Deutsch II: Final Exam Grammar Review—December 2011


English has only 7 subject pronouns, whereas German has 9. Why is that? ______

Here are the English subject pronouns: Iyouhe sheit(y’all) we theyyou (formal)

What are their German equivalents? ______

Just as in English these pronouns are used to take the place of a noun.


We have learned that, unlike English, all nouns in German are ______and preceded by an article. There are three different articles, all of which mean _____. They are _____, which is called masculine, _____, which is feminine, and _____, which is neuter. Whenever you learn a new noun, you must also memorize its article, since there is no definite rule about which article goes with which word. There is, however, a saying that helps you figure out the gender of some nouns. How does it go?

Ends in _____, gender _____. Ends in _____, gender _____. ______and ______are _____.

(All plural nouns are _____!)

Can you guess the genders of the following words?

_____ Zunge_____ Notizbuch_____ Professor_____ Nachbarland

_____ Haar_____ Schreiber_____ Krankenschwester_____ Handtasche

_____ Opas_____ Kassette_____ Kind_____ Mutter

In order to avoid being redundant, you will sometimes need to replace a noun with a pronoun. For each of the following sentences, how would substitute a pronoun to express, “It is black.”

Der Kuli ist schwarz.Die Katze ist schwarz.Das Buch ist schwarz.

____ ist schwarz._____ ist schwarz_____ ist schwarz

How would you also say, “They are black.”

Die Kulis sind schwarz.

_____ sind schwarz.


One of the most difficult concepts, which we mastered in German I, was that one of the articles has to be changed if its noun is a direct object. That article is _____ which changes to _____. This year we learned that all of the articles change when they are indirect objects.


We learned that there are several words for the and that each noun is assigned a specific one. There are also various forms for a or an. These are determined by the gender of the noun.

Der Tisch ist groß.Ein Tisch ist groß.

Die Fahne ist rot und weiß.Eine Fahne ist rot und weiß.

Das Auto ist blau.Ein Auto ist blau.

Ich bringe denTisch.Ich bringe einen Tisch.

You can not use ein with plural nouns. You can, however, use keine, meine or deine.

DieKlassen sind interessant.Meine Klassen sind interessant.

Can you fill in the correct ein forms for the following nouns?

  1. _____ Lehrer korregiert _____ Hausaufgaben.
  2. _____ Junge und _____ Madchen gehen in _____ Schule.
  3. _____ Elternspielen _____ Tuba.
  4. _____ Frau besucht _____ Mann.
  5. Kennt _____ Lehrerin _____ Taxifahrer?
  6. Ich habe _____ Bleistift, _____ Papier, _____ Kuli und _____ Buch.

Nominative, Akkusativ und Dativ:

Since the verb is the only word in a sentence that has a set position, the articles play an important role. We learned that, in order to clarify the difference between subjects and objects in a sentence, articles are sometimes changed from their dictionary forms. Fortunately, the direct and indirect objects are in the same order in German sentences as in English.

Using the following elements, please write correct sentences. Don’t forget to conjugate, capitalize and change the articles where appropriate.

  1. wir / geben / Hans / das Buch / . /


  1. meine Mutter / kaufen / uns / eine Torte / . /


  1. ich / zeigen / dir / der Dom / . /


  1. Klaus / geben / mir / derStuhl / . /


  1. Axel und Manfred / kaufen / sich / die Bonbons / . /


RegulareVerben im Präsens

Verbs are words which show action in a sentence. In German all verbs end in either _____ or _____. Before you can use them in a sentence, you must conjugate them. That means that you change them so that they match the subject. This simple three-step process consists of:

  1. Taking off the ______.
  2. Writing down the ______after each subject pronoun.
  3. Adding the ______.

Let’s see if you can apply the rules to the following verbs.







Some verbs, however, need special attention. They need to add or delete a letter in order to make pronunciation easier. Can you conjugate these verbs?







Which form did you have to change for wandern? ______

What did you have to add to arbeiten and finden?______

What did you leave off of heissen and tanzen?______


Though most verbs are regular, there are some verbs which have to be memorize. Fortunately there are very few of these. Three, however, are:

sein- ______haben- ______werden-______






The rest of the irregular verbs have a easy pattern for conjugation. Do you know how to conjugate the following irregular verbs?


-ich ______





What are the only two conjugations that differ from the way you do a regular verb? _____ and _____

What did you change about these forms for fahren and laufen? The ____ changed to an _____.

for sprechen and essen?The ____ changed to an _____.

for sehen and lesen?The ____ changed to an _____.

Modal Verben

Modal verbs express how one ______about an action. They do not express the action itself; therefore, they must accompany an action verb. These verbs have a different way of conjugating.







Sollen, dürfen, and mögen are also modal verbs.

When there is more than one verb in a sentence, they cannot both be in the coveted second position. One must go to the end of the sentence, my friend. Can you rewrite these sentences to include the modal verbs? Remember the C-clamp!

Ich spiele Tennis. (können)______

Gehst du ins Kino? (wollen)______


There are some verbs that are made up of two parts, a prefix and the verb itself. In English the equivalents of these verbs tend to have prepositions. When we conjugate these, they split in half and the prefix goes on the end of the sentence.

(einkaufen)Ich ______bei Kroger’s _____.

(mitkommen)______du morgen _____?

(aufräumen)Wir ______das Zimmer _____.

(aufmachen)Ihr sollt das Paket ______.


In addition to learning lots of vocabulary and memorizing the articles, we also learned how to put the vocabulary into sentences. When we do that, what is the normal order

for a statement? ______then______

for a question? ______then______

Underline the verbs in the following exercise, then make sentences or questions with the elements?

  1. besuchen / ich / meine Oma / . /______
  2. Hausaufgaben / machen / wir / . /______
  3. du / bringen / die Musik / ? /______
  4. arbeiten / am Wochenende / er / ? /______

When we have verbs with separable prefixes, we remove the prefix and place it at the end of the sentence before conjugating the verb.

  1. wir / einkaufen / morgen / . /______
  2. mitkommen / heute / du / ? /______

Adjektiven und Adverbien: Komparativ und Superlativ

In order to compare attributes of two or more things, we use the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives. In English this sometimes means that we add “more” or “the most” in front of the adjective. This is never the case in German.

For comparative form the formula is: adjective + ______+ ______

For superlative form the formula is: _____ + adjective + ______+ ______

Komparativ / Superlative

We have also covered several different culture and vocabulary topics. Be sure to also review the vocab related to the poem, as it will play a major role. Know the nouns and their articles!

Questions for Frau Dieckman? Email


Once we mastered all of those basic concepts, we learned how to communicate in the conversational past tense. This form requires a helping verb and a past participle. The formula for making this tense with weak verbs is: ______+ _ _ + ______+ _

This formula is slightly altered if the verb has an inseparable prefix, a separable prefix or if it is French!Can you write the following sentences in the past tense?

  1. Ich spiele TennisIch ______Tennis ______.
  2. Wir tanzen nicht gern.______
  3. Kaufst du ein?______
  4. Ihr besucht die Oma.______
  5. Vatirepariert mein Fahrrad.______

For strong verbs, you had to determine which helping verb to use and had to memorize the past participle.

  1. Die Kinder essen kein Gemüse.______
  2. Trinkst du Milch?______
  3. Fritz und ich schlafen im Park.______
  4. Ingo geht nach Hause.______
  5. Ich bin 14 Jahre alt.______

When would you use sein as the helping verb? ______

We have also covered several different vocabulary topics. Be sure to review the vocab related to the poem, as it will play a major role. Know the nouns and their articles.

Questions for Frau Dieckman?????



As with English, there are ___ different ways to make past tense. The Imperfect (Präteritum) is the one word form of the past tense. It is used for ______about past events, except when writing personal letters. All of these are conjugated like modal verbs; however, there is only a formula for the weak verbs: ______+ _____ + modal conjugation

Can you write the following sentences in the imperfect tense?

  1. Ich spiele TennisIch ______Tennis.
  2. Kaufst du ein?______
  3. Vatirepariert mein Fahrrad.______
  4. Ihr besucht die Oma.______
  5. Wir tanzen nicht gern.______

For strong verbs, you had to memorize the imperfect form and conjugated it like a modal verb.

  1. Ich bin 14 Jahre alt.______
  2. Trinkst du Milch?______
  3. Ingo geht nach Hause.______
  4. Fritz und du schlaft im Park.______

Die Kinder essen kein Gemüse.______