M.Zheliznyk and V.Iljin.
- The brief characteristic of the organization
« The Leningrad Metal factory » in Saint Petersburg is branch of Open Society « Power(Force) machines » and has no financial independence. Open Society " Power(Force) machines " - the Russian manufacturer and the supplier of the equipment for hydraulic, thermal, gas and atomic power stations, for transfer and distribution of the electric power. The structure of Open Society included " the Leningrad metal factory ", "Electric power", " the Factory turbine лопаток", and also marketing company " Энергомашэкспорт ". Besides Open Society " Power(Force) machines " belongs about 35 % of actions(shares) НПОЦКТИto them. Ползунова(Saint Petersburg). The equipment made by the enterprises of concern, is established in 87 countries of the world.
" power(Force) machines " are the unique manufacturer by the basic kinds of the power equipment and borrow(occupy) a leading position in the market.
Director of branch for today is I.P.Sorochan. The organizational structure has considerably changed in 2004.
« Up to 2004, probably, year at us was financial independence: we concluded contracts, sold turbines, received money. Now company « Power(Force) machines » (1) is engaged in it.
1.1. Development of the organization last years
As well as the majority of the enterprises of RussiaЛМЗhas passed to the postSoviet period through complex(difficult) perturbations. In the beginning of 1990th privatization has passed. In conditions of a deep economic crisis of 1990th the factory has survived, though number of workers was constantly reduced. As well as at many other enterprises, here there were delays with wages and barter. To tell the truth, in operating conditions on export it is difficult to explain shortage of money and payment of a part of the salary in the natural form.
« Barter was as and тушенкиChinese, as raincoats Vietnamese, well all was. The Iranian jackets at us were woolen, well since underwear and finishing fur coats dog. Well, as and with products: and a sausage in bank, that there only was not ».
From the end of 1990th. ЛМЗhas got in process of repartition of the property typical for Russia. It(he) had a number(line) of stages, each of which has essentially affected position and a factory, and his(its) workers.
1)1998. then repartition of the property has gone so far, that in doubt there was a existence and a factory, and his(its) collective. The sharp conflict was resolved by restoration of former position, returning of former director. To the beginning of 2005. ЛМЗentered into Open Society « Power(Force) machines ». 94,27 percent(interests) of " Power(Force) machines " belonged to structures " Interros ", and 4,93 percent(interests) - to German concern " Siemens ".
2) Repartition of the property 2005 – 2006. This process passed without shocks in the form of usual market transaction though failures in work of the enterprise have arisen.
In the beginning of 2005 "Siemens" tried to buy 73,46 percent(interests) of actions(shares) of " Power(Force) machines », but in April ФАСhas forbidden this transaction of that " Power(Force) machines " include a number(line) of defensive factories which the state would not like to give in charge of the foreign companies.
« … in connection with that the whole year sold Open Society « Power(Force) machines ». Wanted all over again to "Siemens", then the antimonopoly committee has forbidden to "Siemens" to sell. Has bought the Russian Open Society "United Power Systems". In this connection heads varied, was done(made) nothing, orders additional have not typed(collected). It has turned out so, that at us now 2006 a little bit провальныйunder orders ».
Russian Open Society " UES of Russia " were bought on December, 7, 2005 with 22,43 percent(interests) of actions(shares) of Open Society " Power(Force) machines ". The sum of the transaction has made 101,4 million dollars. Purchase has been financed due to proceeds of credit. In view of actions(shares) of " Power(Force) machines ", belonging Open Societies " Ленэнерго ", the holding of Russian Open Society " UES of Russia " has received a block - share holding энергомашиностроительногоconcern, having received 25 % + 1 action(share). Russian Open Society " UES of Russia " also will receive the right on the basis of the power of attorney to vote actions(shares) of Open Society " Power(Force) machines " at a rate of 30,41 % of voting actions(shares) till 2007.
On December, 7, 2005 extraordinary general meeting shareholders of Open joint-stock company " Power(Force) machines – ЗТЛ, ЛМЗ, the Electric power, Энергомашэкспорт" (Open Society " Power(Force) machines ") has taken place. In new board of directors have come 8 person.
Sergey Batehin (the assistant to the general director of Joint-Stock Company " Holding company " Interros "), Igor Klochko (the general director of Open Society " Power(Force) machines "), Vyacheslav Voronin (a member of the board, the managing director of Open Society " Russian Open Society " of UES of Russia »), Boris Vajnziher (a member of board, technical director of Open Society of Russian Open Society " UES of Russia "), Dmitry Burnashev (the chief of department of business - planning of the Corporate center of Open Society of Russian Open Society " UES of Russia "), НорбертКениг(vice-president of group Power Generation, Siemens AG), Dmitry Shtykov (the general director of Fund « Institute of professional directors ») and John Sliman.
On January, 27, 2006 company " Interros " has finished the transaction on sale to German concern " Siemens " of 20,61 % of actions(shares) of concern " Power(Force) machines ". As informed ИАREGNUM in press-service " Interros ", in a result "Siemens" has increased a share holding belonging to it(him) энергомашиностроительногоconcern up to blocking (25 % + 1 action(share)). The sum of the transaction has made 93 million US dollars. Thus, "Interros" has finished the realization of the investment strategy providing attraction in concern " Power(Force) machines " the large Russian company with the state capital, and also the strategic foreign investor. In view of this transaction of 25 % + 1 action(share) of concern belong to concern " Siemens ", 25 % +1 are at Russian Open Society " UES of Russia ", 30,4 % of actions(shares) belong to "Interros". Миноритарнымto shareholders belongs in aggregate more than 19,5 % of actions(shares).
1.2.Number of the personnel, movement of the personnel
Number. The peak of number of workers of a factory was in the middle of 1980th when she(it) has reached(achieved) 12 thousand чел. (1985). As a result of postSoviet re-structurings and simple falling of manufacture number of workers was sharply reduced. Especially big reductions took place in 1998.
<…> « Then at us mass outflow was. We had wave that there will be a reduction, everyone began somehow, have begun to panic, and all of them left under the agreement of parties. Then many(a lot of,much) person has left, but one year later very much many have returned » (2).
By 2006 here remained only 5150 чел.
Social structure.
The majority of workers "ЛМЗ" - workers (3242 чел.). The basic trades –« the turner, карусельщик, electric welders, well, probably, the mechanic of machine-assembling works. It as though the basic, everything, that is. Well, обрубщикиat us still is » (2).
During former reductions the factory has lost a lot of working. On the one hand, one left low earnings, others dismissed. In 1990th there were many managers who considered, that it is too much workers, and if necessary they can be typed(collected) easily. However in the beginning of 21 centuries the factory started to test shortage of qualified workers. And though reductions take place and now, but qualified workers of the basic trades try to keep, even if at present there is no full loading.
« … Now there are more than workers of the basic at all do not touch. Touch only employees. Concerns employees, well, and sometimes auxiliary workers. Well, auxiliary already досокращалисьthat already all is simple, it is impossible more without sanitary technicians there, plumbers, cleaners, repairmen who repair, well it is impossible already » (2).
Link in social structure of the enterprise on a joint of administration and workers are masters. They borrow(occupy) most конфликтогеннуюa position. The master – « the person for битья. The master is always guilty, workers are always dissatisfied with the master, the management(manual) is always dissatisfied with the master. The master always between two fires, meanwhile and that » (2).
The administration splashs out on masters the anger concerning all basic disorders having a place in shops.
« With their [masters] all time of the premium deprive » (2).
At rather low base salary these retaliatory measures even more lower the social and economic status of the master even in relation to workers supervised by him(it).
« They receive [master] less. I.e. the competent worker, it(he) receives more, than the master » (2).
Recently the administration of the enterprise began to realize, that transformation of masters into underpaid whipping boys is fraught with serious consequences: ever less wishing to borrow(occupy) these posts on which in many respects depends both quality of production, and the order on manufacture. Therefore some measures on updating position have been accepted: depending on классностиmasters surcharge down to 100 % to the salary is entered.
To stimulate workers, the administration began to reform system of a payment and to enter innovations into culture of manufacture.
« Have transferred(translated) us half to the transaction for interest that people had aspirations any. Not simply so on time has stayed – has received, and half price-work payment. The good stimulator, is nuances in payment too. Manufacture as though is not prepared for transition to such wages » (4).
Capitalist competition is called to raise labour productivity of workers, their interest in qualitative and duly performance of work.
« … at us year was passed with this culture of manufacture, the best division, shop and these, not shop, departments and shops was defined(determined). As though two was groups. And then at us « the best workers » were given, especially it concerned the machine operator, the best workers, they received monetary premiums monthly and флажочек. And at the end of one year of the best workers which have been recognized within one year more than six times, have received still the premium at a rate of 5000 » (2).
Social - demographic structure
In connection with leaving(care) of youth and falling of its(her) inflow there is an ageing the personnel. Middle age of workers has grown. The basic part of workers, according to the vice-president of the personal computer, « grandmothers and grandfathers ».
« … In general the first, so to say, most for me painful(unhealthy) leaving(care) was, when there left all my coevals, it was the end of 80th years: 87-88-89 year when there was a youth. Then, know, all these trips, money have begun, it was possible to buy there, have started vodka to drive from abroad. Who that is skilful to do(make). Left much. And here is how all this youth (and already average has turned out generation) left and at us already a failure. Well, I so think, it everywhere so. This generation 40-years, we shall tell so, from 40 up to 50, from 35 up to 50. because they all have left at the end of 80, the beginnings of 90th years. Who in cooperative society, who in business, who where. Who than was engaged. And then reductions were. The last year too there was a reduction. Well, we somewhere have reduced 150 person. But have reduced as: under clause(article) of reduction left only three. Left under « the agreement of the parties(sides) » (2).
Now strategic plans of the enterprise collide(face) with increasing threat of shortage of the staff already in the near future. It pushes to attempts of formation of a youth policy(politics).
« … there there will be now personal extra charges, i.e. the regulations about additional money for youth are entered. I did not read it(him), that they there have thought up, as well as for what will be paid, but there big enough surcharges. We cannot interest them habitation, because we now build nothing. Buy we cannot, loans while we too cannot give ».
Small shifts aside омоложенияthe personnel have already appeared.
Social status of workers
The disputed situation at a factory of 1998 during an epoch of board of Tchernyshev also has led to to the big delays on payment of wages. The situation was stabilized with arrival as the general director of Shevchenko that the vice-president профкомаmarks:
« … after have carried away Tchernyshev from here, basically at us the salary all time raised. Was never recession, i.e. at us problems with wages was never. Delays, was nothing » (2).
For 2005 the salary was officially проиндексированаon 6 %, really indexation has made 19 %.
« … our administration raised wages, completely she(it) has risen on 19 %. But there was it by hook or by crook. They entered any new codes, any positions there developed on culture of manufacture, and there divisions are entered in such places, allowed money additional » (2).
Nevertheless, now all the same there are delays under the salary. In connection with deficiency of qualified personnel loading at available experts increases, and the administration of a factory is not capable to pay overtime.
« Are now long time and it proceeds, probably, half-year. I.e. constantly a duty for the last month, well have not time to pay, money does not suffice all to feed. Overtime – debts » (4).
Working conditions and the organization of work of workers
The events happened within 2005 (see above) were directly reflected in work of employees. In spite of the fact that 2006 began провальнымunder orders, the volume of work for some shops has not decreased.
« Occurs, we shall tell so, big перегрузunder orders. Unequivocally. Absolutely silly planning which has been not designed for this equipment, on these people, is unreal. In general it something reminds me a zone. Our manufacture. Well, try to squeeze out impossible. To work free-of-charge? Well not that free-of-charge. For a small payment, we shall tell so, for the lowest » (4).
The bad organization of work on manufacture causes congestion of one shops and shortage of work for others.
« Well, I heard too, yes, that with orders тяжкоfor many shops. From ours work distribute. Again thoughtlessly distribute where to put, and as it will turn out in a result, nobody considers ». (4)
Problems of the organization of work chiefs of the lowest level (the master, chiefs of sites) are compelled to solve independently.
« … there has come work urgent, we were knocked down, that is done(made) for 2 weeks, to us have told for 4 days to make, four day. Well, I have two weeks in a kind at normal раскладе, gradually there in one change to work, if there is no the second. To me the muzhik should be left on all day and night: since morning till morning of the next day. Then it(he) has gone home has had a sleep 4 hours, has come to evening to work, in the evening to it(him) have told: « you now visited, have a sleep home, you should leave tomorrow still ». I.e. today it(he) at me at morning was. I today for tomorrow have written down it(him). This week was long – 6 days, i.e. successively. And where on it(him) you will leave, if to it(him) of 50 years with copecks? » (4).
« Give the task – decide, think, how for 4 days it to make. If not it turns out – give reason. You start to give reason, to you speak: yes you the fool, you incorrectly think » (4).
By results of the questioning which have been lead(which have been carried out) among youth on ЛМЗin April, 2005, in which all categories of workers have taken part (in total 293 persons), working conditions on ЛМЗare estimated as a whole as « decent – do not distract, do not irritate, allow to concentrate on work » - 62 % interrogated.
Thus position of workers not so encouraging, as at technical officers. Among workers prevails more negative estimations of working conditions and the organizations of work in division.
- The description of the trade-union organization
The trade-union organization on ЛМЗexists for a long time – in April, 2006 to it(her) 100 years are executed. In trade union all categories of workers, including director will consist. For 2005 the organization totaled 4120 members from 5150 workers (80 %). For today the situation is a little bit worse in connection with reduction of number of the personnel.
« … has fallen all working, has fallen somewhere the person on 200, well and I think, naturally, membership of trade union, as though a little bit, well has fallen, probably, the percent(interest) has remained the same, but by quantity(amount), probably, it is less » (2).
On the given parameters – both to scope, and absolute number - trade-union organization ЛМЗborrows(occupies) the advanced positions in mechanical engineering of region (53 primary organizations).
- Scope at the enterprises of SPb and area - approximately 57 – 58 %. Disorder on the primary organizations big: there are enterprises where and 30 %, and are such where practically 100 %. There are the enterprises carrying to metal working where in general the trade-union organizations are not present. These are the new enterprises where the employer under different pretexts does not want to start up to itself trade unions, including their third party. But we not the third, but the second person: we representatives of labour collectives. There, where 50 % + 1 person, we under the law represent interests of labour collectives (5).
In 2005 trade-union organization ЛМЗhas left about 10 person, giving reason it is that the trade union does not assert the right of workers, does not struggle for increase of wages. On the other hand, in opinion of one of workers ЛМЗ, many workers do not leave trade union as do not wish to contact red tape.
« I simply heard, that many as though in meditations. Frequently people, they as speak, I shall leave from trade union. To run, write the application(statement) on an output(exit) longer, i.e. as though on it подвинутьсяis too hardly, it is necessary to take itself in hands » (4).
Chairman обкомаtrade union of machine engineers, answering a question about normally working профкомах, has named organizations ЛМЗ, "Stars", "Полиграфмаша", a factory turbine лопаток, Neva machine-building.
ПрофкомЛМЗit is selected at conference of the organization for 5 years.
The device профкомаon ЛМЗenough big. It(he) includes 23 established post. Two bookkeepers enter into him(it), the credit union, two libraries, спортклуб. In opinion of chairman профкома: « At us very good strong профком. Strong профком, people competent, worked at a factory it is a lot of the years, loving(liking) a factory, loving(liking) collective ».