Justice for Children in Trouble
NAYJ is a registered charity: Number 1138177
Dear …………………………………………..…..
Your membership of NAYJ will be due for renewal in ………………..…..…. To maintain your membership and access to Youth Justice: An International Journal (published by SAGE) and to enable us to keep our membership database up to date, could you please complete this form and return it as soon as possible. This is important if you have (or wish to) change your e-mail address, as correspondence from NAYJ will normally be via e-mail. As you can see we now have the option of both electronic access and hard copies of Youth Justice: An International Journal (hereinafter Youth Justice) available for a total minimum donation of £36 should you wish to receive both.
Electronic renewal and payment by Paypal can be made via the web site –
If you wish to use another method of payment please complete this form:
Name: ......
Home Address: …………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Post code: ……………………………………
E mail: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
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I would like to receive electronic access to Youth Justice only: [ ] Minimum donation of £18
I would like to receive both electronic and hard copies of Youth Justice: [ ] Minimum donation of £36
If you currently pay by standing order, you need only complete and return this form. If you wish to make any changes to this arrangement please contact
Cheque for ...... payable to NAYJ should be sent to the Membership Secretary (address below).
Payment for ...... can also be made by bank transfer: Sort Code 08.92.99; Account No. 65078792.
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Please send your completed application form (and cheque where applicable) to:
NAYJ Membership Secretary, Prestbury House, Churcham, Gloucestershire GL2 8BB
If paying by bank transfer, this form can be e mailed to