Foster Excellence

·  Recruit and retain excellent hospital staff.

·  Maintain superior facilities and up-to-date equipment/technology.

·  Continually strive to improve quality and patient safety.

·  Focus on patient satisfaction.

·  Create exceptional regional relationships.

Listen and Communicate

·  Share information regarding strategic intent, organizational priorities and business decisions.

·  Offer opportunities for constructive dialogue.

·  Regularly survey the Medial Staff, share results, and implement action plans.


·  Support CME

·  Provide information on topics to improve practice, quality, patient safety, and efficiency.


·  Embrace and foster innovation and continuous improvement.

·  Add needed new programs and services.


(Agreed To As A Condition Of Receiving A Pre-Application For Medical Staff Privileges)

Focus on Patients

·  Coordinate with the patient care team the timely sharing of information with patients and their families so as to present a coherent and consistent treatment plan.

·  Encourage patient involvement in care and treatment decisions.

·  Treat the patient and family members with compassion, consideration, respect and without prejudice.

·  Assume 24-hour responsibility for the patients under your care. When off duty, or on vacation, assure that your patients are cared for by another practitioner.

Listen, Communicate and Behave in A Professional Manner

·  Uphold the standards of professionalism and be appropriate in all professional interactions.

·  Behave towards your colleagues, locally and regionally, as you would have them behave towards you.

·  Communicate clinical information in a clear and timely manner.

·  Do not harass others physically, verbally, psychologically, or sexually.

·  Clearly identify yourself and your professional level to patients and staff.

Medical Staff Support

·  Request information, resources, and consultations needed to provide care consistent with state-of-the-art, quality medicine. Implement Benefis Medical Staff accepted clinical standards of care when such are established.

·  Participate in and support group decisions (departmental, Medical Executive Committee, Medical Staff) once made.

·  Understand the economic impact aspects of practice decisions and resource utilization.

·  Maintain Honesty And Integrity Including:

o  Being truthful in verbal and in written communications.

o  Protecting the integrity of clinical decision-making.

Support of the Community Hospital

·  Understand and be willing to accept the Mission of Benefis Hospitals

·  Recognize a responsibility to participate in activities contributing to the improvement of services within Benefis Hospitals

·  Shoulder a fair share of the institutional Medical Staff administrative burden, including reasonable peer review, call coverage and participation in the Medical Staff structure as called for in the Medical Staff Bylaws.


I understand and agree to the above responsibilities (for questions, contact Dr. Paul Dolan, Hospitals Chief Medical Quality Officer at (406) 455-5485).

Benefis Mission Statement: “We, who are Benefis Health System, in keeping with our Christian tradition, are dedicated to a healing ministry which provides excellent

physical, emotional, and spiritual care to all in need.”