Leadership Standards


Portfolio Guidelines


Sarasota County School District

Linkages Leadership Standards and Portfolio Guidelines 13

Table of Contents

Introduction: Leadership Development Program Overview / 1
Framework for Preparing New Principals / 4
Purposes and Definitions: Why Is The Portfolio Being Compiled? / 5
Focus: Sarasota Leadership Standards / 10
Correlation of the SCSD Pillars to the Sarasota County Leadership Standards / 12
Using Artifacts to Document Performance / 24
Making Connections / 28
Reflecting / 29
Completing and Evaluating the Portfolio / 30
Appendix A: Profile: Portfolio / 32
Appendix B: Operational & Instructional Competencies / 33
Appendix C: Documentation Template for the Leadership Domains / 35
Appendix D: Making Connections Template / 36
Appendix E: Peer Review Template / 38
Appendix F: Reflections for Domains / 39
Appendix G: Preparing New Principals Team Design / 40
Appendix H: Clarifying Roles for Preparing New Principals / 41
Appendix I: Accountability Review (Current Assistant Principal) / 42
Appendix J: Accountability Review (Interim Principal) / 48
Appendix K: Verification of Completion / 52
Appendix L: Sarasota Leadership Standards / 53
Appendix M: Formal Meetings: Preparing New Principals / 54
Appendix N: Preparing New Principals Mid-Year Agenda / 55
Appendix O: Accountability review: End-of-Year Agenda / 56
Appendix P: Accountability Review Team Feedback Meeting / 57
Appendix Q: Acknowledgments / 58

Linkages Leadership Standards and Portfolio Guidelines 13

Linkages Leadership Standards and Portfolio Guidelines 13

Introduction: Leadership Development Program Overview

Why is the portfolio being complied?

The Leadership Development Program in Sarasota County Public Schools emphasizes continuous professional growth and learning during each of its sequential phases. The program is based on the Sarasota County Leadership Development Standards and Indicators (see pg. 13). The Standards and Indicators were developed using the following: The 2005 Florida Leadership Standards, McREL’s School Leadership That Works Framework, the Interstate School Leadership Licensure Consortium Standards (ISLLC), , Quint Studer’s Organizational Excellence Model, the National Staff Development Council Standards, and The Educational Leadership Constituent Council Standards (ELCC). The phases of Leadership Development are outlined below:

I.  ExCEL- an exploratory program designed to introduce educational leadership opportunities to those who are considering future leadership roles.

Key components:

·  Self assessments

·  First hand accounts of School and District Leaders

·  A closer look at NeXT Generation Learning

·  Cases Studies/Simulations


·  1 year

·  6 sessions per year


·  Commit to attend all sessions

II.  Leadership Academy – an advanced learning two year program designed to enhance leadership skills and experiences by providing a research-based, highly interactive, applied school/department learning opportunity

Key components:

·  Assistant Principals mentors

·  Executive Coaching

·  Action Research projects designed in collaboration with Supervising Principal/Director

·  Book Studies- Research reviews

·  Case Studies/Simulations

·  Development Portfolios

·  Taped Mock Interviews and feedback

·  Shadowing Experiences – 2x per year

·  Priority for Administrative Internships, interviews, administrative pool screening slots


·  Two Years

·  8 sessions per year


·  Commit to attend all sessions

·  In the case of special circumstances, arrangements must be made in advance to make up the session and/or complete alternative independent assignments.

III.  Induction – a mandatory intensive learning program specifically designed to support new administrators with a focus on operational and instructional competencies necessary to be successful in their new leadership roles. There are 12 orientation modules that have been developed which are interactive as well as informational using the talents and expertise of the various school department directors and supervisors. The sessions provide valuable procedural and process protocols and a deeper understanding of the values, beliefs and dispositions upon which decisions are made within the school system.

Key components:

·  Twelve modules to include: Safety, Human Resources, Professional Development, Pupil Support Services,

Curriculum, Business Services, Organizational Excellence and Ethics, Academic Intervention, and Student Assessment, Accountability and Information Services, Technology, Diversity, and Media/Marketing Strategies.

·  Support Team assigned comprised of Principal Coach (Principals only), Leadership Director, Retired Mentor Administrator working with Supervising Principal

·  Overview of Individualized Leadership Learning Plan (ILLP)


·  6 six hour sessions

·  Each module is approximately three hours.

·  Sessions will not be repeated within a calendar year.

Ø  Complete Operational and Instructional Competencies checklist.


·  Commit to attend all sessions

·  Executive Directors must approve absences

IV.  Preparing New Principals – a two-year program, which upon successful completion, meets the criteria in Sarasota County for Principal Certification. All administrators will continue with their support teams for monthly feedback and reflection. In addition, a Quality and Accountability Team will be initiated to meet annually in order to evaluate progress relative to the SCSD Leadership Development Standards and Indicators toward eligibility for School Principal Certification.

V.  Key components:

·  Two Teams assigned to each PNP candidate.

1.  Support Team – Retired Mentor Administrator, Leadership Director, Principal Coach (Principal’s only)

2.  Quality and Accountability Team – Supervising Principal, Appropriate Executive Director, Human Resources Designee

·  Annual Development and Evaluation of the Individualized Leadership Learning Plan (ILLP)

·  Leadership Portfolio development and evaluation

·  Curriculum based on SCSD Leadership Standards


·  Seven 2 ½ hour afternoon meetings throughout the year

·  Five PNP Team Meetings per year

Ø  One large group meeting to include the entire team of all people supporting new administrator. (August-October for Year I participants only)

Ø  At least two individual meetings with other members of the Support Team (Leadership Director and Retired Mentor) during the year but not necessarily meeting together)

Ø  A mid-year meeting with Supervising Principal and Executive Director.

Ø  An end of the year meeting with the Quality and Accountability Team (Supervising Principal, Executive Director, H.R. Designee to provide feedback and the results of the evaluation of the portfolio (June-August) –Set direction for second year or complete program.


·  Commit to attending all sessions

·  Executive Directors must approve absences

A portfolio is created throughout the Leadership Development Program. Information needed to compile the portfolio is presented on the following pages.

Linkages Leadership Standards and Portfolio Guidelines 13


The PNP Program is designed to provide advanced learning experiences and support for administrators pursuing school principal certification.

1st Year Principal Pursuing School Principal Certification / ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL
Years Two and Three
Transition: Three Transition meetings with growth and development team. (One per month/first three months of employment) / Induction: Five six-hour Induction Training meetings addressing instructional and operational competencies. (One per month – August/October/November/ December/ January) / Formal Meetings:
For Formal Meetings, refer to Appendix L
Individualized Leadership Learning Plan (ILLP):
·  Development of ILLP at the third transition meeting.
·  Review and edit of ILLP for continuation in PNP Program. / Support
Monthly meetings with retired mentor. / Preparing New Principal Leadership Development Meetings:
·  Seven meetings per year:-September/October/ November/January/ February/April/May)-4:00 – 6:30 p.m.
Induction Training:
Six 6-hour Induction Training meetings addressing instructional and operational competencies.
(One per month: July/ October/ November/ December/ January, February) / ·  Development, review and update of ILLP
·  Portfolio Development
Preparing New Principal Program
·  Minimum of twelve months participation beginning February of first year of employment
·  Portfolio Development
·  Formal Meetings: For Formal Meetings, refer to Appendix L
Individualized Leadership Learning Plan (ILLP):
Summative review at end of year one

Linkages Leadership Standards and Portfolio Guidelines 13

Purpose(s) and Definitions

Portfolio development is a significant component of the Sarasota County Leadership Development Program. Leadership Academy participants and Preparing New Principal participants complete a portfolio that emphasizes growth and learning with continuous reflection, feedback from peers, and supervisory support. The portfolio documents attainment of the Sarasota Leadership Standards.

The portfolio will serve as a resource for a summative evaluation documenting successful completion of the Preparing New Principal Program and eligibility for School Principal Certification.

The administrative portfolio program is multifaceted and multi-leveled. The process emphasizes growth and learning with continuous reflection and feedback from peers as well as the Accountability Team assigned to each administrator at the start of his/her administrative experience. There will be two summative meetings in June of each year, during the two-year PNP Program.

i.  During the two-year PNP Program, participants will document proficiency in all 12 Sarasota Leadership Standards (that also incorporate the 10 Florida 2005 Leadership Standards) and the school district’s Operational and Instructional Competencies. (Appendix B)

ii. The process begins with a self-assessment based on the standards.

iii.  The focus is on demonstrating application in school settings as appropriate to the administrator’s level: Aspiring administrators, Assistant Principals during their first, second, and third years.

iv.  The Leadership Academy action research project needs to document four or more standards each year.

v.  The Induction and PNP programs require that participants document proficiency in all 12 leadership standards using artifacts created during the three Induction and PNP years.

The Goal for the Portfolio: The portfolio is designed for participants to demonstrate learning in relationship to the Sarasota Leadership Standards, Descriptors, and Indicators and the District’s Operational and Instructional Competencies. The process of building a portfolio will take place over two years and will include professional development, peer collaboration and review, as well as self-assessment.

The Goal of the Summative Review: Demonstration of the attainment of the Sarasota Leadership Standards will be assessed by the Quality and Accountability Team each year of the two-year PNP process. Material presented for the summative review will include the Portfolio, documentation of other leadership experiences obtained during the PNP process, the ILLP, and job performance.

Principal Certification: A candidate must meet the following criteria to be eligible for School Principal certification:

1.  Successful completion of a portfolio in which documentation has been reviewed by a peer and reflects proficiency in all 12 Sarasota Leadership Standards.

2.  Successful completion of the PNP Program which includes attendance at monthly meetings and completion of an annual Individualized Leadership Learning Plan (ILLP) and an Individualized Leadership Learning Needs (ILLN).

3.  Successful evaluation of work performance from the appropriate Executive Director and supervising principal.

The Purpose of the Portfolio, the Individualized Leadership Learning Plan (ILLP), and the Individualized Leadership Learning Needs (ILLN)

The purpose of the portfolio is to present a broad-based, unified collection of artifacts that together document the leaders performance in relation to the twelve Sarasota Leadership Standards. The portfolio is an edited collection of materials (artifacts) that provide a framework for demonstrating knowledge, skills, and dispositions related to the Sarasota Leadership Standards and their associated descriptors and indicators. The process of documentation offers the opportunity to reflect, to engage in self-analysis, and to compile evidence. Often, the purposes of the documentation are multiple: personal reflection, licensure and certification, support and growth, and school improvement. Typically, these overlap. With careful planning, these various purposes need not be documented separately. Artifacts used for one purpose may be used for another.

The Individualized Leadership Learning Plan (ILLP)


1.  To clearly define the focus of professional growth for a given year.

2.  To direct the Professional Development Plan each year for a two-year period for those administrators developing a portfolio in partial fulfillment of the Preparing New Principals Program.

3.  To create a meaningful set of engagements and related artifacts tied to the Sarasota Leadership Standards with specific focus on the School Improvement Plan, NeXt Generation LEARNING, and individual professional development.


1.  Using the Standards from the Instructional Leadership Domain, your School Improvement Plan and the Quality pillar of NeXt Generation LEARNING, identify an area of focus. Additional Standards from the domains of Operational Leadership and Global Leadership may be used to enhance the ILLP but are not required.

2.  Identification of the focus area should be a collaborative effort among support team members. The area of focus must receive final approval from the supervising principal.

3.  Criteria used to determine the focus area may include: site analysis data; student achievement data; staff and student demographics; level of community involvement; intra-inter personal relationships; survey data; implementation of best practices.

4.  Artifacts, sources of supporting documentation of leadership performances, will be required and will ultimately be included in the portfolio.

Developing the Portfolio

The portfolio for the Sarasota Leadership Standards is developed using artifacts created during the participants’ time in the Induction and Preparing New Principals Programs (PNP). It is helpful to keep the following criteria in mind when developing the portfolio:

1.  The major objective is to document the Sarasota Leadership Standards and their associated descriptors and indicators, not merely to compile a large amount of material. Be selective of what is included.

2.  Neatness and organization make the review process easier.

3.  A reflective introduction should be written for each domain: Instructional Leadership; Operational Leadership; Global Leadership.

4.  Each artifact should represent your direct involvement in it’s creation and should be accompanied by a “Making Connections” Template (Appendix D)

5.  Additional requirements for the portfolio are listed below in the Recommended Portfolio Table of Comments.

Recommended Portfolio Table of Contents

I. Profile Sheet – Basic Information Including the Names of PNP Team Members. (Appendix A)
II.  Resume (Year I and Update Year II)

III. Reflective Introduction – “Ahas” encountered along the way, problems encountered, overarching learning and awareness as a result of compiling the portfolio. Ways in which the portfolio as a whole represents competence in relation to the twelve standards for leadership development. (The Reflective Introduction sheet may be individually designed.)

IV.  Individual Leadership Learning Plans (ILLPS) – The ILLPs from the two Preparing New Principals Years. Artifacts documenting the ILLP will be included in the section of the portfolio pertinent to the Standard.