FSAC Graduate Colloquium 2010

School for Studies in Art and Culture, Carleton University

Co-hosted by School of Canadian Studies

Institute for the Comparative Study of Literature Art and Culture

Thursday, February 11

Registration and Welcome: 6:00PM-7:00PM

School for Studies in Art and Culture

Foyer, 4th Floor, St. Patrick’s Building

Keynote Presentation: 7:00PM-8:30PM

Professor Charles O’Brien, Film Studies, Carleton University

"Digital Color in Cinema: Between Filmmaking and Restoration"

St. Patrick’s 415

Reception: 8:30PM-10:00PM

Foyer, 4th Floor, St. Patrick’s Building

Friday, February 12

Breakfast Buffet


Panel 1: 9:00AM – 10:30AM

Looking at the Cinema: Orientations, Discourse and Perception

Chair: Marc Furstenau

Julien Lapointe (Concordia University, Ph.D.)

Britton vs. Bordwell: Perspectives in Film Studies

Evangelos Tziallas (Concordia University, Ph.D.)

Surveillance and Sexuality after 9/11 in John Cameron Mitchell’s Shortbus

Jennifer Huzera (Carleton University, M.A.)

Alfred Hitchcock’s Criminal Queers

Panel 2: 10:45AM – 12:15PM

Digital Hollywood

Chair: TBA

Andrew Kannegiesser (University of Toronto, M.A.)

Digital Adaptations and the New Totalized Cinema

Jake Dole (Carleton University, M.A.)

Organized Excess: Speed Racer and Neo-Baroque Aesthetics

Samuel Burd (Concordia University, M.A.)

Understanding Bullet-Time: Eisenstein, Imitation and The Matrix


12:15PM – 1:30PM

Panel 3: 1:30PM – 3PM

Actors: Affect, Labour and Subjectivity

Chair: TBA

Michael Audette-Longo (Carleton University, Ph.D.)

‘In-between’ Being and Becoming: Outlining Affective Circuits in A History of Violence

Salah Hassanpour (York University, Ph.D.)

Inflation, Consolidation and Negotiation Have Begun: Acting Labour Power, New Hollywood, and the 1980 SAG Strike

Felix Rebolledo (Concordia University, M.A.)

Getting With It: The Cinematic Event as a Machinic Assemblage

Panel 4: 3:15PM – 4:45PM

Auteurs: Promotions and Computations


Thomas Dorey (York University, Ph.D.)

“Smart Film” Revisits Its Childhood: the Promotion of Spike Jonze’s Where the Wild Things Are and Wes Anderson’s Fantastic Mr. Fox

David Richler (Carleton University, M.A.)

World Cinema in Translation: On How Paratexts Mediate Cultural Difference

Mohsen Nasrin (Carleton University, Ph.D.)

Computational Touch: Statistical Analysis of Stars and Performance in the Films of Ernst Lubitsch



Foyer, 4th Floor, St. Patrick’s Building

Saturday, February 12

Breakfast Buffet


Panel 1: 9:00AM – 10:30AM


Chair: Marc Furstenau, Film Studies, Carleton University

Jacquelyn Cain (York University, Ph.D.)

Jennifer’s Body Kicks Ass

Murray Leeder (Carleton University, Ph.D.)

Méliès's Skeleton: The Vanishing Lady in the X-Ray's Light

Shelagh M. Rowan-Legg (University of Toronto, M.A.)

The First Person Camera in Contemporary Horror Film: A Fictional Reality

Panel 2: 10:45AM – 12:15P

New Currents in Animation

Chair: TBA

Jenna Stidwill (York University, M.A.)

Fingerprinting Nick Park: Claymation in the Digital Age

David Shea (Carleton University, M.A.)

The Presence of the Past: Historiographical Discourse and Millennium Actress

Janelle MacDonald (Carleton University, M.A.)

Translating Culture: Fansubbing as a Site of Resistance


12:15PM – 1:30PM

Panel 3: 1:30PM – 3PM

National Productions and International Markets

Chair: André Loiselle, Canadian Studies, Carleton University

Kelsey Blair (University of Toronto, M.A.)

Where Are We Now?: Contemporary Youth Television Within National and Global Contexts

S. Robyn Lusk (University of Toronto, M.A.)

Inuit Cinema: A History of Non-Existence

Heather Macdougall (Concordia University, Ph.D.)

A Tale of Two Trailers: Dealing with Canada’s Linguistic Divide

Panel 4: 3:15PM – 4:45PM

New Media, Remediation and Digital Culture

Stacey Feero (University of Toronto, M.A.)

Sally Potter’s Rage and the ‘Virtual Mobilized Gaze’: The Reconfiguration of the Cinematic Serial for the Mobile Spectator

Emily Reid (University of Toronto, M.A.)

The Digital Era: A Revision of the Aura

Kaitlin Bernard (University of Ottawa, M.A.)

A Multimedia History of Electronic and Digital Culture: Why We Should Call Off the Digital Cinema Revolution


All FSAC Graduate Colloquium participants are invited to a special screening


dir. Philip Hoffman

94 minutes

Auditorium, Library and Archives Canada

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