eliminating racism

empowering women


st joseph county

Contact: Amanda Hart Ceravolo

Director of PR/Special Events


YWCA Awarded Tax Credits to Give Back to Those Who Give

South Bend, IN — The YWCA of St. Joseph County is proud to announce it has received $23,700 in Neighborhood Assistance Tax Program credits. The tax credit program means any person or business that donates to the YWCA of St. Joseph County is eligible for a 50% Indiana State tax credit. “The program allows the YWCA to give back to those who help support us,” said Executive Director Linda Baechle. “It’s a great program for both the women and children who rely on our services and for our generous supporters. For example, if someone donated $1,000 dollars they would receive a $500 credit on their state income taxes and still be able to receive the federal deduction for charitable contributions”, added Baechle.

The YWCA of St Joseph County, this year’s recipient of the prestigious Leighton Center award for non-profit Excellence, provides the only accredited domestic violence services in St. Joseph County. Programs include licensed and accredited residential and non-residential substance abuse treatment; transitional housing for women and their children as they work toward self-sufficiency and permanent housing for women with disabilities.

For more information about the YWCA and how to get the most out of your charitable donation through the Neighborhood Association Program please contact Leigh Ann Jacobson at the YWCA development office at 574-233-9491 x 307.