It’s time again to receive recognition for the dedication of so many of our members. CCONS provides several awards each year so nominate yourself or another member for one of the awards. The deadline for all awards is September 30. Awards will be announced at the October membership meeting.

OCN/AOCN/AOCNS/AOCNP Certification Scholarship

Two $100 scholarships will be awarded to members who are certifying or recertifying for certifications through the Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation. Each candidate must be an active member of CCONS and must be eligible to take the certification exam. Candidates must take or have taken the examination during the same year in which the award is given. Proof of taking the exam must be presented. This is a self nomination scholarship.

Career Development Award

This award is given to provide financial assistance to a member seeking educational opportunities. It may be used for continuing education, professional resources or formal education. Two $250 awards will be given. Candidates must be active CCONS members, complete the application form including an essay describing how the recipient would use the award. This is a self nomination award.

Nursing Education Scholarship

This award provides assistance to a current CCONS member who is completing a BSN, MSN, post masters NP or doctoral program. The scholarship money may b e used for tuition, books or other expenses. Proof of enrollment in an accredited nursing program and a brief description of professional goals in oncology nursing are required. Two $500 scholarships will be awarded. This is a self nomination scholarship.

Undergraduate Nursing Education Scholarship

This award provides assistance in completing an undergraduate nursing degree. Applicant does not have to be a member of ONS or CCONS. Applicant must be enrolled in an accredited nursing program. Scholarship does not require applicant to pursue a career in oncology nursing but consideration will be given to those whose professional goals include oncology nursing. Applicant must complete application and essay describing how they handled a difficult patient situation. One $500 scholarship will be awarded. This is a self nomination scholarship.

Spouse/Significant Other Award

This $50 award is given to recognize the efforts of a spouse or significant other in the promotion of CCONS or CCONS sponsored activities. This is not an annual award but must be nominated by a CCONS member when appropriate. The award requires efforts above and beyond to support efforts of CCONS. An essay including the efforts put forth by the nominee must be submitted by the CCONS member nominating this candidate.

Spirit of CCONS

This award is given to honor and recognize a member who has contributed to CCONS development by sharing time and expertise. Active participation in CCONS is required as well as outstanding contributions to CCONS. The award required an application and essay describing the contributions made. One award recipient will receive membership to ONS, CCONS and registration to an ONS sponsored conference. Any CCONS member may nominate a colleague.

Applications will be enclosed in mailing and available on the CCONS website at

Don’t forget to check out the ONS website for several other awards including OCN/AOCN of the year, Congress Scholarships, Career Development awards, and excellence awards. Many have application deadlines in early December. You can find all the information about these awards at

Remember you can’t win an award or scholarship if you don’t apply!

OCN/AOCN/AOCNS/AOCNP Certification Scholarship

The Board of Directors of the Chicago Chapter of the Oncology Nursing Society (CCONS) will award two $100 scholarships annually. Recipient will be announced at the October membership meeting.



City______State______Zip Code______



Employer Address______

City______State______Zip Code______

Certification exam taking:


Date of certification:______

The completed application and copy of the test results or ONC-Pro renewal letter from ONS must be received by September 30.

Mail to :Colleen O’Leary

25 S. Euclid Ave.

Villa Park, IL60181

Career Development Award

The Board of Directors of the Chicago Chapter of the Oncology Nursing Society (CCONS) will award two $250 scholarships annually. Recipient will be announced at the October membership meeting.



City______State______Zip Code______


Work Phone______

Primary Practice Area (check only one):

□Inpatient/hospital □Outpatient/Ambulatory □Home Care□Office

Please list each of the CCONS meetings you have attended in the past 12 months:


Please identify all of the following that describe your CCONS participation in the past 2 years:

□ Committee member


□Committee chairperson


□Speaker at CCONS Meeting

□Newsletter article author or contributor

□Volunteer at a meeting (set-up, registration, etc.)

□Brought a non-member to a meeting

Career Development Award

Page 2

□ Recruited a new CCONS member

□None. I’ll become involved if I receive the education award


On a separate sheet, please type a brief statement (200- word maximum) identifying your role as an oncology nurse and your professional goals. Please describe how the educational program or professional resources (i.e. books, journals) for which you will use the Career Development Award will enhance your oncology career and goals.

The completed application must be received by September 30.

Mail to :Colleen O’Leary

25 S. Euclid Ave.

Villa Park, IL60181

Nursing Education Scholarship

The Board of Directors of the Chicago Chapter of the Oncology Nursing Society (CCONS) will award two $500 scholarships annually. Recipient will be announced at the October membership meeting.



City______State______Zip Code______


Work Phone______

School of Nursing:______


City______Zip Code______

Circle the status as of September:

BSN CompletionMasters educationDoctoral education Other______

Enrollment Status □ Full time□Part time

The following items are required in order to complete this scholarship application and must be attached to this application at the time it is submitted to CCONS

□Proof of your acceptance and/or enrollment in an accredited professional nursing program (a photocopy is acceptable)

□A brief essay (150 – 200 words) of professional goals in oncology nursing

The completed application must be received by September 30.

Mail to :Colleen O’Leary

25 S. Euclid Ave.

Villa Park, IL60181

Undergraduate Nursing Education Scholarship

The Board of Directors of the Chicago Chapter of the Oncology Nursing Society (CCONS) will award one $500 scholarships annually. Recipient will be announced at the October membership meeting.



City______State______Zip Code______


Work Phone______

School of Nursing:______


City______Zip Code______

Enrollment Status □ Full time□Part time

Type of Program: □ ADN □BSN

The following items are required in order to complete this scholarship application and must be attached to this application at the time it is submitted to CCONS

□Proof of your acceptance and/or enrollment in an accredited professional nursing program (a photocopy is acceptable)

□A brief essay (250 – 500 words) describing a difficult patient situation you have encountered in nursing school and how you coped with the difficulty

The completed application must be received by September 30.

Mail to :Colleen O’Leary

25 S. Euclid Ave.

Villa Park, IL60181

Spirit of CCONS Award

The Board of Directors of the Chicago Chapter of the Oncology Nursing Society (CCONS) will present one award annually. Recipient will be announced at the October membership meeting.

Nominee’s Name______


City______State______Zip Code______


Nominated by______

Is the nominee aware of the nomination □Yes□No

Describe in detail the contributions the nominee has made to our chapter.

What is outstanding about these contributions? In other words, why are you nominating this individual?

All applications must be typed. Completed application must be received by September 30.

Mail to
Colleen O’Leary

25 S. Euclid Ave

Villa Park, IL60181