Nam / 1986-1992

2.2. Professional short courses:

Training courses at University of Washington, WA, USA
Reproductive Health
Instructors: Prof. Steve Gloyd and professors of Population Leadership Program
School of Public Health and Community Medicine / Fall Quarter 2004
Winter Quarter, 2005
Spring Quarter, 2005
Leadership skills
Instructors: Prof. Nancy Campell and professors of Population Leadership Program
DanielEvansSchool of Public Affairs / Fall Quarter 2004
Winter Quarter, 2005
Spring Quarter, 2005
Health and Human Rights
Instructor: Prof. Rivin and Prof. Kuszler
LawSchooland School of Public Health and Community Medicine / Spring Quarter, 2005
Individual and Organization
Instructor: Prof. Mitchell Terrence
BusinessSchool / Spring Quarter, 2005
Human Resource and Financial Sides of Program Management
Instructor: Prof. Jeremy Sappington
School of Public Health and Community Medicine / Spring Quarter, 2005
Human Resource Management
Instructor: Prof. George -Jane Falvy
BusinessSchool / Winter Quarter, 2005
Health Program Evaluation
Instructor: Prof. David Grembowski
School of Public Health and Community Medicine / Fall Quarter, 2004
APHA 132nd Meeting
WashingtonDC, US / November 2004
The 2nd Leadership course on Gender, Sexuality and Sexual Health in South East Asia and China
MahidolUniversity, Bangkok, Thailand. / August- September 2003
The second Asia Pacific Conference on Sexual and Reproductive Health
Bangkok, Thailand. / October 2003
Other short courses
Project Writing Skills
Strategic planning
Supervision, Monitoring and Evaluation in the PHC activities
Basic Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Introduction to Public Health
Training of Trainer
Participatory Rural Appraisal - PRA
Qualitative Research Methodology
Reproductive Health Workshop
ThirdCommonwealth Conference on Diarrhea and Malnutrition
Epidemiology and Field Research methodology
Epidemiology and Field Research methodology
Participatory Rural Appraisal
Training of Trainers / From 1994 to 1999

3. Professional Experiences/ Responsibilities:

3.1. Management experience:

Research on “Model for Care and support for People living with HIV/AIDS at home”
Project coordinator
Principle researcher
This is a quasi-experimental study to evaluate the model for care and support for people living with HIV/AIDS at home in DaNang city that implemented by Danang Public Health Association with technical assistant fromVietnam Public Health Association Headquarter / From January, 2006 to present
Capacity building for Cordaid’s partners in Common Health Program
Program Coordinator
Under this program, there are twelve organizations, including University, SecondaryMedicalSchool, ProvincialHealthEducationCenter, DistrictHealthCenters, INGOs and LNGOs that implement eight projects in eight provinces in Viet Nam and have two objectives:
1. By the end of 2006, the common health programme supported by Cordaid that focus on children health, women health and HIV/AIDS in Vietnam have been implemented, managed and coordinated effectively in the project areas
2. By the end of 2006, key persons of CORDAID’s partners have been:1) skillful in managing integrated child care and women’s health; 2) competent in project implementation at district-wide with community mobilisation. / Phase II: 2004-2006
Capacity building for Cordaid’s partners in Common Programming for Health
Project Director
Aim of the program was to assist CORDAID and local partners in the formulation of a countrywide policy for a constructive cooperation in health and development in Vietnam that focus on children health, women health and HIV/AIDS / Phase I: 2003
Alliance Project for ARH in Viet Nam - EC/UNFPA Initiative for Reproductive Health in Asia (RHI)
Part-time National consultant
The Alliance Project was a focal point for the collaboration and co-operation of the planning, implementing, monitoring and management activities on Adolescent Reproductive Health undertaken by different partners (International Non-governmental Organizations, Local Non-governmental Organizations, Mass organizations) in eleven provinces in Viet Nam / 2002- 2003
Primary Health Care Projects
Part-time technical project officer
PHC Project in Laocai Province (Northern Mountainous area of Vietnam) and Thai Binh Province (Red River Delta) supported by Danish Red Cross.
Main activities under these projects:
  • To build capacity for Red Cross staff at all levels in designing, planning, implementing, monitoring, supervision and evaluation of the primary health care project (PHC)
  • To set up, maintain and train for networks of village health workers
  • To provide health education for villagers on prevention and treatment of common diseases including gyneacological diseases through mother’s clubs, community meetings
  • Conduct the PHC supported activities: needs assessment, innovation of safe water system, improvement of sanitation and environment, credit and saving scheme with community participation
/ 1994 – 2001
Consultation of Investment inHealth Promotion (CIHP)
Founder, manager and senior consultant / 1999 - Present

3.2. Training experience:

Gender and Sexual Health in Great Mekong Sub-Region (GMS)
Lecturer of Module 1- Overview of gender, sexual health and HIV/AIDS in GMS
Training workshop for health professionals from Laos and Myanmar
Conducted by KunmingMedicalCollege, Kunming, China
Requested by KunmingMedicalCollege / July 2005
Supportive Supervision
Principle trainer
Training workshop for project officers of Save the Children UK (SC UK) and Enfants et Development (EED)
Requested by SC UK and EED / July 2004
Guideline on Monitoring and Evaluation of the Adolescent Reproductive Health program
Principal trainer
Training workshop for staff of seven component projects of EC/UNFPA Reproductive Health Initiative program in Viet Nam
Requested by EC/UNFPA –The Alliance Project for ARH in Viet Nam / February 2001
Result-based Management
Principal trainer
Training workshop for staff of seven component projects of EC/UNFPA Reproductive Health Initiative program in Viet Nam
Requested by EC/UNFPA –The Alliance Project for ARH in Viet Nam / September 2001
“Training of Trainers” on “Maternal and Child Health care and Family Planning”
Training workshop for provincial trainers from Yen Bai, Ha Giang, Thai Binh and Da Nang provinces- Training Project VIE/97/P10- Ministry of Health – UNFPA / March 1999
Participatory approach in health care and development
Principal trainer
Training workshop for staff of Laos Red cross in Vientiane- Laos People’s Democratic Republic
Requested by Danish Red cross F.O in Laos People’s Democratic Republic / January 1999
Blood tests for HBV, HIV, VDRL
Training workshop for health staff in Thai Binh province, funded by UNFPA / November 1998
Community Health Diagnosis and Health Education skills
Principle trainer
HanoiMedicalSchool’s training program for Third Year Students in Kim bang District, Nam Ha Province (field site of HanoiMedicalSchool) / 1997 - 1999
Training of trainer (TOT)
Health Education (HE)
Development of Information Education Communication materials
Participatory Rapid Appraisal (PRA)
Quantitative research methodology
Logical Framework Approach (LFA)
Planning, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation System (PIMES)
"Credit and Saving programme” for Mother’s Clubs in mountainous areas
Principal trainer
A series of training workshops for Laocai PHC Project staff at commune, district and provincial levels supported by Danish Red Cross. / from 1994 to 2001
"Guideline on prevention and treatment of diarrhea at home for ethnic minority people"
Principal trainer
Training programme for village health workers, authorities and Women's Union members in Tuong Duong District- Nghe An Province supported by Oxfam Hongkong. / 1995 –1996
"How to make and use Home made Cereal Based Oral Rehydration Solution (CB-ORS) in treatment of diarrhea at home"
Principal trainer
Training program for ethnic minority women in Luong Minh commune, Tuong Duong District, Nghe An Province supported by Oxfam Hongkong / 1994
Primary Health Care
The training course for District Health Workers in the PHC project in Doluong district- Nghe An Province supported by SCF U.K. / September 1992
HanoiMedicalSchool – Community Health Research Unit (CHRU)
CHRU member / August 1992 to July 1999

3.3. Research experience:

Final review of the Counseling Centers in the 6th UNFPA supported program
Team leader
This review aimed to find out the relevant of the Counseling models in order to provide the recommendation for next Country UNFPA supported program / September-October 2005
Survey on Youth- Friendly Service
This survey conducted with the cooperation between CIHP and Pop Council which aims to assess the KAP of high school students at project sites of Pathfinder International on reproductive health, needs for reproductive health services, knowledge and skills of health professionals in providing youth-friendly reproductive health services / February- April 2004
The Mid-term Evaluation of program "Community-based Awareness Raising and Behavioural Change for Vietnamese Youth in Viet Nam" in prevention of HIV/AIDS (VIE/01/009).
Key evaluator / October- December 2003
In-Country Studies: UNFPA/IPPF EvaluationKey evaluator
Evaluation of the contribution of UNFPA and IPPF to addressing the reproductive rights and health needs of young people. The purpose is to assess the performance of UNFPA country offices and FPAs in selected countries in promoting reproductive rights and health for - and with the aim of achieving behavioural change among - young people. / March- May 2003
Review of New Zealand- Viet NamHealth Trust Program
Key evaluator
The purpose and objectives of the review were to assess the relevance, efficiency and effectiveness of the New Zealand – Viet Nam Health Trust and recommend the scope of any future NZAID assistance to the Trust. / June 2003
Final evaluation- VIE/00/P63 Project “Strengthening the capacity of VINAFPA at Ha Noi, Thai Binh, Ninh Binh and Quang Binh”
Key evaluator
The long-term objective of the project is to support the government of Vietnam’s objective of improving the overall quality of life for Vietnamese people, especially achieving replacement-level fertility by 2005, improving reproductive health in Vietnam, enhancing gender equality, and decreasing the spread of HIV and AIDS. The aim of evaluation is to provide an independent assessment of the status of project implementation and of whether the project VIE00P63 ”Strengthening Institutional Capacity of VINAFPA” is achieving its objectives as specified in the project agreement and project related document and identification of gaps and needs for further improvement. / April 2003
The Final Evaluation on the in-country training courses of clinical techniques and hospital management at Cho Ray hospital
Key evaluator
The course is cooperation between governments of Japan and Viet Nam, implemented by ChoRayHospital under the supervision and management support of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). It’s purpose is to provide the participants from various regions in Viet Nam with opportunities to improve their knowledge and skills in the field of clinical techniques and hospital management / January - March 2003
Regional Dimension Project on Monitoring and Evaluation of EC/UNFPA Initiative for Reproductive Health in Asia- NIDI/LSHTM
In-Country Researcher
Requested by EC/UNFPA -The Alliance Project for ARH in Viet Nam / May 2000 - February 2002
Link between gender and sexual and reproductive health in Vietnam
Principal researcher
Collaborative research with the John Snow Institute (JSI), Academy for Educational and Development Center (AED), USA and the Population & Development International (PDI)- Funded by the Rockefeller Foundation / May 2001 - 2003
Final evaluation of the Vietnam - Sweden Health Cooperation (VSHC) in a period 1999 – 2002
Key evaluator
Requested by Program Management Unit-VietnamSweden Health Cooperation / May - September, 2002
Mobile/migrant population assessment in Thai Binh, Hanoi and Dong Nai- Implications for HIV/AIDS prevention and care interventions
Team member
Needs assessment- requested by Family Health International (FHI) / May –June, 2001
Training needs assessment at four Viet Nam Family Planning Association’s branches - Hanoi, Thai Binh, Ninh Binh and Quang Binh
Team leader
Needs assessment- requested by United Nations Population Fund / March 2001
Impact of the International Conference on Population Development (ICPD) on Women Empowerment and Women Reproductive Health Care
Principal researcher
Qualitative research - Collaborate with the John Snow Institute (USA) and the Population & Development International (PDI) / 1998 – 2001
Exploring the KAP of the KOTO’s trainees in adolescent reproductive
Principle researcher
Requested by the World Population Foundation (WPF) / January - February 2001
Market analysis to improve the quality of population and
reproductive health information of the Giadinh - Xahoi
Key researcher
Requested by the Population Council / January - May 2001

Role of Village Health Workers in promoting Reproductive Health

of Women in Thaibinh province

Senior researcher

Qualitative research funded by the Danish Red Cross

/ June1997 - August 1999
Situation of Reproductive Tract Infections (RTIs) in Vietnam: Critical Review of Literature 1995 – 2000
Principle researcher
Funded by Ford Foundation / 1999 – 2000
Adolescent Reproductive Health in Vietnam
Principle researcher
Qualitative research- Conducted by research team from Hanoi Medical School and Institute of Sociology in Thai Binh and Quang Ninh Province
Supported by Netherlands Embassy / April - December 1998
The effect of Health Education to improve knowledge and practice of mothers in Diarrhoea Prevention in one mountainous province of Vietnam
Team leader
Quasi-experimental research supported by Danish Red cross / 1996 - 1998
Intervention research on diarrheal diseases among children under five in Tuong Duong district, Nghe An province
Team leader
Quantitative research supported by Oxfam Hongkong / 1995 - 1996
PHC project evaluation- the pilot phase
Team member
Lao Cai PHC project supported by Danish Redcross / October - November 1995
Feasibility study of the Primary Health Care Project
Team member
Feasibility studyin DakLakProvince (Central Highland of Vietnam) supported by DANIDA- Demark / January 1995
Health Needs Assessment
Team member
PRA in Xuan Tuong commune, Thanh Chuong District, Nghe An Province requested by Oxfam Belgium / April 1994
Baseline survey
Team member
Baseline survey for assessment of the health needs and using for monitoring and evaluation of the PHC project in Doluong district- Nghe An Province supported by SCF U.K. / December 1992 - January 1993

3.4. IEC development:

Participated in development of:

  • Training curriculum for Village Volunteers on Diarrheal disease control, Malaria control, Women’s Hygiene & environment - Lao Cai PHC project
  • Table flipcharts used by Village Volunteers on Diarrheal disease control, Malaria control, Women’s Hygiene & environment - Lao Cai PHC project
  • Training curriculum for trainers on Training of Village health workers -Thai Binh PHC project
  • Toolbox on Primary Health Care program for the Viet Nam Red cross- Danish Red cross PHC programme
  • Practical Guideline for the control of the common disease programmes
  • A series of six reportage films on “Voice of young people on Adolescent Reproductive Health” and Advocacy programme on “”What adults do for Adolescents” which have aired in the national television programme- Alliance Project for Adolescent Reproductive Health in Viet Nam
  • Brochure of the EC/UNFPA Initiative for Adolescent Reproductive Health in Viet Nam

Participated in:

  • Review and revision of common IEC materials on Adolescent Reproductive Health developed by seven component ARH projects under EC/UNFPA Reproductive Health Initiative program in Viet Nam 1998-2002 (including 49 IEC materials in different types)

3.7. Published/presentation papers

  • Paper presentation entitled “Why Silence? Reasons why women who experience domestic violence in Viet Nam do not seek outside support”
  • Impact of ICPD on Gender and Women Empowerment – May 2002.
  • Role of Village Volunteers in Promoting Women Reproductive Health in ThaiBinhProvince- Medical Publishing House. September 2000
  • "How to make and use Home made Cereal Based Oral Rehydration Solution (CB-ORS) in treatment of diarrhea at home" - Poster presentation in the ThirdCommonwealth Conference on Diarrhea and Malnutrition- Hongkong

4. Other personal capacity

4.1. Language:




4.2. Computer skills:

Word processing, Excel, Corel Draw software

Data analysis (Quantitative, Qualitative including EPI INFO 6., SPSS, Beta programme).