Dear Parent/Guardian

I hope that you have all had an enjoyable summer and are glad to be back into a routine again.

As we begin a new school year I would like to take this opportunity to inform you of some key dates for the term ahead and would ask you to note some general information.

Parent Information Meetings

Parent Information Meetings will take place next week giving you the opportunity to meet with your child’s teacher who will briefly outline arrangements for the year. The meetings will take place in the school assembly hall and are scheduled to take place during school time. Parents with children in Primary 1 have already received an allocated time in which to meet with the Primary 1 teacher to conduct a baseline assessment with their child.

Monday 7th September 2.00 – 2.30pm Primary 4

2.30 – 3.00pm Primary 2

Tuesday 8th September 2.00 - 2.30pm Primary 3

2.30 – 3.00pmPrimary 5

Wednesday 9th September2.00 - 2.30pm Primary 6

2.30 – 3.00pm Primary 7

Child Protection Procedures

  • The Designated Officer for Child Protection is Mrs Joyce (P4 Teacher).
  • The Deputy Designated Officer is Miss Lisa McClure (Vice-Principal and P5 Teacher).

The Designated Governor for Child Protection is Michael Campbell at present. Further information about our child protection policy and procedures will be sent home this term.

Forms, forms and more forms!

Over the next few weeks you will receive a variety of forms to complete regarding contact numbers, permission slips, clubs, Internet usage, use of photographs, mobile phones etc. I would ask that you fill these in and return them promptly to allow Mary Deniz (school secretary) to update our existing information.

Healthy Eating School

All pupils are asked to bring a healthy break to school. Some ideas are: fruit or chopped vegetables, pancake etc. I would ask that you encourage your child to bring a bottle of water to drink throughout the day. A school snack shop is also available to pupils at break time.

Nut Allergy

Some of our pupils suffer from a nut allergy which, in certain circumstances, could prove fatal. The school has therefore been declared a ‘Nut Free Zone.’ Children should not bring any food into school which contains nuts. I know that from time to time some parents like to send in cakes and buns for the class on their child's birthday - this is no longer possible for the reason previously stated. I appreciate that this may cause some inconvenience but know that I will be able to count on your support in this important matter.

School Meals

School dinners should be ordered and paid for on a Monday. Please send the correct amount of money (£2.50 per meal) as this greatly helps with the administration of school dinners. As the school dinners are cooked off site, only those children who have ordered a dinner on Monday morning will receive a cooked meal. Parents will be contacted, should your little one forget to bring a packed lunch.

If your child is eligible for free school meals please contact Mary in the office even if your child does not wish to always take a school dinner. This is to ensure that we have the correct data on file.

School Milk

School Milk will be ordered for October to June at a cost of £32.60 for P2-P7. P1 milk will be ordered from November to June at a cost of £29.40. Please complete the enclosed form and return to Mary in the office.

Parent/Teacher Consultations

The first set of Parent/Teacher Consultations will take place in the week beginning Monday 19th October from 2pm onwards. School will finish for all pupils at 2.00pm on these days. Consultation times will be issued during the week ending 9th October 2015.


P1 children will undertake baseline assessment with Miss Stewart in the first term and be reassessed again in June 2015. P2-7 children will undertake a series of standardised assessments in September 2015.

Information from the analysis of the data produced will be fed back to parents at the first set of Parent/Teacher meetings in October 2015.

After School Clubs

After school clubs for P4 – P7 commence the week beginning Monday 14th September. These clubs run from 3- 3.45pm unless otherwise stated.

Clubs on offer this year are:

*P1 – P3 Junior Choir – Monday 2-3pm

*P4-P7 Senior Choir – Tuesday 2 -3pm

Jumping Clay Monday – note to follow

Galaxy CoachingWednesday

Spanish Wednesday P4-P7 – (Limited number of spaces)

FootballThursday 3.00-3.45pm

Irish Dancing Saturday 10-11.30am commencing Saturday 12th September 2015

Monday:Moving On Club 1-3pm

P7/P6 Moving On Club (Miss McClure)

Thursday:P4-P7 Football – P4/P5 6 weeks & P6/P7 6 weeks (Mr Mulcahy)

This year teacher led clubs will be covered during school hours.

From Monday 19th October P1 children will stay until 2pm.

Parents’ Council

Every parent at Oakwood is a member of the Parents’ Council. We meet on the last Monday of every month in the staffroom to organise events and fundraising opportunities for the benefit of our children.

The first chance to catch up on summer news and start planning the new year will be on Monday 7th September from 9-10am. I hope you will pop in for a coffee and share any ideas you may have. I look forward to seeing you then.

Open Night

  • Thursday 3rd December from 7-8.30pm

Morning Supervision

I remind everyone that morning supervision does not begin until 8.45am. Members of staff will be on duty in the playground until 8.55am. Pupils arriving after this time must use the main school entrance as all other exterior doors will be locked at this time and can only be opened from the inside. If you arrive after 8.55 am please bring your child to the main school entrance from where they will be able to make their own way to class. Please remember that for Child Protection reasons, only members of staffare permitted beyond the foyer during the school day.

Many pupils continue to arrive at school after the 8.55 am bell. I would ask all parents to make

every effort to ensure that your children are on the playground before 8.45 am. Arriving late to school can be distressing for the individuals concerned and also disruptive to those already in class.

The School Car Park

At Oakwood, we operate a ‘Kiss and Drop’ facility whereby a staff member, assisted by Primary 6/7 pupils, can escort your child into school. Simply stop alongside the bicycle shelter, give your child a kiss and drop them off with the ‘Kiss and Drop’ team. This allows the flow of traffic in and out of school to remain uninterrupted. The school operates a one way system. Please adhere to this.

I would also ask all parents to take responsibility for their child's safety when in the car parking area. Please do not permit your children to play on the walls and make sure they use the pedestrian paths at all times in the car park area. I would also ask parents to refrain from parking inappropriately on the crossing or in allocated disabled bays, as this leads to all sorts of difficulties and seriously disrupts the flow of traffic.

Please remember the entire school site including the school gates is a non smoking area.

Walking Home

Parents of pupils travelling to and from school by foot, bike, scooter are asked to ensure that their child's teacher is informed, by means of a written note, that their child has permission to walk home.

Mobile Phones

I would like to remind everyone that pupils are not permitted to have mobile phones in school. If you need to get in touch with your child throughout the school day you can do so by contacting the school office on 02890 309920. Similarly, if your child needs to get an important message to you they can do so via Mary in the school office. I would ask for your support in implementing this ban.

If it is essential for your child to have a mobile phone for use after school the phone may be left with Mary in the office at the start of the school day and collected from there at the end of school.

Absence from School

If your child is unable to attend school please make sure that their teacher is informed. This can be done by leaving a message with Mary in the office on the morning of the first day of absence. When your child returns to school they should bring a letter to their teacher explaining the reason for their absence. A record of those pupils with patterns of absence or extended periods of absence and those pupils persistently arriving late or leaving early is given to our Education Welfare Officer (EWO). Where absence records fall below a pre-determined level the EWO will contact the parent(s) of those pupils.

2015 – 2016

Dates for Your Diary

A full list of Holiday Dates can be found under the ‘School News’ tab on the school website.

Parents’ Council Planning Meeting:

Monday 7th September at 9am in the school staffroom.

Further dates are available in the Parents’ Section of the website.

Curriculum Meetings

Monday 7th September:2.00 – 2.30pmPrimary 4

2.30 – 3.00pmPrimary 2

Tuesday 8th September:2.00 – 2.30pmPrimary 3

2.30 – 3.00pmPrimary 5

Wednesday 9th September: 2.00 – 2.30pmPrimary 6

2.30 – 3.00pmPrimary 7

Parents’ Council Back to School BBQ

Friday 25th September 2015 from 6 – 8.30pm. Ticketed event.

M & M Productions

1st October 2015. Theatre experience for P2-P7 pupils. Please note pupils will be in school until 3.30pm on Thursday 1st October to accommodate this performance.

Staff Training

School will be closed on Friday 9th October for staff training. Please note that the Children’s Centre is also closed on this date.

Parent/Teacher Consultations

The first set of Parent/Teacher Consultations will take place on Monday 19th, Tuesday 20th and Wednesday 21st October. School will finish for all pupils at 1.45pm on these days school will also end at 1.45pm on Thursday 22nd and Friday 23rd October to facilitate the writing of Consultation Reports.

Half Term Holiday

School will be closed from Monday 26th October until Friday 30th October inclusive.

School will end for all P1-3 pupils at 1.45pm and for all P3-7 pupils at 2pm on Friday 23rd October.

Pre School and P1-2 Nativities

We are planning to have a P1-2Christmas Production at the end of this term. Due to the number of children involved and the limited seating available in the assembly hall, there will be two performances of the production. More information about tickets and availability will be issued nearer the time.

Dates and times are as follows:

15th December – 9.30am Pre-school

16th December – 9.30am P1 and P2

P3-7 pupils will be participating in a Christmas Carol Service. The main P4-7 production will be the Musical “Wizard of Oz” in March 2016. There will be two evening performances on 21st & 22nd March 2016. More information about tickets and availability will be issued nearer the time.

Super Learning Days

In response to Parental Feedback there will be two main Super Learning Days for classes this year. On these days, parents are invited to attend their child’s classroom on the days and times allocated below:

2nd March – World Maths Day 9- 11.45am

21st April - Eco & P7 Fair9- 11.45am

On both days, tea and coffee will be available in the assembly hall at break time 10.45-11.00am, so that parents have a seat somewhere warm and inviting whilst supporting a worthwhile cause. Proceeds from both days will be donated to MacMillan Cancer Support. Please give generously to MacMillian’s World.

Class Assemblies

Parents are invited to attend their child’s class assembly at 9.15am on the following dates:

P215th October 2015

P54th December 2015

P3 5th November 2015

P411th February 2016

P69th March 2016

P115th June 2016

P723rd June 2016 Leavers Assembly

Parent/Teacher Consultations

The second set of Parent/Teacher Consultations will take place on Monday 19th February, Tuesday 1st March and Wednesday 2nd March 2016 for P1-6 pupils from 2pm onwards. School will finish for all pupils at 1.45pm on these days. School will also end at 1.45pm on Thursday 3rd March and Friday 4th March 2016 to facilitate the writing of Consultation Reports.

M & M Productions

Friday 15th April 2016 Theatre experience for P2-P7 pupils. Please note pupils will be in school until 3.30pm on Friday 15th April 2016 to accommodate this performance.

Sports Day

12th May 2016 – Brook Activity Centre (Weather dependant)


19th May 2016

Parents’ Council End of Year BBQ

Friday 20th May 2016 from 6 – 8.30pm. Ticketed event.

Irish Dancing Festival

Saturday 18th June 2016 – details to follow.

Data Collection Forms and Permission Slips

You will see attached to this newsletter a data collection form for your child. Please ensure all details are correct and if not amend where necessary. I have also attached a permission slip for photographs and internet usage. I would appreciate both of these forms are returned to school on Monday 7th September 2015

Parent volunteers are also welcome to help out with trip days and also other events throughout the school year. If you would be interested, please ring the school office for an Access NI Form. Once you have been vetted we will call upon you to help out when required for different events.

And finally…may I take this opportunity to thank the numerous parents who, at the end of the last school year, expressed their appreciation to members of staff with gifts and cards. Your support and encouragement was greatly appreciated by all.

I look forward to catching up with old friends and meeting new ones in the days to come. I know we’re going to have another full filled year at Oakwood learning, working and playing together this year at Oakwood.

Warmest wishes for 2015- 2016

Yours sincerely

Claire Howe