23221st Six Weeks Brit. Lit. 2016--Clarke

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday /

ESSAY 9/12
*AS Quiz 8/29
**BEO LTD X2 9/13
*Archetype Infograph 9/16
*tone analys paragraph
Notes (weekly check—20 pts each)
Aug. 22
Introduction (syllabus, books, technology, requirements, D2L, library card).
Order lit. text today.
Bring Notebook Tues. / 23Intro Cornell Notes
Academic Integrity (Contextualizing)
HW—Video clips (Anglo-Saxon period—culture and ethos); Norton Anthology-Anglo-Saxon Lit, Old & Medieval Prosody, Beowulf pp1-7;19;26-31 / 24Academic Integrity (Authorship & collaborative authorship) / 25 Academic Integrity (PPT/ Study group--discuss)
HW--Passive voice >Purdue OWL> Aca-demic writing>PV & Grammar.ccc.commnet>Revising Passive Construction / 26 Archetypes
Assignment-vocabulary; BEO Blog (in active voice) due 9/22
HW— READ Beowulf —Prologue thru Fitt 14

Norton—pp 31-49 with study guide
29 AS Intro Reading/Viewing Quiz
Grammar voice
HW--The College Admission/ Scholarship essay or
Apply Texas.org.
Bring college essay or prompt Wed. / 30 LTD process & LTD Beowulf & Grendel Pro-Fitt 14
Include archetypes
HW—Read Beowulf Fitt 15-23/Norton pp 49-64 / 31
Sentence Structure
College essay & rubric; assignment Due 9/12 Peer edit on 9/8 (10 % of grade)
HW-Sent. Structure / Sept. 1 College Info w/ counselors / 2Grammar practice
Review college essay format
Purdue OWL>essay writing & grammar
Discuss rubrics and importance of detail & diction
HW- Parallelism
5Labor Day / 6 Parallelism
Begin Modifiers / 7 Modifiers practice
LTD—Beo. & Grendel’s Mother 15-23
HW—Beowulf Fitt 24-end / 8 SAT Reading Practice
Peer edit essay (10% of Major grade)
HW—Read Finn & Hnaf in BEO. / 9
LTD—Finn & Hnaf digression
Discuss diction, detail, imagery
12 College essay due
LTD—Beo. & Dragon
& Farewell 24-end / 13
Final LTD--Beo. / Archetypes/ Historical context discussion / 14 Agreement
SAT usage/editing practice
HW—BEO InfoGraph due Friday / 15 Beo. Exam w/ vocabulary
HW--Agreement / 16Arch.Info Graphic due
Lit. analysis—tone & diction w/ selections from BEO
Essay review--Intro
19 Literary analysis—detail & imagery
Essay review—body paragraphs / 20
Poetry tone analysis—read and chart / 21
In-class writing –tone analysis paragraph / 22
Grammar Test (voice, sent. struct., parallel, modifiers, agreement)
SAT practice / 23Introduce Middle Ages and Chaucer.
Satire elements
HW Google 1066 & Middle Ages & Feudalism: Norton pp7-14
End of 1st 6 weeks
HW--Pilgrim assignment & C Tales “Prologue” reading & 2014 chart / 27Satire Discussion (cartoons)
YouTube videos “Chaucer: Founder of four English Language” & “Beautiful Canterbury Cathedral and the Canterbury Tales” / 28
Prologue (through ln. 42)—satire, language
HW—Review OWL “Avoiding Plag.” &
Read online Lonestar> Plagiarism >YouQuote it;You Note it / 29
Plagiarism activity—
Discuss study group procedures / 30 CTales Prologue LTD (use your completed chart)
TMZ moments –sell your stories