Simple,fast and attheright time….

Dowe meet ourcustomerssimilarlyat ourdifferent touchpoints– do we have adigital customerstrategy?

Inanincreasinglyintensive struggle to get newcustomersandretainexisting customers, companiesdonot only have to develop productsand redefine salesdepartments,theyneedadigitalcustomerstrategy

At the same time,manycompanies haveuntapped product knowledge and unused cross-cutting data-a potential that,ifused,cancontribute to highersalesand efficiency.

Forseveral years I have been working asacommercial managerinsalesand trade marketing, focusing onhow digitalizationcanbe used asacompetitivetool. Successfully,I have worked on increasing the brand awareness as well as the companyawareness.Thiswasdone by combining the company's digital communicationtowards customers withactivationofcustomersinthe shop.

The last few years,Iworked increasingly cross-organizational, the objective beingto create acommonthread

forthe customer,regardless ofchannel for product or purchase data.Beside unifyingand streamlining

customer requested information,Idevelopedand implementedacustomercommunicationstrategy.Part ofthis workmeant that internal barriersand silos werereduced betweensales,supplychain,production,customer service,etc., inorderthat everyone had the same understanding ofcustomer needs.


✓Result oriented

✓Thinking and acting strategically

✓Change management

✓Inspirationand motivation

✓Digital Excellence



✓Sales Excellence (ChallengerSales)


2017 Mar. / - / Digital Excellence and CRMConsultant / CoDE
2014 Jul. / -2017 Feb. / International Trade Marketing Manager / Scandinavian Tobacco Group A/S
2012 Jan. / -2014 Jun. / Trade Marketing Manager / Scandinavian Tobacco Group Denmark A/S
2008 Nov. / -2011 Dec. / National SalesManager / Scandinavian Tobacco Group Denmark A/S
2007 Nov. / -2008 Oct. / National SalesManager / OrlikNobel A/S
2001 Jul. / -2007 Oct. / International Trade SystemManager / House ofPrince A/S
1999 Sep. / -2001 Jun. / Trade SystemManager / House ofPrince A/S
1991 May / -1999 Aug. / Purchasingand Salesresponsible / BK-FoodA/S
1987 Jun. / -1991 Jan. / Militaryservice,sergeant,lieutenant / The Royal Life Guards





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Mar.2017–DigitalExcellenceand CRM Consultant

Witha viewto gettinghighersalesand efficiency

Programand project management, CRManalysisandimplementation, utilizing product knowledgefora bettersale,identifying and using cross-cutting data,digital customerstrategyand digital excellence.

Independent consultant

July2014 – Feb. 2017InternationalTradeMarketingManager– Scandinavian Tobacco Group

Withoperational experienceboth from trade marketing and sales, Ibecame responsible fordeveloping the strategyforglobal trade marketing,including trade communicationstrategy,consumerjourney,omnichannel strategyand keychannel segmentation. Inorderto ensure that all stakeholderswere involved and customer needs were incorporated intothe communication,I had ongoing cooperationwithsupplychain, production, salesand finance, where westarted buildinga CenterofDigital Excellence (CoDE).Aspillover effect from this workwasareductionof various silosand barriersinthe companyaswell asaclearer communication towards the customers.

Member of theManagementTeam in GroupMarketing. Reportto Senior Vice President– GlobalMarketing


• Creating and implementing group trade communicationstrategyinatwo years’ project inconnection

withthe large EU legislationchange

• IPO,building and analysing a worldwide brand/price/share overviewand conclusion

• 40% savingsgloballyandincreased effectivenesscentralizing masterdatato anonline platform for80 markets

• Creating the group B2Bstrategyand implementation inPoland andItaly

• Group market share platform,reporting monthlytomanagement board

Jan.2012 – Jun. 2014TradeMarketing Manager– Scandinavian TobaccoGroup Danmark

Based onsales andCRMexperience Iwasresponsible for building a newtrade marketing departmentwith mainfocusonkey account,trade marketing and CRM. Securingimplementation ofSales Excellence (Challenger Sales)insalesand onkeyaccount level and optimizing best practicesfor keyaccount. Furthermore,optimizing sharing and cross-cutting processesacrossthe all departments.

Member of theManagement Group.Responsible for sixemployees. Reportto Managing DirectorDenmark


• 40% product visibility increase bydeveloping newsolutiononDK/DEborder

• 15% cost reductionand 20% efficiencyincrease due to newannual price change process

• 15% increased brand recognition bycreating loyaltyprogram

• ‘DarkMarket’strategy planand executionacrossall departments

• 5% increase ofshelfspace developing unique shelfsystems

• Ensuring70% product visibilityat strategickeyaccounts

Nov.2008 – Dec.2011NationalSales Manager– Scandinavian TobaccoGroup Denmark

Responsible forsecuring effective direct salesstrategiestowards4500 customers.Responsiblefor developing competenciesand processesrequired to create aneffective and efficient salesorganization throughtraining and transitiontothe newcorporateCRM.

Member of themanagement group. Responsible for 20 employees. Reportto Managing DirectorDenmark


•10% increase ofvisitsthroughnewcustomerand segmentationstrategy

•Neworganisationadding tworegional SalesManagers

•5% increase insalespersonrecognition bychangingthe role ofthe salesstafffrom being salespersons to being advisors inthe shops

•Implementedsalestraining,improved processes and guidelinesbasedon Sales Excellence (Challenge


•Developing and implementing a new CRMsystem(Microsoft CRM)

Nov.2007 – Oct.2008NationalSales Manager– Orlik Nobel

Based onprevious work withsalesprocessesand KPI optimizationI wasresponsible fordeveloping and implementing a newsalesstrategy. In addition, optimizing the organizationinorder to create aneffective salesorganizationthat reflectsthe customers' futurerequirements.Internallyoptimizing processesand workflowsbetweenmarketing and salesinorderto ensure aneffective implementationtowards our customers.

Member of themanagement group.Responsible for 16 employees. Reportto Managing DirectorDenmark


• Successful reorganizationgoing fromtwo salesorganisationsinto two

• 16% increase ofvisitsby streamlining processes and tasks

• Redefining customersegments and reclassificationofcustomersto ensure optimal customercoverage

• Increasing performance throughweeklyvisible targets/resultsand focusing on preparation,planning and follow-up onsalesactivities

Jul.2001– Oct.2007InternationalCRMManager-HouseofPrince

Responsible forestablishing and implementing theGroup's CRMstrategyandforensuringuniform sales management processesand KPIsacrosssubsidiaries.Furthermore,rolling out acorporate CRMsolution, ensuring the efficiency ofthe Group'sCRMcosts.

Reportto Senior Vice President (Int. Brand Group)


• 35% savingsbymerging the CRMsysteminDenmarkandSweden

• 30% savingsbyacquisitionoftheCRMsystem and outsourcing ofdevelopmentto external partner

• Implementationof CRMinEstonia,Latvia,Germany,the Czech Republic,Greece,Denmark,Sweden and export department

Sep. 1999 – Jun.2001CRMManager– House ofPrinceDenmark

Being responsible for CRM inDenmark,I wasin charge ofrefining and developing a newlyimplemented system.Furthermore,changing processesandtransferring first level support tothe IT department.

Maj 1991-Aug.1999Purchasing-and SalesManager– BK-Food

Responsible forpurchase offrozen salmonand lobster from Canada aswell asexotic fishfromTaiwan. Furthermore,responsible forsales to Iceland, wholesalersand keyaccountsin Denmarkaswell as exhibitionsinRussiaand Ukraine.

Jun.1987- Jan.1991Militaryserviceand officer training,The RoyalLifeGuards

Throughout mymilitarycareer,Ihave worked with management andeducationstarting asasergeant,then asalieutenant and finally asacaptainwhere I wasinresponsiblefor135 soldiers.

Dec.1986-May1987TraineeatTholstrup CheeseUSA Inc. Jun.1986- Nov.1986LuKGmbHBosch – Germany


1994 – 1998 / Graduate Diplomain Business Administration International Business(HD-U)
1993 – 1994 / Captaininthe reserve,The Royal Life Guards
1988 – 1989 / Sergeant and Lieutenant, The Royal Life Guards
1983 – 1986 / BusinessCollege– Niels Brock(Copenhagen)


2014 / Trusted LeaderProgram Europe / Scandinavian Tobacco Group
2010 / Project leader education / ScandinavianTobacco Group
2005 / StrategicPlanning / SkandinaviskTobakskompagni
2004 / Mobilizing People / IMD Switzerland
2000 / Programme forYoung Managers / House ofPrince


NativeFluent in written and spoken

Negotiation level

Danish / 
English / 
German / 
Swedish / 
Norwegian / 

Career –Other

2011 -2017–

2011– 2017

Vice Chairman–Skovshoved TriathlonClub

Board Member – Skovshoved TriathlonClub

2007 – 20142007– 2012

2012– 2014

Chairman–Rosmosevænget Grundejerforening

Board Member – Rosmosevænget Grundejerforening

1988 –2015–

1994– 2015

1991– 1994

1989– 1991

1988– 1989

Captaininthe reserve,LiaisonOfficer

Captaininthe reserve,The Royal Life Guards

First Lieutenant inthe reserve,TheRoyal Life Guards

Lieutenant, The Royal Life Guards

Sergeant,The Royal Life Guards



References - writtenabout me

• Christianworkspersistentlyoverlongerperiodsto resolveprocessandsystemissuesandis pragmaticinfindingworkablesolutionsandopentogive/takein ordertoget peopleonboard andmoveforward

• Christianadjustswelltochangesaroundhimandmoveson

• Insituationswheredoubtordisagreementarise,Christianiscapableofconfrontingthe variousstakeholderswiththesituationandcreatingadialogueabouttheuncertaintiesor

disagreementswithaviewtocreatea commonunderstanding- andmoveon

• Christiantakesresponsibilityandensuresprogress,evenin situationswherehe isdepending oninputfromothers

• Openforlisteninganddiscussion.Opentoproposenewsolutionsandtoshareknowledge andexperience,helpingotherstoimprove.
