Position Description
Centre Manager Attwood House Community Centre
Position Details
Classification / Neighbourhood Houses and Learning Centres Workplace Agreement 2007, Schedule 3B, Level 7 (currently $36.92 per hour). Superannuation will be paid according to the Agreement.Hours / Part time; 18 hoursper week. Days and times to be negotiated. Some out of hours work may be required (with time off in lieu).
Probationary period / A minimum employment period of six months will apply.
Employment Type / Permanent Part Time
Position Location / Attwood House Community Centre
202 Erinbank Crescent, Attwood
Melbourne – Northern Metro Suburbs
Organisational Environment
The Centre
Attwood House Community Centre (AHCC)is a community based incorporated association providing general adult education classes and social groups, venue hire, playgroups and occasional care to the local community. AHCC is managed by an elected Committee of Management and supported by the Centre Manager, Administration Coordinator, childcare staff, tutors/facilitators and volunteers. Revenue sources include,recurrent funding from the City of Hume and Neighbourhood House Coordination Program (NHCP) funding from the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). This funding enables the employment of a Neighbourhood House Manager to perform community development work and manage the daily operations on behalf of the Committee of Management, to supplement funding AHCC also relies on, venue hires and our own fee for service programmes. AHCC operates with the support of its principal funding partners, Department of Community Services and The City of Hume Council.
Organisational Values
Attwood House Community Centre Values
Attwood House Community Centre upholds the principals of a community development and learning organisation.
In our relationship with colleagues, children and young people, parents and families, partners our and other local communities we commit to the following values:
- upholding principals of working collaboratively and proactively by sharing our expertise, resources, information and have a willingness to work proactively with others
- being continuously focused on outcomes where we strive to do things better in order to deliver high quality outcomes, services and programs whilst maintaining strong professional relationships with our service users, communities and funding bodies
- embracing the notion of empowerment we enable individuals to reach their potential and maximise their contribution
Position Objective
The AHCC Manager is responsible for the day-to-day management of the Neighbourhood Centre. This includes reporting to funding bodies, managing funding, coordinating delivery and development of classes and activities and presenting a welcoming centre for all in the community.
This position requires a background in community development and the not-for-profit sector and requires abilities in time management, conflict management, open mindedness and innovative thinking. In addition this position requires a command of community development principles and skills, an ability to develop and communicate policy and to advocate for the local community.
Organisational Relationships
Reports to: AHCCCommittee of Management
Supervises: Administration officer, other staff and volunteers
Other Relationships:
The Manager will maintain networks and work in partnership with a range of community stakeholders across the NorthWest Neighbourhood House Network
This includes but is not limited to:
Internal: AHCC staff; AHCC Committee of Management; Tutors; Class participants; Community members
External: Hume City Council; Hume Neighbourhood House Group .
Local government; DHHS; local businesses; work placement agencies; other Neighbourhood Centres; philanthropic funding bodies; local community groups;
Main Duties and Responsibilities
Committee of Management
- Assist the Committee in meeting legislative requirements at local, State and federal levels and in meeting accountability requirements of funding bodies (including budgeting and financial management for the Centre).
- Assist the Committee to ensure all Committee members are well informed of their responsibilities and obligations.
- Liaise with the Committee to determine priorities for the Strategic Plan, implement the current Strategic Plan and provide regular reports to Committee meetings against those plans.
- Assist the Committee to identify and minimise risks at AHCC through the development and implementation of a Risk Management Plan.
- Participate in monthly Committee meetings, providing a report on the previous month’s activities of the Manager.
- Supported by the administration officer, provide appropriate administrative support to the Committee, sub-committees and working groups.
- Assist the Committee to identify policy needs, research and prepare effective and appropriate policies consistent with AHCC values and mission, and review and improve these as required
Programs and project management
- Negotiate and manage the operational environment of AHCC in line with program and service targets, key performance indicators and benchmarks
- Ensure that the day to day administrate and operation task of the Centre are carried out in line with all policies and procedures
- Ensure that required practices, protocols, policies and procedures are developed, reviewed, up to date and implemented in line with program and service obligations
- Ensure that all OH&S obligations are understood, observed and operationalised at all times across the range of program and service delivery activities occurring at Attwood House Community Centre
- Ensure that all safety, security and emergency policies and procedures are developed and operationalised
- Provide operational supervision, regular structured professional supervision, and performance management and review to all service employees
- Participate in and uphold transparent and accountable and professional service management practices
- Develop and facilitate Centre programs and activities that respond to local needs
Support Community Partnership Development
- Work in partnership with the NorthWest Neighbourhood House Network, Hume City Council, Hume Neighbourhood House Group, other organisations/community groups/individuals to develop and maintain effective networks and joint working arrangements
- Through service knowledge and climate surveying of service users develop and maintain an understanding of community needs and to support baseline program and service development and delivery
- Actively involve service users, including children and young people, in the development of local strategies, action plans and service solutions
Service Development and Contract Compliance
- Understand Attwood House Community Centre’s internal and external service and program monitoring, reporting and evaluation requirements
- Undertake periodical internal performance reviews in order to assess the quality of service delivery and financial management in accordance with funding and service agreements and grant reporting obligations and responsibilities
- Show leadership in the planning, development and management of innovative delivery models, policies and standards in line with national and state wide policy and legislative requirements
- Research, source and apply for a range of funding grants which promote the continuous improvement of services and programs delivered
Reporting and Communicating
On behalf of the Board, manage:
- the formal eligibility requirements to all funding bodies, including undertaking and/or undergoing financial and systems audits as required
- all statistical collection and reporting to funding bodies, developing systems and procedures to ensure integrity of data across a range of collection modes and mechanism
- accountability requirements, ensuring timely submission of relevant reports, reviews and other compliance material
- Develop and maintain a positive social atmosphere in the Centre.
- Coordinate the recruitment, interviewing and placement of volunteers.
- Maximise the effective involvement of volunteers in all aspects of the Centre and its programs.
- Provide support and supervision to the administration officer, other staff and volunteers as the need arises. This can include training and mentoring.
- Network/attend meetings with other services and organisations in the local and wider community, especially Neighbourhood House Sector colleagues and the regional network.
- Disseminate information where relevant and appropriate to the Committee, colleagues and Centre participants.
- Engage in professional development activities to ensure that the Manager’s own knowledge and skills are current and relevant.
- Work with the Treasurer and Bookkeeper to ensure AHCC’s financial operations across all areas contribute to the ongoing financial viability of AHCC.
- Ensure that all projects and programs undertaken are consistent with AHCC strategic goals and fit within the Budget.
- Work with the Treasurer to develop and implement effective and transparent reporting processes which empower the Board with clear, consistent, timely and comprehensive information on all aspects of AHCC financial operations
- Work with the Treasurer to develop an Annual Budget that reflects the goals of the Strategic Plan
Key Selection Criteria
The following criteria are considered necessary for the position of Neighbourhood Centre Manager.
- Proficiency in planning, developing, coordinating and evaluating a range of activities, programs, courses and events within a community development framework.
- Efficient and effective time management and the ability to work independently on a day to day basis.
- Capacity to relate with understanding and compassion to all people, to be impartial and to maintain confidentiality.
- Excellent word and data processing skills (including the Microsoft Office suite) and other Information Communication Technology skills (including internet, email, website management, social media etc.).
- Excellent verbal and written communication skills and the ability to competently prepare high quality funding submissions.
- Financial management skills including working within a budget.
- A passionate commitment to and understanding of the philosophy and principles of the Neighbourhood House Sector in Victoria, as well as to the Vision and Mission, aims and objectives of the Attwood House Community centre.
- Relevant experience in non-government, community service organisations.
- An understanding of the nature of the co-operative relationship with a volunteer, community based Board and as a member of a team with other paid/unpaid workers.
- A relevant tertiary qualification in a human services, early childhood, community development or related field
- Experience in administrating or overseeing a human service program is desirable
Other Relevant Information
- The successful applicant must hold a current:
Victorian Driver’s Licence
Working with Children’s Check and A National Police Check will be required before commencing
The details contained in this document are an accurate statement of the duties, responsibilities and other requirements of the position.
Chairperson, Committee of Management
Name: ………………………………………….
Signature: ………………………………………………….. Date: …../…../……
Occupant: I have read the document and agree to undertake the duties and responsibilities as listed above. I acknowledge that I may be required to undertake additional duties and responsibilities from time to time that are not detailed herein.
I also understand that this Position Description will be an element of the contract of employment formed between myself and Attwood House Community Centre
Name: ………………………………………….
Signature: ………………………………………………….. Date: …../…../……
Centre Manager PD 2016 Page 1 of 7