You will need to upload your files to a free hosting service; the webserver only works inside citrix. Or, you can send the files via email with instructions on how to open the index.html file.
For the course project you have to do a user test of your website. That's why I recommended the options on my previous message so that the testers are able to provide you with their feedback on the website. If you decide to upload your files to a hosting service, you will provide the link to the testers.
The course project files, the URL to your course project in citix along with the user feedback have to be uploaded to the Dropbox by the due date. I hope this helps.
Week 7: Site Content Completed and Site Evaluation
All content pages are completed for the site and the site is uploaded to the course web server per instructions from your professor.
Visit http: locate tools to check for accessibility. There are some free online tools listed there, such as EvalAccess, which you can use to check your HTML code. Check your site and make any necessary corrections in your code. Conduct a user test with at least two people (spouses and kids are fine to use as testers). In addition to observing them using your site, have them fill out the form you created in Week 5. Take screenshots of the filled out forms to collect the user feedback. Create a short report (one page or less) detailing the results of the testing, including user suggestions andyour response to those suggestions (whether you feel they are valid and whether they can be accommodated). Compare the user responses to your expectations of the user working with your site.
Upon completion, name your single, MS Word document aslastname_CIS363_projectWk7. Submit your testing report to the Dropbox along with the URL for your uploaded site.
Grading Rubrics
Category / Points / % / DescriptionAll content complete / 15 / 34 / All content completed
Site uploaded to web server / 10 / 22 / Site uploaded to web server and accessible using the URL submitted to the Dropbox
Validation and accessibility / 10 / 22 / No or minimal validation errors are present; accessibility standards met
Testing report / 10 / 22 / Report complete; at least two user tests completed
Total / 45 / 100 / A quality project will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.