9/3/13 / K13E- Share writing with others (with adult supervision) / Managing Writers’ Workshop Lesson 1 (p31) / Lesson 1- nouns for people / Draw a picture of themselves and label with their name.
9/4/13 / Print Concept Lesson 1 (p53)
9/5/13 / K13A students use elements of the writing process: planning / Print Concept Lesson 2 (p55) / Lesson 2- nouns for places / Continue or begin a new story.
9/6/13 / K14A write sentence/s to tell a story / Administer Benchmark 1- Draw a picture and write a story about your favorite activity on a warm, sunny day. / Circle Map- define favorite activities / Benchmark 1- story about their favorite activity on a warm, sunny day.
9/9/13 / K13E students use elements of the writing process: planning / Managing Writers’ Workshop Lesson 2 (p35) / Lesson 5- Action Verbs / Draw a picture of a special friend
9/10/13 / K13E students use elements of the writing process: planning / Managing Writers” Workshop Lesson 3 (p38) / Circle Map- defines guidelines of Smart-Writers / Draw a picture that shows the ideas about important guidelines
9/11/13 / K13- students use elements of the writing process: planning K13A Plan a first draft generating ideas form class discussion
K13E students use elements of the writing process: planning / Ideas Lesson 1 (p73) / Students will write using one of the ideas on the Idea Chart
9/12/13 / K13E students use elements of the writing process: planning / Print Concepts Lesson 3 (p57) / Write about something they discussed with their partner
9/13/13 / K13, students use elements of the writing process: planning
K13A Plan a first draft generating ideas form class discussion / Ideas Lesson 2 (p75) / Tree Map- People, Places or Things
Lesson 1 and 2- Nouns / Students will create a Think Page
9/16/13 / K13E students use elements of the writing process: planning
K14A- write sentence/s to tell a story / Organization Lesson 1 (p125) / Lesson 13- Story Sentences / Draw a picture and write a sentence.
9/17/13 / K13E, students use elements of the writing process: planning K14A students will dictate or write sentences to tell a story and put the sentences in chronological order / Managing Writers’ Workshop Lesson 4 (p41) / Continue with a story in their Writers’ Folder
9/18/13 / K13E, students use elements of the writing process: planning K14A students will dictate or write sentences to tell a story and put the sentences in chronological order / Managing Writers’ Workshop Lesson 5 (p43) / Draft a new piece or continue with an unfinished piece
9/19/13 / K13E, students use elements of the writing process: planning K14A students will dictate or write sentences to tell a story and put the sentences in chronological order / Print Concepts Lesson 4 (p59) / Lesson 1- Class Book: What Makes a Family
Circle Map- Define what makes a family / Make small books and/or a class book
9/23/13 / K13D- edit drafts by leaving spaces between letters and words (with adult supervision) K14A / Print Concepts Lesson 5 (61) / Students will write a story emphasizing word spaces.
9/24/13 / K13E, students use elements of the writing process: planning K14A students will dictate or write sentences to tell a story and put the sentences in chronological order / Sentence Fluency Lesson 1 (95) / Write a story using Sentence Stems
9/25/13 / K13E, students use elements of the writing process: planning K14A students will dictate or write sentences to tell a story and put the sentences in chronological order / Print Concepts Lesson 6 (p63) / Connect to any Phonics lesson in Journeys.
Reinforce High Frequency words on Word Wall / Students will write on a topic chosen with their partners. Students will plan their stories and stretch their words to match the sound to the letter.
9/26/13 / K13E, students use elements of the writing process: planning K14A students will dictate or write sentences to tell a story and put the sentences in chronological order / Print Concepts Lesson 7 (p65) / Students will write about their family members, friends, toys or their own ideas.
9/27/13 / FLEX DAY
9/30/13 / K13E, students use elements of the writing process: planning K14A students will dictate or write sentences to tell a story and put the sentences in chronological order / Ideas Lesson 7 (p71) / Students will write using an Idea from the Idea Chart
10/4/13 / K.22- share information & ideas by speaking audibly and clearly using conventions of language. K.23 Follow rules for discussion K.16B speak in complete sentences
K.17A form upper and lower case letters
K.17B capitalization
K.17C punctuation at end of a sentence
K.18C writes name
K.13A plan a draft by generating ideas
K.14A dictate or write sentences to tell a story / Review Managing Writers’ Workshop Lesson 1-5 as needed
-Lesson 1- Spotlight Great Work
-Lesson 2- Looks Like, Sounds Like, Feels Like Anchor Chart
-Lesson 3- Review Guidelines for SMART Writers
-Lesson 3- Practice Share & Talk
-Lesson4- Practice 2 inch voices
-Lesson 5- Practice Partner Conversation Chart / Lesson 1- Nouns (people)
Lesson 2- Nouns (places)
Lesson 3- Nouns for Animals & Things
Lesson 4- Action Verbs in Present Tense / Draft a new piece or continue with an unfinished piece
Create a Class Book
10/7/13 / K.18A use phonological knowledge to match sounds to letters
K.18B use letter sound correspondence to spell CVC words / Conventions Lesson 1 (p 177) / Lesson 6- sensory words / Write to Describe Sentences: Using Descriptive words.
10/8/13 / K.17A Form upper and lower letters legibly / Managing WW Lesson 6 (p 46) / Using blank paper or journals students will practice posture and pencil grip while drawing a picture and/or writing
10/9/13 / K.13A Plan a first draft generating ideas form class discussion / Ideas Lesson 1 (p 73) / Lesson 8- Adjectives for colors
Circle Map- define Autumn / Generate ideas for Autumn/Fall
10/10/13 / K.13A Plan a first draft generating ideas form class discussion
K.13B Develop drafts by sequencing action or details in a story. / Ideas Lesson 2 (p 75) / Tree Map
What I see and do during Autumn. / Generate a Think Page for the topic of Autumn
10/11/13 / Recognizes Environmental print. / Word Choice Lesson 1 (p 149) / Lesson 1 and 2- Environmental Print / Students will write sentences using the words they see around the room.
10/14/13 / K.18 A.B.C.
conventions of spelling / Conventions Lesson 2 (p 180) / Lesson 7- blend Onset & Rime. Segment Onset & Rime / Student will make a Labeling Book
10/15/13 / K.17Written Conventions/Handwriting
K.13A Editing; leaving spaces between letters and words. / Print Concepts Lesson 8 (p 69) / Lesson 3- directionality; Left to right, Spoken Words to Print. Letters and Words / Students will write about a topic they discussed with a partner.
10/16/13 / K.17B-Capitalize the first letter in a sentence
K.17C- use punctuation at the end of a sentence. / Conventions Lesson 3 (p 183) / Lesson 4- Capitalization of first word in a sentence. Punctuation at the end of a sentence. / Using Sentence Stems students will write sentences and apply appropriate capitalization and punctuation.
10/17/13 / K.22 students are expected to share information and ideas by speaking audibly and clearly. K.23- students work productively with others. Students are expected to follow agreed upon rules for discussion, including taking turns and speaking one at a time. / Managing WW Lesson 7 (p 48) / Lesson 6-9 write sentences to describe. / Students will continue to work from their Writing Folder.
10/21/12 / K.17Written Conventions/Handwriting
K.13D Editing; leaving spaces between letters and words. / Print Concepts Lesson 7 (p 65)
Repeat this lesson several days with the Paraprofessional. / Students will write about their family members, friends or their own ideas using correct letter formation.
10/22/13 / Use strategies to organize work. / Organization Lesson 1 (p 125) / Lesson 9- using pictures and text / Students will draw a picture and write a sentence to match.
10/23/13 / K.18 A.B.C.
conventions of spelling / Word Choice Lesson 2 (p 156) / Any lesson- Words to Know / Students will practice writing 3 words using the steps modeled in the lesson
10/24/13 / K.13A- plans a 1st draft generating ideas from class discussion. K.13B- Develop Drafts / Ideas Lesson 7 (p 91) / Lesson 7- Write to Describe / Students will write about a friend.
10/28/13 / K.13 A-E Writing Process / Finish Student Products / Continue with student product started on
10/29/13 / Understand the structure of Writer’s Workshop / Review Managing WW Lesson 6 / 11/1/12 / Understand the structure of Writer’s Workshop
10/30/13 / Understand the Structure of Writer’s Workshop / Review Managing WW Lesson 7
(p 48) / Lesson 8- Write to describe / Provide time for students to write. All students should write everyday event when mini-lesson focus on management.
10/31/31 / K.13A- plan a draft by generation ideas for writing through class discussion (with adult assistance) / Ideas Lesson 1 (p 73) / Use a Circle Map to generate ideas for writing. / Provide time for students to write about a chart topic
11/1/13 / K.13A- plan a draft by generation ideas for writing through class discussion (with adult assistance) / Ideas Lesson 3 (p 77) / Provide time for students to write.
11/4/13 / K17A- form upper and lower case letters legibly using the basic conventions of print (left to right and top to bottom progression) / Print Concepts Lesson 7 (65) / Lesson 8- write to describe / Provide time for students to write.
11/5/13 / K.16A-understand and use the following parts of speech in the context of reading, writing, and speaking (iii)descriptive words / Word Choice Lesson 3 (p 160) / Lesson 9- use descriptive words and adjectives for numbers / Students will write using color words
11/6/13 / K.13 students use elements of the writing process to compose text. Students (with assistance) are expected to (D) edit drafts / Conventions Lesson 4 (p 185) / Lesson 9- Punctuation: Period, Exclamation Point, Question Mark / Tell students that today they can edit a piece of writing form their folders or begin a new piece.
11/7/13 / K.16- students understand the function of and use the conventions of academic language when speaking and writing
K.16Aii nouns (singular and plural) / Sentence Fluency Lesson 2 (p 99) / Lesson 9- Write to Describe. / Provide students time to write. Scan your class for understanding of the sentence strategy.
11/8/13 / K.14- students write expository and procedural or work-related texts to communicate ideas and information to specific audiences for specific purposes. Students are expected to dictate or write information for lists, captions, or invitations / Ideas Lesson 4 (p 80) / Use a Circle Map to define/name Important People / Students will create a list of Important People in their Lives
11/11/13-11/21/13 / K.13- students use elements of the writing process (planning, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing) to compose text. Students (with assistance) are expected to: plan a draft, develop drafts, revise and edit drafts and share writing / Organization Lesson 2 (p 128) / Lesson 9- Write to Describe. Descriptive Words Lesson 10- use of Adjectives for size and shape / “My First Book”
Ideas Lesson 7 (p 91)
Finish Student Products
12/2/13 / Understand the structure of Writer’s Workshop / Review Managing WW Lessons 1-7 as needed / Give students time to write
12/4/13 / K.13A- plan a draft by generation ideas for writing through class discussion (with adult assistance)
K.14A- students will dictate or write sentences to tell a story and put the sentences in chronological order / Ideas Lesson 1 (p 73) / L11- Write to Express
Sentence Parts- Verbs / Provide time for students to generate ideas for a Fictional Narrative
12/5/13 / K.13A- plan a draft by generation ideas for writing through class discussion (with adult assistance) / Ideas Lesson 2 (p 75) / L11 - Write to Express
Sentence Parts- Verbs / Students will create a Think Page
12/6/13 / K.18 A.B.C.
conventions of spelling / Conventions Lesson 5 (p 188) / L11 - Write to Express
Sentence Parts- Verbs / Provide time for students to write about their topic for Fictional Narrative
12/9/13 / K.13A- plan a draft by generation ideas for writing through class discussion (with adult assistance) / Ideas Lesson 5 (p 85) / L12-Continue with Fictional Narrative / Provide students time to work on their idea using their Senses Idea Chart
12/10/13 / K.13A- plan a draft by generation ideas for writing through class discussion (with adult assistance) / Organization Lesson 3
(p 130) / L12- Continue with Fictional Narrative / Students will use the Writing Block Planner
12/11/13 / K.18 A.B.C.
conventions of spelling / Word Choice Lesson 2
(p 156) / L12-Sentence Parts-Verbs / Provide time for students to write
12/12/13 / K.13A- plan a draft by generation ideas for writing through class discussion (with adult assistance)
K.14A- students will dictate or write sentences to tell a story and put the sentences in chronological order / Organization Lesson 4
(p 133) / L12-Continue with Fictional Narrative / Provide time for students to write. By now, students should be able to sustain themselves for longer periods of time without your support.
12/13/13 / K.13- students use elements of the writing process (planning, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing) to compose text. Students (with assistance) are expected to: plan a draft, develop drafts, revise and edit drafts and share writing / Sentence Fluency Lesson 1 (p 95) / L12-Focus- Word Choice / Students will write using sentence stems.
12/16/13 / K.13- students use elements of the writing process (planning, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing) to compose text. Students (with assistance) are expected to: plan a draft, develop drafts, revise and edit drafts and share writing / Ideas Lesson 7 (p 91) / L13-Sentences- Details / Provide time for students to write
12/17/13 / K.13- students use elements of the writing process (planning, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing) to compose text. Students (with assistance) are expected to: plan a draft, develop drafts, revise and edit drafts and share writing / Finish Student Products / L13- Write to Express- Fictional Narrative / Finish student products
12/20/13 / EARLY RELEASE
1/6/14 / Understand the structure of Writer’s Workshop / Review Managing WW lessons 1-7 as needed / Give students time to write
1/8/14 / K17A- form upper and lower case letters legibly using the basic conventions of print (left to right and top to bottom progression) / Review Print Concepts Lessons 1-8 as needed / Practice writing using basic conventions of print
1/9/14 / K.13A- plan a draft by generation ideas for writing through class discussion (with adult assistance) / Ideas Lesson 1 (p 73) / L14-Generate ideas for Fictional Narrative with emphasis of Beginning, Middle and Ending / Students will create list Ideas for Writing
1/10/14 / K.18 A.B.C.
conventions of spelling / Conventions Lesson 5 (p 188) / L14-Verbs in Past Tense / Provide time for students to write about a topic of their choice
1/13/14 / K.13A- plan a draft by generation ideas for writing through class discussion (with adult assistance) / Ideas Lesson 6 (p 88) / Focus Trait- Organization / Students will make a list of important people
1/14/14 / K.13A- plan a draft by generation ideas for writing through class discussion (with adult assistance) / Organization Lesson 3
(p 130) / Focus Trait- Organization / Using the Writing Block Planner; students will organize their ideas for writing about an important person.
1/15/14 / K.13- students use elements of the writing process (planning, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing) to compose text. Students (with assistance) are expected to: plan a draft, develop drafts, revise and edit drafts and share writing / Sentence Fluency Lesson 3 (p 109) / Focus Trait- Organization / Tell students that writers think and rearrange words in sentences to try to make them better. Tell students that today they will go back to a piece of writing and make sure they have sentences of different lengths.
1/16/14 / K.18 A.B.C.
conventions of spelling / Word Choice Lesson 4 (p 165) / L-15 concepts of letters, words and sentences / Tell students to look around and use words they see in their writing today.
1/21/14 / K.14- students write expository and procedural or work-related texts to communicate ideas and information to specific audiences for specific purposes. Students are expected to dictate or write information for lists, captions, or invitations
Write in a variety of forms or genres (letter writing) / Organization Lesson 5 (p 136) / Tell students that one way to communicate is to use notes and letters. Tell students that today they will write a letter.
1/22/14 / K.17B-Capitalize the first letter in a sentence
K.17C- use punctuation at the end of a sentence. / Conventions Lesson 3
(p 183) / L15- Grammar Skill: Capitalization and Punctuation / Have students use the stems to write sentences. Continue writing a letter.
1/23/14 / K.14A- students will dictate or write sentences to tell a story and put the sentences in chronological order / Organization Lesson 4
(p 133) / L15- story sequence: Beginning, Middle and Ending / Students will tell their story in a sequence so that events flow one to another. Give students 3 sheets of paper stapled together.
1/24/14 / K.13- students use elements of the writing process (planning, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing) to compose text. Students (with assistance) are expected to: plan a draft, develop drafts, revise and edit drafts and share writing / Conventions Lesson 6
(p 191) / L15-Share information and Ideas / Provide time for students to edit a piece of writing from their folders
1/27/14 / K.13- students use elements of the writing process (planning, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing) to compose text. Students (with assistance) are expected to: plan a draft, develop drafts, revise and edit drafts and share writing / Ideas Lesson 7 (p 91) / L16-Write a Personal Narrative / Students will write about a friend.
1/28/14-1/31/14 / Administer Benchmark 2: / L16-Write a Personal Narrative / Draw and write about someone you love.
2/3/14 / Understand the structure of Writer’s Workshop / Review Managing WW Lessons 1-7 as needed / Continue with Benchmark if not finished
2/5/14 / K17A- form upper and lower case letters legibly using the basic conventions of print (left to right and top to bottom progression) / Print Concepts Lesson 7
(p 65) / Handwriting / Provide time for students to write. Remember to offer students many compliments about work well done.
2/6/14 / K.15- students write expository and procedural or work-related texts to communicate ideas and information to specific audiences for specific purposes. / Ideas Lesson 1 (p 73) / L17-Write to Inform / Provide time for students to write about a chart topic.
2/7/14 / FLEX DAY
2/10/14 / K.13- students use elements of the writing process (planning, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing) to compose text. Students (with assistance) are expected to: plan a draft, develop drafts, revise and edit drafts and share writing / Ideas Lesson 3 (p 77) / L18-Write to Inform / Tell students they will generate ideas using the Idea Bank Cards
Developed by Erlinda Rodriguez, C&I Dept
