Improving Collaboration between Health Systems and Social Services to Combat Social Determinants of Health

Join the National Academy of Social Insurance for a half-day event on improving collaboration between health care and social services to address the social determinants of health. This event is supported by the Tufts Health Plan Foundation and aims to provide professionals in the fields of state and local health policy, health care, and social services with an opportunity to hear from top experts working to address the social determinants of health. Participants at the event will come together with policy thought leaders, practitioners, and service providers to discuss strategies for improving the health and well-being of Americans, as well as the importance of improving the efficiency of our health care system.

When: Tuesday, October 17, 2017 | 8:30am – 1:00pm

Where: Suffolk University Law School

Sargent Hall | Function Room | First Floor

120 Tremont Street, Boston, MA 02108

Register here.


8:30am - Registration and Light Breakfast

9:00am - Welcome and Introductory Remarks

James Roosevelt, Counsel, Verrill Dana LLP

Renée Landers, Professor of Law and Faculty Director, Health and Biomedical Law Concentration, Suffolk University Law School and Vice President, Board of Directors, National Academy of Social Insurance

9:15am - KEYNOTE: Why do the social determinants of health matter for the health care system?

Marylou Sudders,Secretary, Executive Office of Health and Human Services, Commonwealth of Massachusetts

9:45am - PANELI: The role of collaboration between the health care system and other organizations in addressing the social determinants of health

Kathleen Burke Blackburn, Senior Program and Policy Analyst, National Office of Policy and Prevention, Nemours

Amy Schectman, President and CEO, Jewish Community Housing for the Elderly

Shawn LaFrance,Vice President of Population Health, Cheshire Medical Center

Moderator:Alexandra L. Bradley, Health Policy Analyst, National Academy of Social Insurance

10:55am - BREAK

11:05am - PANEL II: Long-term services and supports and healthy aging

Robin Lipson, Chief of Staff and Chief Strategy Officer, Executive Office of Elder Affairs, Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Merrill Friedman, Senior Director of Disability Policy Engagement, Anthem, Inc.

Len Fishman, Director, Gerontology Institute and Clinical Professor, McCormack GraduateSchool of Policy and Global Studies, University of Massachusetts Boston

Moderator:Ann Hwang,Director of the Center for Consumer Engagement in Health Innovation, Community Catalyst

12:15pm - Reflections and instructions for small group discussions

Benjamin Veghte, Vice President for Policy, National Academy of Social Insurance

12:30pm - Lunch and small group discussions/networking

1:00pm - Wrap Up

This event is made possible with support from: