Candidate Handbook

Miss St. Francis Ambassador Program

2016 Candidate Handbook

Table of Contents


Candidate Eligibility & Program Information……..…………………….4

Candidate Requirements…………..…………………………………………....5

Sponsor Information………………………………………………………………..5

Clothing Requirements…………………………………………………………….6

Event Schedule…………………………………………………………………..7-10



Ambassador Requirements……………………………………………………13

Appendix A: Sponsor Tip Sheet

Appendix B: Meet the Candidates

Dear Candidates and Families,

Welcome to the Miss St. Francis Ambassador Program 2015 Candidate Program. Over the next few months you will have a chance to experience new things, learn and grow from the candidate experience. This year’s candidate program will be unlike any other. Events have been designed to show the candidates what it would be like to be a Miss St. Francis Ambassador. Throughout this experience, we hope that you will learn about the City of St. Francis and yourself.

I hope you enjoy the experience and please do not hesitate to ask questions!


Jacquie Goedel

Program Coordinator

Miss St. Francis Ambassador Program


Other Contacts:

Heather Rickbeil, Royalty Coordinator: 763-301-4567

Angela MacLeod, Pageant Coordinator: 651-335-3789

Welcome to the Miss St. Francis Ambassador Program!!

Candidate Eligibility

There are two age levels for the Ambassadors. Little Miss Ambassador’s ages are from 6-9 and Miss Ambassadors are from 16-21. Candidates must fit in one of the age categories by June 6, 2015 or receive an exception by the Program Coordinator. Candidates must also live, work, or go to school in Independent School District #15 or work in St. Francis to be eligible.

Program Information

The Miss St. Francis Ambassador Program is a Non-profit Incorporated 501 C3 organization run completely by volunteers. The program is managed by a Board of Directors and a Program Coordinator.

Mission Statement: The Miss St. Francis Ambassador Program strives to support the growth and development of young women in St. Francis through excellence, scholarship, achievement, self-confidence and community involvement.

Program Goals

  1. To have equality among Ambassadors
  2. To foster a positive growth experience for all Ambassadors
  3. To create high self-confidence and self-esteem
  4. To create lasting relationships with the community
  5. To promote educational success through scholarship
  6. To represent the community of St. Francis throughout Anoka County and greater Minnesota

Ambassador Program Structure

1 or 2 Little Miss Ambassadors (ages 6-9) will carry the equal title of “Little Miss St. Francis Ambassador.” These Ambassadors will have the same scholarship, crown, sash and gown that complement the other Ambassadors.

1 or 2 Miss Ambassadors (ages 16-21) will carry the title of “Miss St. Francis Ambassadors.” These Ambassadors will have the same scholarships, crown, sash and gowns. One of the selected Miss St. Francis Ambassadors may also be chose by the judges to represent St. Francis in the Minneapolis Aquatennial Queen of the Lakes Scholarship Program in July after completing her reign. The judges’ selection will be in a sealed envelope and revealed in the spring prior to completing her reign.

Candidate Requirements

There are events, rehearsals and lots of information that the candidate is responsible to keep track of. The purpose of the Candidate Handbook is to give each candidate and their family as much information possible about the expectations of the candidate. It is the responsibility of each candidate to fulfill the commitment of the entire candidate program regardless if they want to be selected as an Ambassador in the end. The following sections will give each candidate specific details on sponsor information, clothing requirements, event information, schedule and other candidate requirements.

Sponsor Information

Each candidate must have a sponsor to participate in the candidate program. The sponsor fee is $200.00. Each of the sponsors may deduct this fee as an advertising expense for their business or organization. It is an important trait of any ambassador to be able to speak to members of the business community in St. Francis. For this reason; each and every candidate must find her own sponsor. Many local businesses are willing to sponsor candidates and do so year after year. If you are having trouble finding a sponsor, please talk to the Candidate Coordinator for your age group. They can give you suggestions that may make your search easier. Sponsors do not have to be businesses or organizations in St. Francis. Please use the contacts you and your family have to find the best sponsor for you. Please do not call potential sponsors unless you know them personally. Candidates have seen the best results by speaking to a sponsor face to face. See “Appendix A” for sponsor tip sheet.

Clothing Requirements

One of the most frequently asked questions by prospective candidates and their families is what clothing items must I have or buy to be a candidate. Below, all candidate clothing requirements are listed. We highly recommend wearing clothes that you already own or borrow from friends! If any candidate is having a hardship with the requirements, please discuss with the Candidate Coordinator; we are here to help you! Many of the volunteers are past royalty and have closets full of dress they are willing to share.

Formal Gown: Each candidate must wear a formal gown during the coronation. Miss Candidates must wear a colored gown (no White please). It should be age appropriate, not revealing and be floor length. Little Miss Candidates must wear a white dress that is between tea length to floor length. The Program Coordinator must approve each candidate’s dress prior to dress rehearsal.

Dress Heals: Each candidate should wear heals with their formal dress. Candidates are required to bring heals to all coronation rehearsals so they get comfortable walking in them. Please be reasonable when selecting heals for the event to insure you will be able to walk in them for the entire day.

Candidate Outfit: This outfit will consist of black pants, candidate shirt (provided by us) and dress flats. Khaki Capris for parade. Your shoes should be something you are comfortable standing and walking in for long periods of time---NO FLIP FLOPS!

Picture Day: You will need to have a white shirt, black dress pants and hair done nice.

Interview Outfits: For the Little Miss Candidates this should be their white formal gown and heals. For the Miss Candidates, this outfit can be a dress or suit type outfit. Think Business Interview. NO skirts or dresses that do not cover your knees when you are standing. NO cleavage or see through tops.

Candidate Event Information & Schedule

Candidates will participate in several events throughout the candidate program that are designed to help each candidate learn and grow. Below is a description of each event and schedule.

Candidate Welcome:

This will be a jump start to the candidate experience! The candidates will make posters for the sponsors, start working on their candidate speech and have the opportunity to have their dress approved. A resume/cover letter session is also planned for the Miss Candidates. There will be a potluck lunch from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. White Shirts and black pants.

Candidate Contract/Parent Waiver, Sponsor form & Fee are due!

Sunday April 24th, 2016at the Community Room at St. Francis City Hall

23340 Cree St. NW (off of HWY 47 near Anoka-Hennepin Credit Union behind the closed gas station.)

Little Miss Candidates: 10-1:00 p.m.

Pot Luck: 12:00-1:00 p.m.

Miss Candidates: 12:00-4:00 p.m.

Candidate Photos:

Come ready to have your candidate picture taken. A plain white shirt is recommended for the head shot.

Coupon Blitz Day

We will be going door to door selling coupons. Please bring money for Lunch or a bag lunch.

Candidate Outfits

May 1st, 2016

Meet at Community Center

10:45 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Fire Department Tour:

The Little Miss Candidates will be touring the St. Francis Police Department off of HWY 47.

Candidate Outfit

Wednesday May 12th, 2016

Little Miss Candidates: 6:00 p.m.

Jennifer Grant Presentation:

Miss Candidates will hear a speaker and former Cambridge Princess speak on Self-Confidence, Self-Wellness, etc.

Wednesday May 4th, 2016

Miss Candidates 6:45 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Interview Outfits

Self Defense Course:

We will be taking a self-defense course at the Ultimate Martial Arts. Please come in workout clothes.

7:15 p.m. May 11th, 2016

17565 Highway 65 Ne, Andover, MN 55304

Women’s Health

We will be learning about Women’s health and how to keep your body full of nutrients and well rounded. Please wear Candidate Outfit

6:30 p.m. May 12th, 2016

Opp Family Chiropractic

23671 St. Francis Blvd., Suite 102
St. Francis, MN 55070

Past Royalty Brunch & Candidate Day:

This is a fun filled day getting to know your fellow Candidates and Past Royalty! This will give you the opportunity to hear their stories from their reigning years about what it’s like to be an Ambassador! Each Candidate is asked to bring an item to share. There will be a prize for best Candidate Item!! After all that fun we will be meeting at Patriot Lanes for a fun afternoon of bowling and lunch!

Please be sure to wear your candidate outfit!

Saturday, May 14th, 2016

9:45 a.m. Long Lake Lutheran-3921 277th Ave NW Isanti, MN 55040

1:00 – 3:00 p.m. Patriot Lanes

Misses Sleepover

Misses will be having a camping sleepover at Brittany’s.

5:00 p.m. to 10 a.m. Please bring sleeping attire and Candidate outfits for the next day.

Last Names A-M Bring snack items

Last Names N-Z Bring breakfast items.

Coupon Blitz Day

We will be going door to door selling coupons. Please bring money for Lunch or a bag lunch.

Candidate Outfits

Meet at Community Center

May 15th, 2016

10:45 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Candidate Service Project

We will be doing Feed My Starving Children in Coon Rapids. (401 93rd Ave NW Coon Rapids, MN 55433) We will be packing food for our service project. The clothing requirements are your candidate outfit.

Wedneday, May 18th 2016

Please arrive at 5:45 p.m. We will be there until 7:30 p.m. Candidates under the age 9 will need to have a parent in attendance.

Candidate Parade:

Have fun and learn what it is like to be an Ambassador! We will have you follow and spend the afternoon with the current Ambassadors as they attend their last parade of their year.

Saturday May 28th, 2016

Time: TBD

Attire: Candidate shirts, khaki capris, tennis shoes

Candidate Rehearsals:

This is the time when the candidates will learn how to present their best image during the interview and while giving their coronation speech. Candidates are required to bring their dress heals to each clinic for walking/turning practice. Each candidate must bring their formal gown to one of the clinics to be approved by the Program Coordinator.

All Clinics will be held in the Community Center Room at St. Francis City Hall.

Thursday, April 28th. Speech Clinic

Little Miss Candidates: 6:30-7:30 p.m.

Miss Candidates: 7:30-9:00 p.m. Image clinic also planned for this night

Thursday May 5th. Speech Clinic

Little Miss Candidates: 6:30-7:30 p.m.

Miss Candidates: 7:30-9:00 p.m.

Thursday May 19th. Speech Clinic

Little Miss Candidates: 6:30-7:30 p.m.

Miss Candidates: 7:30-9:00 p.m.

Thursday, May 26th Mock Interviews

Little Miss Candidates: 6:30-7:30 p.m.

Miss Candidates: 7:30-9:00 p.m.

Candidate Interviews

This is one of the most important parts of the judging process because the judges will meet with each candidate individually and possibly in groups.

Interview Attire

Wednesday June 1, 2016

Kids Country Childcare (Off Hwy 47 near Beef O’ Brady’s)

Little Miss Candidates 6:30 p.m.

Miss Candidates 7:30 p.m.

Dress Rehearsal:

This is just like pageant day! We will do a complete walk through of the pageant. Candidates should come in their formal gown and dress heals. Candidates will not be dismissed until the walk through has been completed.

Pioneer Days Buttons and Cards are due back

Thursday June 2, 2016 6:30 p.m. at St. Francis Middle School

Pioneer Days Parade:

Each candidate will be in the Pioneer Days Parade. Little Miss Candidates will be in the parade together on a float. Miss Candidates must find their own transportation for the parade. This can be a convertible, jeep, truck or other creative vehicle ideas. Miss Candidates must have a sign on each side of the vehicle with their name and sponsor on it. Parade line-up is on Ambassador Blvd. near the Middle School. Specific line-up numbers and a map will be handed out to the candidates during one of the rehearsals. Candidates will wear their formal gowns and heals for the parade.

Saturday June 4th, 2015 (Roads Close at Noon)

All candidates must meet at parade line up by 11:45 a.m.


Candidates are welcome to have lunch with the Visiting Royalty and Current Ambassadors at the Middle School immediately following the parade at the St. Francis Middle School.

Miss St. Francis Ambassador Coronation:

Candidates will show off their formal gowns and give their candidate speech. The 2016-2017 Ambassadors will be crowned at the end!

Non-School Aged: $5.00

School Age: $3.00

Kids under 5: Free

Saturday June 4th, 2015 3:00 p.m.

St. Francis Middle School


This year we will be doing 3 Fundraisers. We will be doing button sales for Pioneer Days, Coupon Cards and Thirty One bags. These fundraisers help the program raise money to cover the costs associated with the pageant and events done by the royalty and candidates throughout the year.

Button Sales

Each candidate is required to sell 25 Pioneer Days buttons. Each button is $5.00 and comes with a coupon book and raffle ticket. The candidate in each category that sells the most buttons will receive a prize and recognition during the coronation from the Pioneer Days Committee. Buttons will be handed out on April 28th or May 1st. Extra Buttons can be requested from Jacquie by calling her at 612-282-7226. Money and extra buttons must be turned in on or before Dress Rehearsal to Jacquie.

Coupon Cards

Each Candidate will be required to sell 10 Coupon cards plus going door to door with our Coupon Blitz days. The candidate in each category that sells the most buttons will receive a prize and recognition from the Miss St. Francis Ambassador Program. You are able to get extra coupon cards by requesting them again from Jacquie. Checks can be made payable to MSFAP for $20.00 or Cash is accepted as well. The extra coupon cards are due back to Jacquie on June 5th at rehearsal.

Buffalo Wild Wings

We have May 16th planned for an all-day fundraiser at Buffalo Wild Wings in Riverdale scheduled. It doesn’t take much effort at all. You will have flyers to hand out to your family and friends and they will then bring the flyer into the restaurant and then have dinner! For every flyer that is brought in the Program receives a certain percentage. Quick, Simple and nummy food!

Candidate Biography

Each candidate must submit a biography that will be given to the judges. Little Miss Candidates will fill out a biography form with the help of a parent/guardian on April 24th.

Miss Candidates will be given instructions and samples of a resume at the Candidate Welcome on April 24th. You will also be required to submit a Cover Letter. The cover letter and resume must be typed and are due for review on April 28th and Final Drafts will be due on May 5th. You may submit your cover letter and resume to Angela Macleod on regular white 8 ½ X 11 Paper or email it to by May 5th.

Miss Candidates will also be given a biography form to fill out so we can put interesting facts about you as our Candidate of the day/week highlights on Facebook, along with your pictures.

Candidate Posters

Each candidate will be asked to make a Candidate Poster that will be hung up in your sponsor’s window for them to show their support towards you and the Miss St. Francis Ambassador Program. We will get a 5 x 7 or 4 x6 picture printed for you to put on it. We will have those pictures ready for you to attach to it by May 5th.

Ambassador Requirements

We encourage anyone who is interested to run as a candidate in the Miss St. Francis Ambassador Program. You may decide along the way that being an Ambassador for St. Francis is not something that you want to commit to and please know that it is okay! Candidates who wish not to be selected should finish the program and let the judges know during the Personal Interview or submit a letter to the Program Coordinator on Dress Rehearsal to be given to the judges.

Please know that being an Ambassadors is a commitment and a job that lasts for an entire year! The following section is not to scare you but to give you an idea of what you are in for if selected as an Ambassador. Parents and families are needed to help with many things throughout the year including chaperoning events, helping set up and take down the float at parades and helping with fundraisers.

Time Commitment

This year, the Miss St. Francis Ambassador Program has been asked to participate in most community events in St. Francis and throughout the Anoka County area! In addition, St. Francis has been asked to attend parades and coronations in other Minnesota Communities. Please see the 2015-2016 tentative schedule for a better understanding of the time commitment.