FALL 2010
Awards Program Purpose and Overview

The purpose of Bradley University’s Grand Chapter Awards is to reward organizations and individuals who have gone above and beyond the basic expectations.

Due Dates: Accreditation program and award application materials are due by October 1 at 5pm.

Nominations: Nominations consist of filling out the application in its entirety. Application statement must be no more than one page double spaced in length.

In addition to your application, please have 2-3 sentences that sum up each person’s accomplishments. Please add this at the end of your nomination under the heading: SUMMARY. This summary will be read at Grand Chapter for the winner. Please no more than 3 sentences.

Individual Awards

The person will need to be nominated or apply for these awards to be considered:

Outstanding Panhellenic Association New Member

Outstanding Interfraternity Council New Member

Outstanding National Pan-Hellenic Council New Member

Outstanding Panhellenic Association President

Outstanding Interfraternity Council President

Outstanding National Pan-Hellenic Council President

Panhellenic Association Unsung Hero Award (cannot be serving on the Exec Board)

Interfraternity Council Unsung Hero Award (cannot be serving on the Exec Board)

National Pan-Hellenic Council Unsung Hero Award

Panhellenic Association Scholar of the Semester Award

Interfraternity Council Scholar of the Semester Award

Chapter Awards

These awards will focus on the main areas of academics, service, philanthropy, leadership and unity; chapters need to be accredited to be eligible for the awards unless otherwise noted

Achievement in Academics (no application necessary)

§  Given to all chapters who are above the all men’s/women’s average

Highest Chapter GPA-Spring 2010 (no application necessary)

§  Given to the chapter with the highest GPA in the spring semester

§  This award includes the New Member GPA

§  One award will be given to an IFC and PHC chapter

Highest Chapter GPA- Fall 2009 (no application necessary)

§  Given to the chapter with the highest GPA in the fall semester

§  This award includes the New Member GPA

§  One award will be given to an IFC and PHC chapter

Highest New Member GPA- Spring 2010 (no application necessary)

§  Given to the chapter with the highest new member GPA in the spring semester

§  One award will be given to an IFC and PHC chapter

Highest New Member GPA- Fall 2009 (no application necessary)

§  Given to the chapter with the highest new member GPA in the fall semester

§  One award will be given to an IFC and PHC chapter

Most Improved GPA

§  Given to the chapter with the most improved GPA during the past school year

§  Please submit grades for the 2008-2009 school year and the 2009-2010 school year

§  One award will be given to an IFC and PHC chapter

Achievement in Philanthropy (no application necessary)

§  Given to the chapter who donates the highest average per member to a national or local charity during the year

§  This is a combined award that will include all IFC and PHC chapters.

Outstanding Performance in Community Service Award (no application necessary)

§  Given to the chapter who completed the most community service hours during the 2009-2010 school year

§  One plaque will be given to an IFC and a PHC chapter

Greek Unity Award

§  Given to one chapter

§  Must be nominated; Chapters cannot nominate themselves

§  Chapters do not need to be accredited to be eligible

§  The Greek Life office will determine based on award nominations and participation in other organizations’ activities such as shared community service projects, shared philanthropy projects, etc.

§  This is a combined award that will include all IFC and PHC chapters.

Commitment (For the 2010-2011 School Year)

§  Given to the chapter who has demonstrated the most improvement in the accreditation program in the last year

Chapter of the Year (PHC)/ Edward M. King Award (IFC)

§  Given to the outstanding organization from each council

§  Only 4 and 5 star chapters are eligible

§  The Greek Life office will determine award based on information included in the accreditation documents
Panhel/IFC/NPHC New Member

Please attach your letter of nomination to this cover sheet. Applications are due in the Director of Academics mailbox in the Greek Life Office by 5:00PM on Friday, October 1. Late applications will not be accepted.

Ladies, any questions please call Melanie Gunn (847) 224-7486 or e-mail at

Gentlemen, any questions please call Sam Ulloa (309) 235-5723 or e-mail at

Nominee Information Nominator Information

Name ______Name ______

Chapter ______Chapter ______

Year ______Position ______

Cum. GPA ______Phone ______

Major ______E-Mail ______

·  New member of the semester will be based on one’s ability to demonstrate they have shown an understanding of the principles and ideals of their respective fraternity and sorority houses and, along with having shown great involvement with their chapter as a new member.

·  The nominator can be anyone who is a member of any fraternity or sorority; they do not need to be in the same chapter. The nomination may also come from a professor or advisor.

·  In addition to the nomination letter, a sealed letter of recommendation must come from a credible source is also required (i.e. Chapter/Academic advisor, professor). The letter should state why the nominee deserves the award.

·  Criteria by which letters are judged:

o  Campus Activities and Positions Held

o  Community Service and Activities

o  Awards and Honors Received

o  Why does this nominee exemplify “New Member of the 2009-2010 school year?”

Outstanding Panhel/IFC/ NPHC President

Please attach your letter of nomination to this cover sheet. Applications are due in the Director of Academics mailbox in the Greek Life Office by 5:00PM on Friday, October 1. Late applications will not be accepted.

Ladies, any questions please call Melanie Gunn (847) 224-7486 or e-mail at

Gentlemen, any questions please call Sam Ulloa (309) 235-5723 or e-mail at

Name of President: ______

Chapter: ______

GPA: ______

Nominator: ______

Please include a letter of nomination by a member of the chapter stating why your president should receive this award. Please focus on accomplishments made during the Fall 2009 and Spring 2010 semesters and positive changes made to your chapter. Other activities, scholastics, and achievements may be included, but focus on specifics as to why she or he was an outstanding president.

The winning president will be recognized at Grand Chapter in November.

Panhel/IFC Scholar of the Semester

(Please fill out one form for the Fall ’09 Semester and another form for the Spring ’10 Semester)

Please attach your letter of nomination to this cover sheet. Applications are due in the Director of Academics mailbox in the Greek Life Office by 5:00PM on Friday, October 1. Late applications will not be accepted.

Ladies, any questions please call Melanie Gunn (847) 224-7486 or e-mail at

Gentlemen, any questions please call Sam Ulloa (309) 235-5723 or e-mail at

Nominee Information Nominator Information

Name ______Name ______

Chapter ______Chapter ______

Year ______Position ______

Cum. GPA ______Phone ______

Semester GPA______E-Mail ______

(Fall ‘09/Spring’10)

Major ______

·  Scholar of the Semester will be based on one’s overall scholarly abilities in conjunction with his or her commitment to both the Greek system and the Bradley University community.

·  The nominator can be anyone who is a member of any fraternity or sorority; they do not need to be in the same chapter. The nomination may also come from a professor or advisor.

·  In addition to the nomination letter, a sealed letter of recommendation must come from a credible source is also required (i.e. Chapter/Academic advisor, professor). The letter should state why the nominee deserves the award.

·  Criteria by which letters are judged:

o  Campus Activities and Positions Held

o  Community Service and Activities

o  Awards and Honors Received

o  Other Pertinent Information (MGCA, Leadership Conferences, Etc)

Why does this nominee exemplify “Scholar of the Semester for 2009-2010?”
Unsung Hero Award

Please attach your letter of nomination to this cover sheet. Applications are due in the Director of Academics mailbox in the Greek Life Office by 5:00PM on Friday, October 1. Late applications will not be accepted.

Ladies, any questions please call Melanie Gunn (847) 224-7486 or e-mail at

Gentlemen, any questions please call Sam Ulloa (309) 235-5723 or e-mail at

Person Being Nominated: ______

Chapter: ______

Nominator: ______

Here is the opportunity to nominate an individual within your chapter who goes the extra-mile and makes a tremendous difference in your chapter and the Greek community; regardless of the position they hold and the recognition they receive. The Unsung Hero Award recognizes one individual within the Panhel/IFC/NPHC council who embodies what is right about chapters through their endeavors at Bradley University.

The award process is intentionally broad for the true scope of impact to be measured. Applications should cover the difference made within the Greek community, basic involvement information, and why someone should be recognized and deemed as an unsung hero.

Greek Unity Award

Excellence in this category is awarded to the chapter/s that have made an exceptional effort to enhance the unity, cohesiveness, and positive image of the Greek Community on campus through chapter-sponsored events and through individual member involvement outside or within the Greek community.

Please do not include any philanthropy or community service projects (for your own chapter) in this section.

Ladies, any questions please call Melanie Gunn (847) 224-7486 or e-mail at

Gentlemen, any questions please call Sam Ulloa (309) 235-5723 or e-mail at


1.  Chapter encourages involvement within their own chapters, other chapters on campus, and leadership among all members.

2.  Chapter hosts non-alcoholic (do not include sorority/fraternity exchanges) events with other Greek or Bradley organizations.


1.  This award is designed to recognize chapters which take an active role in the Greek community. This includes Greek programming, other organizational programming, and community outreach.

2.  This award will be judged on the following criteria:

a.  Chapter involvement in programming outside of the chapter (other chapter’s philanthropies, socials, etc.) ( to be included in spreadsheet form)

b.  An essay that explains why the chapter should be recognized for superiority in Greek unity (to be included in an essay not exceeding 1 page in length)

c.  Be sure to indicate any events that you sponsored or co-sponsored

The final application should include 1 spreadsheet and 1 essay