Miss Lusker’s Little Learners
Class News for the Week of December 11th
Shout outs!
-Congratulations toAhnaleze and Caden B. for being our Leadersof the Week last week! Way to set a good example for others!
-Huge thank you to Mr. Thibodeaux for donating erasers to the class last week! We greatly appreciate it!
-Shout out to the following students on theiriReady completion:
- Abigail 302 minutes
- Zion 174 minutes
- Jamilla 106 minutes
- Sadie 86 minutes
- Hannah 84 minutes
- Jonathan 78 minutes
Upcoming Tests:
-It is very important that all students be at school every day this week if possible. We will be reviewing for the upcoming math test at the beginning of the week, and we will be taking the math test at the end of the week. We will also spend this week preparing for the upcoming science test.
-Wednesday, December 13th: Math Common Assessment #4, students will translate their answers from Wednesday to a computer on Thursday.
-Monday, December 18th: Science Common Assessment #4
Upcoming Events:
-Candy gram money is due Friday, December 15th.
-Students will be allowed to wear an ugly Christmas sweater on Friday, December 15th for $1. No need to buy one! Feel free to make your own if you want! I can’t wait to show y’all mine! The money collected will be going to the SWPBIS team to use on upcoming events for the students/school.
Christmas Party 2017 (for my third graders only)
-This is news for my third graders onlysince they are my homeroom class. As of right now our Christmas Party is scheduled for Wednesday Dec. 20th (students have a half day that day)but this could change so be on the lookout for finalized details soon! For our party, I ask that if you send goodies with your child for the class, please send individual wrapped baggies that are quick and easy to pass out. Please do not bring or send anything that has oranges or nuts/peanut butter due to food allergies. I am planning a gingerbread house competition; however, instead of using gingerbread we will be using graham crackers. We will most likely be limited on time for the party so I would like the children to spend time making and decorating their house instead of eating a lot of junk food. That is why I’d like individual wrapped goodie bags if you’d like to send treats for the class. I have 26 third graders. I would love to have a few parent volunteers to help each table with their “gingerbread” houses. I will have finalized details on the date and time of the party as soon as possible, but if there are any volunteers that already know they will be free on Tuesday or Wednesday, please send me an email or write me a note!
-Over the weekend, I bought graham crackers and vanilla icing to make sure this activity would work, and it did! The only thing I noticed was that it is going to take A LOT of graham crackers and icing for every student to build a house (especially if the kids accidently break their graham crackers). My request to you…. I would like each child to bring in a box of graham crackers and/or a tub of vanilla icing by Monday, December 18th.If I notice we have enough by then, I will send a note home so everyone knows! I bought the great value graham crackers from Walmart and the Dollar Tree vanilla icing, which did just fine! If by Monday we need more, I will go buy whatever else we need so that we can have a successful party! I’ve already bought napkins and everything else, so we are good to go on the rest!
-We will be voting on our top three favorite houses and the winners will get a prize!
Homework for the Week:
-Monday: Math Worksheet, study for science test (science study guide was given today, a copy is also posted online on my wiki page, but the correct answers are not given… students will fill in the answers in class)
-Tuesday: Study for science test, get plenty of rest for tomorrow’s math test! Fourth graders, make sure you eat a good breakfast!
-Wednesday: Study for science test
-Thursday: study for science test
-Friday: Study for science test over the weekend! Science test on Monday!
Just a few more things…
-Fact drills will be attached to your child’s agenda either today or tomorrow due to whether they were absent on Friday or not.
I hope everyone has a great week!
-Miss Lusker