Senior Scholarship Bulletin
State of South Carolina Scholarships
Palmetto Fellow Scholarship ($6,700 freshman year; $7,500 sophomore-senior year)
Must submit an application and required documentation to the Commission on Higher Education
Students will be eligible if the meet one of the two set of criteria
-Score at least 1200 on the SAT or 27 on the ACT by the November national test administration; earn a minimum of a 3.50 cumulative GPA on the SC Uniform Grading Policy at the end of the junior year; and rank in the top 6% of the class at the end of the sophomore or junior year
-Score at least 1400 on the SAT or 32 on the ACT by the November national test administration; earn a minimum 4.00 cumulative GPA on the SC UGP at the end of the junior year.
Life Scholarship ($4,700 scholarship plus $300 book allowance)
Must meet ALL criteria for four-year University
-Earn a cumulative 3.0 GPA on SC Uniform Grading Scale
-Score an 1100 on the SAT or an equivalent 24 on the ACT
-Rank in the top 30% of the graduating class
**IF attending a two-year university students must earn a 3.0 cumulative GPA. Standardized test scores and class rank are waived**
Hope Scholarship ($2,800 including a $300 book allowance)
-Earn a cumulative 3.0 GPA on SC Uniform Grading Scale
Archibald Rutledge Scholarship Competition
The South Carolina Department of Education is announcing the Archibald Rutledge Scholarship Program. This annual program offers 12th grade students in public school the opportunity to compete for a scholarship. This competition is to encourage and recognize academic and artistic excellence.
Please visit the link below for application details
Deadline for entry is Friday, February 6, 2015.
Elks National Foundation
The Elks National Foundation awards 500 scholarships to high school seniors nationwide. Each winner will receive a four-year scholarship to their institution each year. Applications are available at
Application deadline is December 5, 2014. All applications must be submitted to the attention of Michele Vazquez and hand delivered to the lodge or mailed to: Greenville Elks Lodge #858, 7700 Pelham Road, Greenville, SC 29616.
Erskine College Presidential Scholarship
The presidential scholarship is our most generous financial award, worth nearly $200,000 in tuition, room and board and fees over four years. This is an opportunity for students to express themselves through an essay, their activities/academic resume, and an interview.
Step 1: Submit an application online at
Step 2: Go online to and upload resume and Presidential essay
Deadline is November 15, 2014
Garden Club of South Carolina
The Garden Club of SC offers two scholarships to deserving students who chose to major in Agriculture, Agronomy, Botany, City Planning, Forestry, Land Management and other related fields.
Application may be found online
Deadline to apply is February 1, 2015
HotelsCheap is offering two ongoing scholarships per year to college and high school students. Each scholarship is valued at $1,500 each. We are interested in helping students who demonstrate a strong aptitude for higher learning, have a drive to improve themselves, and a desire to improve society in general. The scholarship Award is currently available and open to all students who apply online through our online application located at
Horatio Alger Scholarship
The Horatio Alger Association seeks to assist students who have demonstrated integrity, perseverance in overcoming adversity, strength of character, financial need, a good academic record, commitment to pursue a college education, and a desire to contribute to society.
Online application
Deadline to apply is October 25, 2014
Jack Kent Cooke Foundation
The foundation will select up to 40 College Scholarship recipients. Selection criteria focus on exceptional academic ability and achievements, financial need, persistence, leadership, and a desire to help others. The application closes in November. Scholarship recipients will be notified in late March 2015. To learn more about the College Scholarship Program and to complete an application, visit
Jefferson Scholars Foundation
Jefferson Scholarships are available for students who are interested or plan to attend the University of Virginia. If you are interested in UVA please come by guidance to be nominated for the available scholarships.
Nomination deadline is December 1, 2014
Ron Brown Scholar Program
The Ron Brown Scholar Program seeks to identify African-American high school seniors who will make significant contributions to society. Applicants must excel academically, exhibit exceptional leadership potential, participate in community in community service activities and demonstrate financial need.
Applications may be obtained from
Application must be postmarked on or no later than January 9, 2015.
South Carolina Association of Educational Office Professionals
The SCAEOP presents an annual $1,000 scholarship to a deserving student that has plans to pursue a degree in the business field. The rising cost of tuition at many of our colleges places a hardship on so many families. We strive very hard to help ease the economic burden for a deserving student.
Application may be found online
Deadline to apply is December 1, 2014.
Southern Wesleyan University
Southern Wesleyan University is offering scholarships to students who participate in Girls/Boys’ State participants. They will also offer full-ride scholarships (including room and board) to students qualifying for the Palmetto Fellows scholarship. Apply now!
SportQuest is a unique program that recognizes and rewards the nation’s outstanding Christian Student Athletes who are high school sophomores, juniors, or seniors. Applicants must have maintained a minimum of a “C” average or higher, currently a varsity level athlete in one or more sports, and a committed follower of Jesus Christ.
Please visit
Deadline to apply February 1, 2015
Teaching Fellows South Carolina
This program provides fellowships for up to 175 students each year. Students will participate in enrichment programs at a Teaching Fellows Institution, participate in professional development and leadership opportunities, partner with communities and businesses and receive up to a $6,000 fellowship annually for four years as long as they are in the process of completing a degree leading to a teaching licensure. A fellow must agree to teach in a South Carolina public school one year for each year he/she receives monies.
Students must apply by December 1, 2014. Fellowship recipients will be notified by early spring 2015.
Voice of Democracy
The VFW is offering scholarships to 9-12 grade students. Scholarship information is available in the guidance office if you are interested in entering into the Patriotic Audio Essay Competition or the Young American Creative Patriotic Art Award Competition.
The deadline for the Audio Essay Competition is November 1, 2014.
Application may be found online
Open House and Information Days
Anderson University
First Glance
Friday, October 31, 2014, Monday, February 16, 2014; Friday, April 17, 2014
Register online
Clemson University
Fall for Clemson
Friday, November 7, 2014
Register online
Furman University
Fall for Furman
Saturday, November 15, 2015
Register online
Lander University
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Register online
North Greenville University
Encounter Day
Saturday, November 1, 2014; Saturday, March 21, 2014
Register online
Presbyterian College
Saturday, October 25, 2014
10:45am-12:45pm Game at 2pm
Saturday, November 1, 2014
10:45am-12:45pm Game at 2pm
Register online
University of South Carolina Upstate
Open House
Saturday, November 22, 2014; Saturday, March 21 & Saturday, April 25, 2015
Register online