Vocabulary Chapter 4

  1. Fossil –
  2. Relative dating –
  3. Absolute dating –
  4. Chronometric dating –
  5. Stratigraphy –
  6. Fauna –
  7. Flora –
  8. F-U-N trio –
  1. Half-life –
  2. Carbon 14 dating –
  3. Carbon-14 half-life –
  4. Potassium-40 dating –
  5. Potassium-40 half-life –
  6. Fission-track dating method –
  1. Paleocene epoch –
  2. Insectivore –
  3. Arboreal theory –
  1. Visual predation theory –

Vocabulary Chapter 5

  1. Bipedalism –
  2. Savanna –
  3. Bipedalism advantages –




  1. Brain size of

a. Australopithecines

b. Homo habilis

c. Homo erectus

d. Homo sapiens

  1. Hadar Ethiopia –
  2. Laetoli Tanzania –
  3. Australopithecus anamensis –
  4. Brain size –
  5. Height –
  6. Weight –
  7. When lived-
  8. Fossil discovered by –
  9. Place of fossil discovery –
  10. Australopithecus afarensis –
  11. Brain size –
  12. Height –
  13. Weight –
  14. When lived -
  15. Fossil discovered by –
  16. Place of fossil discovery –
  17. Australopithecus africanus –
  18. Brain size –
  19. Height –
  20. Weight –
  21. When lived -
  22. Fossil discovered by –
  23. Place of fossil discovery –
  24. Ausralopithecus boisei –
  25. Brain size –
  26. Height –
  27. Weight –
  28. When lived -
  29. Fossil discovered by –
  30. Place of fossil discovery –
  31. Australopithecus robustus –
  32. Brain size –
  33. Height –
  34. Weight –
  35. When lived -
  36. Fossil discovered by –
  37. Place of fossil discovery –
  1. Australopithecus ramidus–
  2. Brain size –
  3. Height –
  4. Weight –
  5. When lived -
  6. Fossil discovered by –
  7. Place of fossil discovery –
  8. Raymond Dart –
  9. Taung child –
  10. Foramen magnum –
  11. Lumbar curve –
  12. Donald Johanson –
  13. Homo habilis –
  14. Brain size –
  15. Height –
  16. Weight –
  17. When lived -
  18. Fossil discovered by –
  19. Place of fossil discovery –
  20. Percussion flaking –
  21. Choppers –
  22. Scrapers –
  23. Oldowan tools –
  24. Unifacial tool –
  25. Bifacial tool –
  26. Taphonomy –
  27. Homo erectus –
  28. Brain size –
  29. Height –
  30. Weight –
  31. When lived -
  32. Fossil discovered by –
  33. Place of fossil discovery –
  34. Eugene Dubois –
  35. Acheulian tools–
  36. Fire importance –