Friars Gate
1011 Stratford Road
B90 4BN
T: 0121-713-8812
20th June 2014
Dear Mr John Matthews
FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT 2000 – Solihull CCG –Assessments and Treatment Units - Ref: FOI/002592
Thank you for your request received 6th June 2014. You asked for information regarding Assessments and Treatment Units.
Your request for information has now been considered. I will answer your queries below in turn:
In December 2012 the Department of Health issued its final report following the abuse of people with a learning disability at Winterbourne View assessment and treatment centre. The report on "Transforming Care" . This required people in assessment and treatment centres to be reviewed and where inappropriately placed transferred to community based support by 1 June 2014. Please provide the following information for the following discrete periods
In 2013 Solihull did not have anyone in hospital who met the Winterbourne View criteria.
b)January 2014- 31 May 2014 .
Solihull has not had anyone in hospital who met the Winterbourne View criteria during this period. During this period we have had no new admissions to hospital
1)The number of people with Learning Disabilities transferred INTO assessment and treatment units from community based care settings (provide split between shared lives, residential care, supported living and other settings that the people transferred into the assessment and treatment unit came from)
No people meeting the criteria
2)The numbers of people with Learning Disabilities transferred OUT OF assessment and treatment units into community based care settings (provide split between shared lives, residential care, supported living and other settings that the people were transferred out to).
Solihull has no people meeting the Winterbourne View Criteria.
3)Where the people were transferred INTO assessment and treatment units i) the names of the assessment and treatment units they were transferred to and the provider/operator of those units ii) the number of admissions per unit. £
Solihull has no people meeting the Winterbourne View Criteria.
4)The name of the care provider who provided support for the person with Learning Disabilities prior to admission INTO the assessment and treatment units for each of the admissions.
Solihull has no people meeting the Winterbourne View Criteria.
5)For those people transferred OUT OF assessment and treatment units the name of the care provider that provided the person with care in the community AFTER discharge.
Solihull has no people meeting the Winterbourne View Criteria.
If you have any queries or concerns then please contact me.
If you are dissatisfied with the handling of your request please contact the Information Governance Manager at Midlands and Lancashire CSU, Information Governance Team, Corporate Governance, Heron House, 120 Grove Road, Fenton, Stoke on Trent, ST4 4LX or telephone 0300 404 2999 ext. 8253 or email
You can also refer to the Information Commissioner at:
Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Telephone: 01625 545700
Yours sincerely
Robert Irwin
Senior Executive for Corporate Governance