Faculty Assessment Form for Investigative Cases

Fill out this questionnaire thoughtfully. Recording your experience with this case will help you evaluate and consider ways to improve investigative case-based learning materials and methods for future courses.

  1. Name of the Investigative Case: ______
2. In which course(s) did you use this case? When? (e.g. Intro Biology Fall 2001)
3. How many students used this case in your course(s)? ______
4. Briefly describe how you used the case in your classes:
a). What course topic did you use this case for?
b). The case was used:
____ in lecture ____ in lab ____ as an assignment
____ before the topic was introduced
____ as an example after the topic was introduced
____ as a small group activity ____ as an individual project
Describe other:______
c). How many days did you use this case? Briefly describe what you did.
Day 1: ______
Day 2: ______
Day 3: ______
More : ______
5. How have your thoughts about teaching this material changed as a result of using this case?
6. What did your students like or dislike about this case?

Read each statement and place an X by the number that best characterizes your own response.

General Observation


Disagree_ Neutral___ Agree

7. Students who used this investigative case worked collaboratively.

/ 12345na

8. The students showed personal interest in this case.

/ 12345na

9. The students were allowed enough time to search for resources to complete the assignment satisfactorily.

/ 12345na

10. The students were able to locate different resources.

/ 12345na

11. The case was easy to fit in the course.

/ 12345na

12. Students had a better understanding of the process of science after using this module.

Elaborate: / 12345na
13. Students had a better understanding of the biology as a result of using the module.
Provide an example: / 12345na
14. The case was useful for the students. / 12345na
15. The module was easy to use. / 12345na
16. The students were able to provide wellsupported conclusions. / 12345na
17. The students were able to use convincing argumentation with their peers. / 12345na
18. The students were able to understand the case and pose a question to be pursued. / 12345na
19. My overall experience with case basedlearning was satisfactory. / 12345na
  1. Are you likely to use cases as a tool for teaching in the future? Please explain.
  1. Please note any suggestions you have for future use of this case:

Case Assessment Form – FacultyLifeLines OnLineVersion 1.1 Aug. 2003