400 Main Street

New Eagle, PA15067



4 – 72 Passenger School Buses

1.All bids shall be sealed and plainly labeled:School Buses.

  1. Sealed bids will be received at the Administrative Office, 400 Main Street, New Eagle, Pennsylvania 15067 on or before:

Tuesday April 12, 2016 – 10:00 A.M. Prevailing Time

  1. These bids will be opened at a meeting scheduled at the Administration Building onTuesday, April 12, 2016 at 10:00AM.
  1. Bids will be awarded at a scheduled meeting of the Ringgold Board of School Directors.
  1. All bids are to be mailed to RinggoldSchool District, 400 Main Street, New Eagle, PA 15067 or hand delivered to the business office located in the AdministrationBuilding, 400 Main Street, New Eagle, PA 15067
  1. Further information may be received from Thomas Carpenter, Director of Transportation, 46Ginger Hill Road, Finleyville, PA 15332. Telephone (724) 258-5709.
  1. The school district is exempt from the Federal Excise Tax, Pennsylvania State Sales and Use Tax. DONOT include these taxes in your quotation. The necessary tax exemption certificates will be furnished.
  1. The Board of School Directors reserves the right to reject any or all bids, or to accept or reject any single item of group of items, and to award a bid which in their judgment will be in the best interest of the school systems.
  1. The quality of all goods, materials, supplies, etc. shall be as per specifications.
  1. It is the bidders responsibility to become totally acquainted with all specifications. Any change in specifications must be detailed as part of the bidder’s documents. The District will consider all bids submitted.
  1. Bids may not be withdrawn for sixty (60) days after the first bid or group of bids is opened.
  1. Supplies and/or equipment are to be delivered during the working day (7:30 A.M. to 3:30 P.M., Monday through Friday) by the successful bidder.
  1. All quotations are to include freight and drayage charges to the designated buildings of the District. Items will not be accepted if freight or drayage charges are not prepaid.
  1. Payment will be scheduled for approval by the Board of School Directors of the RinggoldSchool District, following delivery of all or part of the items awarded.
  1. The Superintendent of Schools or his designee shall have the power and authority to reject any or all bids, which in her opinion, are not in strict compliance and conformity will bid specifications or considered to be equal in every repect. (Samples may be submitted in order to demonstrate equal quality.)
  1. Bid price must hold for at least ninety (90) days. Bidders must indicate if this is not possible.
  1. In all cases where bidder is not bidding items as specified, he must designate that substitution is being made and must supply accompanying literature in order to demonstrate equal character and quality.
  1. All samples or literature submitted by the bidder must be plainly labeled with the name on the Bid Sheet to which the sample or literature relates.
  1. THE RIGHT TO KNOW LAW REQUIRES THAT Material Safety Data Sheets be enclosed at bidder’s cost for all materials included in the bid proposed.
  1. WHEREVER PRACTICAL AND POSSIBLE – all materials purchased by the RinggoldSchool District are to be those made by American craftsmen in the United States of America. All bids should indicate those materials manufactured in the United States. The only exceptions to the RinggoldSchool District policy of purchasing domestically produced goods are where American made goods are not available or their prices are prohibitive.
  1. BID BOND SPECIFICATIONS – All bids must be accompanied by a certifiedcheck,cashiers check, or bidbond in the amount of tenpercent (10%) of the bid guaranteeing the delivery of the supplies or equipment in accordance with the terms of the contract.
  1. At its meeting on February 11, 1989, the Ringgold Board of School Directors adopted the following resolution regarding bids submitted by vendors for all supplies, equipment and services:

No bid will be considered unless the attached “Non-Collusion Affidavit for Bids Submitted for RinggoldSchool District” is completed, notarized, and returned with the bid.




) SS:


On this the day of , 20, personally appeared before me, the undersigned authority, who being duly sworn according to law, deposes and says that the following is true and correct to the best of their information, knowledge, and belief:

1.That I am the of

[Owner or (title)] [Name of firm]

, and that I am authorized to make this Affidavit on behalf of my firm, and its owners, directors, and officers. I am the person responsible in my firm for the price (3) and the amount of this bid.

2.That the prices (s) and amount of this bid have been arrived at independently and without consultation, communication, or agreement with any other contractor, bidder or potential bidder.

3.That neither the price (s) nor the amount of this bid, and neither the approximate price (s) nor approximate amount of this bid, have been disclosed to any other firm or person who is a bidder or potential bidder, and they will not be disclosed before bid opening.

4.That no attempt has been made or will be made to induce any firm or person to refrain from bidding on this contract, or to submit a bid higher than this bid, or to submit any intentionally high or noncompetitive bid or other form of complementary bid.

5.That the bid of my firm is made in good faith and not pursuant to any agreement or discussion with, or inducement from, any firm or person to submit a complementary or other noncompetitive bid.

6.That , its affiliates, subsidiaries,

(Name of firm)

officers, directors, and employees are not currently under investigation by any governmental agency and have not in the last four years been convicted or found liable for any act prohibited by State or Federal law in any jurisdiction, involving conspiracy or collusion with respect to bidding on any public contract, except as follows:

That , understands and acknowledges that the above representations are material and important and will be relied on by the RINGGOLDSCHOOL DISTRICTin awarding the contract(s) for which this bid is submitted. I understand and my firm understands that any misstatement in this affidavit is and shall be treated as fraudulent concealment from the RINGGOLDSCHOOL DISTRICT of the true facts relating to the submission of bids for this contract.

(Name of Company or firm)


Sworn to and subscribed before me(Print name)

this day of , 20 .

Notary Public

My Commission Expires:


RinggoldSchool District

Notice of Instructions to Bidders

Specifications/Exceptions for 72 Passenger School Buses

2016 Model Year or Newer – No Exceptions

All specifications for this purpose built school bus shall be in strict compliance with current Pennsylvania School Bus construction requirements and must also be in compliance with current Federal Motor Vehicle standards for safety and emission controls.

All bidders must complete the attached specifications. Each line requires a response stating the specifications proposed by the bidder. In the event that the specifications proposed by the bidder are exactly and unequivocally identical to specifications established by the School District, including brand name, the bidder must respond with the phrase “No Exceptions”. In all other cases, and for all brand name items, the bidder is required to provide written specifications. Each line on which information is requested (noted by phrase EXCEPTION:) must be completed. Additional pages may be added if necessary.

The terms, “No structural difference” or “We are equal to your proposed specifications” will not be permitted. It is the responsibility of the School District and their representatives to determine if a substitution is “or equal”. Therefore, the bidder must be required to provide detailed specifications so that the School District can make the necessary comparisons to enable them to reach the proper decision. Failure to comply with these instructions will render the bid invalid for material non-compliance to our published specifications.

In the final determination made by this board, it may be necessary for the bidder to provide a demonstrator vehicle for our inspection.

Deliver by: / Expected by FRIDAY, JULY 29, 2016


NOTE: Please initial in the space provided at the end of each statement to indicate your acceptance of these conditions.

Successful bidder agrees to deliver the vehicles on or before.

Successful bidder agrees to provide alternate/loaner buses of equivalent construction, less than 5 years old, free of charge if the delivery date cannot be met and until such time that the new buses arrive.

School buses shall be equipped to meet all Pennsylvania minimum standards prior to delivery


Literature, complete specifications and photographs shall accompany bid.

Successful bidder will provide the district with warranties, line sheets, shop service manual, parts manual, and operator’s manual.

Dealer agrees to furnish detailed work orders for all warranty work performed. This includes all work “sub-contracted” to another agent.

Complete parts inventory for all chassis and body items shall be available within 24 hours from selling dealer at their location.

Bidder must be a franchised and certified engine dealer for brand engine they are proposing and have authorized and trained personnel on staff.

Please list the location and approximate distance from the school district, of the service facility that will be utilized for all factory-authorized chassis, body, and engine repairs.



Anybidder, proposer orofferorwhobelievesthat theyhavebeenaggrievedinconnection withthe solicitation orawardofacontract, astheresult ofaviolationoftherequirements of the Ringgold School District or any applicable provisions of law, may protest the solicitation or the award action.


Iftheprotest relates tothesolicitation, bidorproposal process,thentheprotestor mustsubmit in writing tothe Superintendent of Schools their complaint withregardstothe initial process.

Theformalwritten protest mustbesenttothe Superintendent of Schools within

five(5)daysafter thebidopening, andshallinclude ataminimum the following elements:

• BidorRFPNumber andTitle

• Thename andaddress oftheprotestor

• Why theyareprotesting

• Supporting exhibits,evidenceordocuments tosubstantiate anyclaims

• Astatement requesting therelieftheprotestor seeks,and

• Anyother information that theprotestor deemstobematerial totheprotest

If the Superintendent of Schools believesthecomplaint tohavemerit, theaward processwillbe held upuntiltheprotest isresolved. However,if itisdetermined that particular factsand circumstances require thecontinuance ofthesolicitation processorthecontract awardprocess without delaytoavoidanimmediate andserious danger tothepublichealth, safetyorwelfareof the School District, the solicitation and award process shall continue.

The Superintendent of Schools, in conjunction with the School District Solicitor'sopinion,willrespond in writing totheformalwritten protest withinseven(7)calendar daysfromreceipt ofprotest. The response canbewrittenine-mailformat, orfaxedtotheprotestor.

If the protestor is not satisfied with the response in writing to their formal protest then the protestor’s only recourse is the Court of Common Pleas.


Avalidprotest mustcomefromanactualbidder orproposer forthecontract whoclaimstobethe rightful awardee.. Thatis, a protest isnotvalidiffiledbyabidder orproposer whocannotshow that theywouldbeawarded thecontractiftheirprotest wereaccepted.

Protestors shallfirstverballynotifytheSuperintendent of Schools oftheirintent toprotest withinseven(7)calendar daysfromthepostingoftheofficial bidtabulation.

It is the intent of the School District that the resolution can be resolved with the Superintendent of Schools during that initial verbal conversion. However, if the protestor is not satisfied with the verbal resolution, they have the right to then submit a written protest.

The written protest must be sent to the Superintendent of Schools within seven (7) days of the verbal notification. The formal, written protest shall include at a minimum the following elements:

• BidorRFPNumber andTitle

• Thename andaddress oftheprotestor

• Why theyareprotesting

• Supporting exhibits,evidenceordocuments tosubstantiate anyclaims

• Astatement requesting therelieftheprotestor seeks,and

• Anyother information that theprotestor deemstobematerial totheprotest

The Superintendent of Schools, in conjunction with the School District Solicitor’s opinion, will respond in writing to the formal written protest with seven (7) calendar days from receipt of protest. The response can be written in e-mail format, or faxed to the protestor.

If the protestor is not satisfied with the response in writing to their formal protest then the protestor’s only recourse is the Court of Common Pleas of Washington County.


This form must be completed and returned to the Ringgold School District, attn: Superintendent of Schools , 400 Main Street, New Eagle, PA 15067 or by fax 724-258-5363, by 12:00 P.M. on the Monday before the bids are scheduled to be opened

I/we file a protest regarding Specification Number for the reasons(s):

The specifications are not clear. Please explain:
The specifications eliminate vendors in an unnecessary manner. Please indicate which items eliminate vendors and why the items eliminate competition.
The specifications are unfair in that they favor specific vendors. Please explain:
Other. Please explain:
ADDRESS: ______

Chassis Specifications

The minimum standards are as follows

1. Frame:

A.30,000 GVW plate rating, minimum.

B.50,000 P.S.I. steel minimum.

  1. 10 1/2” high with 3” flanges, which are 1/4” thick, Dual “C” channel.
  2. Section modulus = 11.47 cu.in. and RBM = 573,710 in. lb. per rail.
  3. Hi-Tensile strength “Huck-Spin” fasteners with swaged lock nuts to be used for all permanent fixtures.


2. Wheelbase:

  1. 280” wheelbase maximum.
  2. Turning radius at curb to be a maximum 34.9’.
  3. 50 degree wheel cut – No Exceptions

D. / Exceptions

3. Front Axle and suspension:

  1. 12,000 lb., capacity, Hendrickson front axle or equivalent.
  2. 10,000 lb. Hendrickson “softek” front tapered suspension using a single 4” x 60” steel leaf spring with an additional front safety leaf on each side or equivalent.
  3. 16.5” x 5” brakes with non-asbestos lining. Dustshields to be included.
  1. Meritor automatic slack adjusters.
  2. Sach direct acting, double action, piston type shock absorbers, 1.75 diameter bore with long life bonded bushings.
  3. Petroleum lubed bearings with access plug.
  1. Exceptions ______

4. Rear Axle and Suspension:

  1. 21,000 lb. capacity rear axle with traction control or equivalent.
  2. Hendrickson rear air ride suspension or equivalent.
  3. 16.5” x 7” brakes with non-asbestos lining. Dustshields to be included.
  4. Meritor automatic slack adjusters.
  5. 5.29 drive ratio.
  6. Monroe direct acting, doubleaction, piston type shock absorbers
  7. Automatic Traction Control

  1. Exceptions

5. Wheels & Rims:

  1. 8.25 x 22.5, hub-piloted disc wheels painted black. Five (5) hand holes.

  1. Exceptions

6. Tires:

A.Front 11R x 22.5, 14 ply, tubeless-highway tread.

B.Rear 11R x 22.5, 14 ply, tubeless-highway tread.


7. Brakes:

A.Full air brake system.

B.Bendix-Westinghouse AD-IP heated air dryer or equivalent.

  1. 18.7 cfm air compressor, water cooled, engine driven.
  2. 4-channel anti-lock brake system

E.Meritor Q-plus lining.

F.Quick connect fittings – no exceptions.

G.24 sq. in. front chambers; 30 sq. in. rear chambers.

H.30 sq. in spring brake chamber for emergency brake.

I. One (1) triple compartment air tank with minimum 4400 cu. in.


  1. Exceptions

8. Steering:

  1. Douglas Autotec power steering with TRW power steering pump (gear driven) or equivalent.
  2. Two (2) quart power steering reservoir.
  3. Padded steering wheel, tilt, 2-spoke, 18” diameter.


9. Fuel Tank:

  1. 100 gallon rectangular steel fuel tank mounted between rear frame rails.
  2. Spring loaded fuel tank door with key lock and floor mounted sender inspection plate.
  3. Heated fuel filter/water separator mounted on the fire wall.


10. Horns:

A.Dual electric.


11. Engine:

  1. 2016 Emission electronic in-line six cylinder diesel engine, turbo-charged and after-cooled. Engine must meet all 2016 Emission requirements without the use of credits. No exceptions.
  2. 240horsepower, 6.7 ltr. minimum, Cummins ISB-13, no exceptions.
  3. Engine mounted oil check and fill.
  4. Low oil pressure, high water temperature alarm, light and buzzer.
  5. Spin-on oil filter.
  6. 110-120 volt engine preheater with receptacle mounted in RH bumper face.
  7. 5 year,100,000 mile engine warranty
  8. 2 year towing warranty
  9. VGT engine exhaust brake – No Exceptions
  10. 15 gallon D.E.F. tank with dash mounted gauge.

  1. Exceptions

12. Electrical:

A.Multi-plex chassis wiring with LED read out in drivers dash area.

B.240 amp Leece/Neville alternator.

C. Daytime running lights

  1. Three (3) Group 31 batteries, 2100 CCA, located in battery compartment—year of manufacture 2016 or newer.

E.Air gauge package with dual air pressure.

F.Air restriction indicator.


  1. Electric fuel gauge.
  2. 7 digit speedometer, resetable trip odometer, tachometer, voltmeter, coolant temperature gauge, high/low beam indicator, engine hour meter, transmission temperature gauge.
  3. Engine oil pressure gauge.
  4. Self-canceling turn signal switch.
  5. Engine warning system.
  6. All gauges to have automatic self-test at power up.
  7. LED telltale warnings/indicators:

Directionals (Green)

High Beam (Blue)

Applied service brake (Red)

Applied park brake (Red)

ABS active (Amber)

Stop engine (Red)

Service Engine soon (Amber)

Check transmission (Red)

Low coolant level (Amber)

  1. Additional switches:

Headlights with parking light position, high idle with

low idle return, cruise control with two (2) switches (on/off, and


  1. Message display center located in speedometer face to provide the following functions: Odometer, Trip odometer, boost pressure, percent engine load, instantaneous fuel rate, average fuel rate, engine hours, dash mounted digital clock.

  1. Exceptions

13. Radiator:

A.Coolant protected to -34 degrees.

B. Nylon cooling fan to be 24” diameter with 9 blades.

C. Silicon cooling hose with constant tension hose clamps.

D. Electric fan clutch driven by Polyvee fan belt with spring loaded

tensioner. Fan to be controlled by engine ECM.

E. Charge air cooler of cast aluminum with 600 sq. in. frontal area,

mounted in tandem with 625 sq. in. aluminum core coolant radiator.

F. Exceptions

14. Exhaust System:

  1. Exhaust system fabricated with stainless steel.
  2. Tailpipe to exit through rear bumper or equivalent.
  3. Wide band exhaust clamps at all joints.


15. Controls: