Ako Aotearoa Individual/Group Good Practice Publication Grants

Application Form 2011

Please use plain English throughout and delete the instructions in italics before submission. Please complete using either Times New Roman or Arial with a font size of 10pt or greater. Information exceeding page/word limits will not be considered. No additional information can be submitted with this application.

Section 1: Working title of your publication
Maximum of 12 words
Section 2: Contact Applicant Details
This person will be the designated contact person for the grant if successful
Full name (including title if applicable)
Organisation type (e.g. university/PTE)
Organisation Address
Email address
Contact phone number
Section 3: Are you applying on your own behalf or nominating other(s)?
Please select one
My own behalf
Nominating others
Section 4: Additional applicants/nominee details (if applicable)
Full name (including title if applicable) / Organisation

Please expand table as required

Section 5: Please describe the practice your publication would be on
Please be specific and focus on a specific practice, rather than, for example, a course or programme within an organisation.
Section 6: What language do you expect to publish in?
te reo Māori
Section 7: What format do you expect to publish in?
Please select one
2000 word document with digital images
Multi-media presentation
Section 8: If you have chosen to apply to develop a multi-media presentation describe how this will add value over and above a written account.
Section 9: Please provide an overview of your proposed publication?
If you are proposing a word document publication please include a summary of the content, or if you are proposing a multi-media publication please describe the content and the media used (e.g. for a digital video you may include an overview of the script).
Section 10: How has the practice been recognised within your organisation?
It is important that the applicants host organisation has recognised the benefit of the practice to learners. This may come in may forms and may include but is not limited to a formal award for the practice, or promotion of the practice to other disciplines, recognition from colleagues regarding the practice.
Section 11: Describe what is interesting and creative about this practice
200 word maximum. This section predominantly informs criterion 1.
Word count / Please specify
Section 12: Describe how this practice could influence other tertiary educators
200 word maximum. This section predominantly informs criterion 2.
Section 13: Describe the reasons why this practice was developed
500 word maximum. This may include reference to relevant research and/or background information on the practice. For example, how and why did this practice develop? This section predominantly informs criterion 3.
Word count / Please specify
Section 14: Describe the evidence that this practice is enhancing learning
There is no word limit on section 14. This section predominantly informs criterion 4. Particular weight is given to this criterion. The publication must include evidence of learner benefit from systematic collection of evidence: this may be through learner evaluations triangulated against data for learner achievement, or via independent evaluation or research.
Please describe the type of evidence gathered to show the practice is enhancing learners (e.g. achievement data; focus groups) as well as an overview of the method used and results found (e.g. sample size, key findings).
Section 15: Describe the organisational context in which the practice occurs
200 words maximum. For example, what factors support the practice and what barriers needed to be overcome for the practice to be successful?
Word count / Please specify

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Review date: December 2011

Section 16: Budget
Funding sought / Description (please provide detail e.g. number of staffing hours, type of equipment, type of travel) / Amount
Staffing / $
Equipment / $
Operational Costs / $
Subtotal / $
GST / $

Please expand table as required. Note that the maximum budget allocation for word documents if $3,000 (GST Inc) and the maximum for multi-media publications is $5,000 (GST Inc).

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Review date: December 2011

Section 17: Contact Applicant Declaration
I declare that to the best of my knowledge the information I have provided in this application is correct and I meet the eligibility criteria stated in the Ako Aotearoa Good Practice Publication Grant Guidelines 2011
I declare that any additional applicants or nominated applicants listed in this application have committed to partaking in this publication, and their associated organisations endorse their inclusion.
Section 18: Organisational Endorsement of Contact Applicant (to be completed by the host CEO/Tumuaki of delegated manager
I support this application for an Ako Aotearoa Good Practice Publication Grant. I verify that the applicant meets the eligibility criteria stated in the Ako Aotearoa Good Practice Publication Grant Guidelines 2011.

Applications must be received by Helen Dobson, Ako Aotearoa Business Manager no later than Friday 5pm 28th October 2011.

Applications can be submitted as, either:

·  One PDF file, emailed to , or

·  one printed copy, posted to Helen Dobson, Ako Aotearoa, P.O. Box 756, Wellington 6140, New Zealand

Late or incomplete applications will not be considered

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Review date: December 2011