Updated7September 2016
Born: 29 June 1947 in Tel-Aviv, Israel
Married to Lynda (née Westburg); two daughters: Talya (b. 1988), Ada (b. 1993).
1979Ph.D., Dept.of Chemical Engineering & Materials Science, University of Minnesota
1975M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
1969B.Sc. in Chemical Engineering (Summa Cum Laude), Technion
10/15- Professor Emeritus of Chemical Engineering
1/10-12/12Director, The Technion Russell Berrie Nanotechnology Institute (RBNI)
10/01-9/15Wolfson Professor of Chemical Engineering
1/00-12/05Chairman, Department of Chemical Engineering, Technion
1991-2015Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, Technion
1985-1991Associate Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, Technion
1982-1985Senior Lecturer (with tenure), Department of Chemical Engineering, Technion
1979-1982Lecturer, Department of Chemical Engineering, Technion
Self-aggregation in complex liquids. Interfacial and colloidal phenomena. Nanoparticle systems. Electron microscopy of nanostructured liquid systems and biological systems. Cryo-electron microscopy: theory and development. Applications of electron microscopy in chemical engineering, biophysics, food and drug technology, and polymer science.
1980-82Treasurer, Israel Institute of Chemical Engineers
1981-83Secretary, Israel Society for Electron Microscopy
1983-84Secretary, Israel Institute of Chemical Engineers
1983-84Member of the Board, Israel Society for Electron Microscopy
1989-94Member of the Editorial Board, Journal of Electron Microscopy Technique
1995-2014Member of the Editorial Board, Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science
1995-97Chairman, Israel Society for Microscopy
2000-05Member of the Board, Israel Institute of Chemical Engineers (ex officio)
2003-05Member of the Editorial Board, Journal of Colloid & Interface Science
2005-09Member of the Board, Israel Society for Microscopy
2005-09Member of the Board, FIRST (“Bikura”) program of the ISF
2006-09Member of the International Scientific Advisory Committee (ISAC), The Technion Russell Berrie Nanotechnology Institute (RBNI)
2008-13Member of the Board, Technion Research and Development Foundation, Ltd.
2008-14Member of the Advisory Committee, The Samuel Neaman Institute for Advanced Studies in Science and Technology
2013- Member of the national Committee for Planning and Budgeting (“VATAT”) of the Israeli Council for Higher Education (“MALAG”)
2013- Member of the Board, United States-Israel Educational Foundation (USIEF).
2013-Member of the Council, Israel Science Foundation (ISF).
2014-Member of the Academic Management, Israel Science Foundation (ISF).
2016-Member of the Research Advisory Committee to the VATAT Chair.
1966Outstanding Student Award, Technion
1967Outstanding Student Award, Technion
1968Outstanding Student Award, Technion
1975Fulbright Travel Fellowship
1978Electron Microscopy Society of America Presidential Scholarship
1984EMBO Fellow, European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Heidelberg, FRG
1985“The Henry Gutwirth Fund for Promotion of Research” Award
1989“The [Technion] New England Academic Award”
1993“The Ernst Ruska Award” of the German Society for Electron Microscopy, for “exceptional work in the field of electron microscopy”.
1997The “George T. Piercy Distinguished Visiting Professor” Chair, Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, University of Minnesota.
2001-15The Wolfson Chair in Chemical Engineering
2003The Meitner-von Humboldt Research Award
2004The “George T. Piercy Distinguished Visiting Professor” Chair, Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, University of Minnesota.
2005The Henry Taub Prize for Excellence in Research
2006The Japan Research Institute of Material Technology Lectureship Award
2010South Texas Section AIChE's 2009 BestApplied Paper Award
2011Honorary Fellow, The Israel Institute of Chemical Engineers (IIChE)
2014South Texas Section AIChE's 2013 BestApplied Paper Award
2015University of Alberta D.B. Robinson Distinguished Speaker
2015Doctor of Science honoris causa, University of Lund, Sweden
2016Honorary Fellow, The Israel Society for Microscopy (ISM)
1.10th Annual Scanning Electron Microscopy Symposium, Chicago, IL April 1977. "Temperature Rise and Sublimation of Water from Thin Frozen Hydrated Specimens in Cold Stage Microscopy".
2.Gordon Research Conference on "Diffraction Methods in Molecular Biology", Andover, NH June 1978. "Cold Stage Microscopy System for Fast Frozen Liquids".
3.9th International Congress on Electron Microscopy, Toronto, August 1978. "Polymer Substrates for Electron Microscopy of Frozen Microstructured Liquids".
4.Gordon Research Conference on "Fluids in Permeable Media", Meriden, NH, August 1979. "Fast-Freeze Electron Microscopy of Fluid Microstructures" (invited lecture).
5.38th Annual Meeting of the Electron Microscopy Society of America, Reno, NV, August 1980. "Rate of Sublimation of Ice by Radiative Heating in Freeze-Etching".
6.7th European Congress on Electron Microscopy, The Hague, August 1980. "Cold-Stage Microscopy of Frozen-Hydrated, Unstained Liquid Crystals and Vesicles".
7.2nd International Meeting on Biological Electron Microscopy and Microanalysis, Cambridge, England, April 1981. "Thermal and Radiation Damage to Frozen Hydrated Specimens" (invited lecture).
8.Gordon Research Conference on "Fluids in Permeable Media", Tilton, NH, August 1981. "Recent Advances in Direct Visualization of Microstructured Liquids" (invited lecture).
9.91st AIChE National Meeting, Detroit, MI, August 1981. "Progressive Freezing of Composites Analyzed by Isotherm Migration Methods".
10.10th International Congress on Electron Microscopy, Hamburg, FRG, August 1982. "Frozen Hydrated Specimens" (plenary lecture).
11.2nd International Study Group for Cryo-Electron Microscopy Workshop, Schloss Ringberg am Tegernsee, FRG, October 1983. "Radiation Damage to Organic Inclusions in Ice"(invited lecture).
12.Winter Meeting of the British Biophysical Society, London, December 1983. "Radiation Damage at Ice-Organic Material Interfaces in Frozen Hydrated TEM Specimens" (invited lecture).
13.5th International Symposium on Surfactants in Solution, Bordeaux, July 1984. "Electron Microscopy in the Research of Surfactants in Solution", "Staining and Drying-Induced Artifacts in Electron Microscopy of Surfactant Dispersions: Effects of Stain Concentration and pH on Phase Behavior", and "Foam Chromatography: Recent Developments" (Chairman, session on micelles).
14.8th European Congress on Electron Microscopy, Budapest, August 1984. "A New Preparation Technique for the Study of Microcapsules by Scanning Electron Microscopy".
15.3rd International Meeting on Low Temperature Biological Microscopy and Analysis, Cambridge, England, April 1985. "Radiation Damage at the Ice-Organic Material Interface"(invited lecture).
16.Gordon Research Conference on "Three-Dimensional Electron Microscopy of Biological Macromolecules", Antrim, NH, July 1985. "Radiation Damage Phenomena of Ice-Embedded Organic Materials" (invited lecture).
17.American Chemical Society National Meeting, Chicago, September 1985. "Recent Advances in Electron Microscopy of Fluid Phases" (invited lecture).
18.44th Annual Meeting of the Electron Microscopy Society of America, Albuquerque, NM, August 1986. "Electron Microscopy of Frozen-Hydrated LaCrosse Virus".
19.11th International Congress on Electron Microscopy, Kyoto, Japan, September 1986. "An Improved Controlled-Environment Vitrification System (CEVS) for Cryofixation of Hydrated TEM Samples", "Microstructural Studies of Surfactant Aqueous Dispersions by a Vitrification Technique", and "Electron Microscopy of Frozen, Hydrated LaCrosse Virus".
20.Gordon Research Conference on "Micellar and Macromolecular Catalysis", Plymouth, NH, July 1987. "Cryo-Transmission Electron Microscopy of Colloidal Systems" (invited lecture).
21.45th Annual Meeting of the Electron Microscopy Society of America, Baltimore, MD, August 1987. "Cryo-Transmission Electron Microscopy of Latex Systems" (invited lecture), and "Cryo-TEM of Micellar Solutions".
22.9th International Biophysics Congress, Jerusalem, August 1987. "Direct Imaging of Micellar Solutions by Cryo-Transmission Electron Microscopy", and "The Controlled Environment Vitrification System (CEVS): An Improved Sample Preparation Technique for Electron Microscopy".
23.32nd Annual Meeting of the [American] Biophysical Society, Phoenix, AZ, February-March 1988. "Cryo-Transmission Electron Microscopic Study of Liposomal Dispersions Undergoing the Lamellar/Inverted Hexagonal (L/HII) Phase Transition", and "Low Temperature Electron Microscopy of Vesicular and Micellar Systems".
24.Les Houches Ecole d'Été de Physique Theorique, Les Houches, France, June 1988. "Low Temperature Transmission Electron Microscopy of Colloidal Systems" (invited lecture).
25.33rd Annual Meeting of the [American] Biophysical Society, Cincinnati, OH, February 1989. "Cryo-Transmission Electron Microscopic Elucidation of the Egg Phosphatidylcholine-Octylglucoside Vesicle to Micelle Transition", and "Intermediates in Membrane Fusion and Bilayer/Non-Bilayer Phase Transitions Imaged by Cryo-Transmission Electron Microscopy".
26.1st Joint Israeli-German Electron Microscopy Symposium, Rehovot, May 1989. "Cryo-Electron Microscopy: Recent Developments and Novel Applications" (invited lecture).
27.3rd Symposium on Complex Fluids, Santa Barbara, CA, July 1989. "Determination of the Structure of Cubic Mesophases by Cryo-TEM and SAXS".
28.The Israeli-German Gentner Symposium in Chemistry of Organized Systems, Rehovot and Eilat, September 1989. "Direct Imaging of Complex Fluids" (invited lecture).
29.The 1989 Fall Meeting of the [American] Materials Research Society, Boston, November 1989. "Electron Microscopy of Surfactant Self-Assembly Systems" (invited lecture ; canceled due to illness in the family).
30.The 3rd Bar-Ilan Conference on Frontiers in Condensed Matter Physics, Ramat Gan, January 1990. "Direct Imaging of Complex Fluids by Cryo-TEM" (invited lecture).
31.34th Annual Meeting of the [American] Biophysical Society, Baltimore, MD, February 1990.Temperature-Jump TRC-TEM: A New Tool for Studying Membrane Fusion and Lipid Phase Transitions", and "Cryo-TEM Reveals Structural Transitions of Egg PC and Na-Cholate Mixtures".[Trip canceled due to illness in the family; papers presented by American coworkers].
32.4th International Meeting on Low Temperature Biological Microscopy and Analysis, Cambridge, England, April 1990. "Time Resolved Cryo-TEM" (invited lecture, trip canceled due to illness in the family).
33.Gordon Research Conference on "Chemistry at Interfaces", New London, NH, July 1990, "Direct Imaging by Cryo-Transmission Electron Microscopy" (invited lecture).
34.12th International Congress for Electron Microscopy, Seattle, WA, August 1990. "On-the-Grid-Processing and Time-Resolved Cryo-TEM: the Extension of the Thin Liquid Film Vitrification Technique" (invited lecture; co-chairman and co-organizer, session on cryo-preparative techniques).
35.2nd Joint Israeli-German Electron Microscopy Symposium, Munich, October 1990. "Direct Microstructural Studies of Phase Transformations Using Time-Resolved Cryo-TEM"(invited lecture).
36.201st National American Chemical Society Meeting, Atlanta, GA, April 1991."Self-Aggregating Amphiphile Systems Studied by Cryo-TEM", and "Fluid Microstructures in Polymer/Surfactant Aqueous Systems" (two invited lectures).
37.7th International Conference on Surface and Colloid Science, Compiègne, France, July 1991, "Direct Imaging of Colloidal Systems: the State-of-the-Art" (keynote lecture).
38.203rd National American Chemical Society Meeting, San Francisco, CA, April 1992. “Cryo-TEM: Recent Developments and Recent Results”, and “Cryo-TEM and SAXS Studies of Polymer/Surfactant Systems” (two invited lectures).
39.3rd Joint Israeli-German Electron Microscopy Symposium, Jerusalem, May 1992. “Cryo-TEM and SAXS Studies of Surfactant, Polymer, and Surfactant/Polymer Systems” (invited lecture).
40.12th European Chemistry at Interfaces Conference, Lund, Sweden, June 1992. “Microstructural Aspects of Polymer/Surfactant and Surfactant/Phospholipid Interactions”(invited lecture).
41.Cellucon ‘93, Lund, Sweden, June 1993. “Cryo-TEM and SAXS Studies of SomeCellulose-Derivatives/Surfactant Systems”(invited lecture).
42.51st Microscopy Society of America Meeting, Cincinnati, August 1993, “Cryo-TEM of Amphiphilic Polymer and Amphiphile/Polymer Solutions” (invited lecture).
43.206th National American Chemical Society Meeting Chicago, August 1993, “Understanding Rheology of Surfactant Solutions through Cryo-Transmission Electron Microscopy” (invited lecture).
44.European Gordon Conference on Complex Fluids, Irsee, Germany September 1993. “Cryo-TEM and SAXS Studies of Surfactant, Polymer, and Surfactant/polymer Systems”. (Invited Lecture).
45.68th ACS Colloid and Surface Science Symposium, Stanford, CA, June 1994. Co-organizer of the sessions on “Microscopy of Colloidal Systems”; four contributed papers.
46.13th International Congress on Electron Microscopy, Paris, July 1994. Co-organizer &Co-chairman of the symposium on “Cryo-EM Techniques for Macromolecular Systems”. Two contributed papers.
47.2nd International Conference on Gallstones: Causes and Management, Tel Aviv, March 1995. “Direct Imaging of Micro-Aggregates Formed during Cholesterol Crystallization in Model and Native Biles”. (Invited Lecture).
48.210th National American Chemical Society Meeting Chicago, August 1995, “From Micelles to Membrane Sheets: Cryo-TEM Direct Imaging of Complex Fluids”(Invited Keynote Lecture).
49.Gordon Research Conference on Complex Fluids, New London, NH, August 1995, Discussion Leader.
50.Bunsengesellschaft Meeting on Microemulsions, Göttingen, September 1995. “Electron Microscopy in the Study of Microemulsions” (Invited Lecture).
51.11th Surfactants in Solution Symposium, Jerusalem, June 1996, member of the organizing committee,Session Chairman, six contributed papers.
52.10th European Colloid and Interface Society Conference, Åbo, Finland, September 1996, "Microstructural Aspects of Novel Surfactant Systems" (Invited Lecture).
53.“Colloid and Surface Science: The Way Ahead”, an International Workshop, Cagliari, Sardinia, May 1997, “What Can We Expect to See with Cryo-TEM?”(Invited Lecture).
54.Materials Research Society Fall ‘97 Meeting, Boston, December 1997, “Cryo-TEM: a Mature Microstructural Analysis Technique”(Invited Lecture).
55.ISF International Workshop on Domain Organization in Membranes: Biological Implication, Jerusalem, March 1998, “Cryogenic transmission electron microscopy (cryo-TEM) in the study of macromolecular aggregates” (Invited Lecture).
56.216th National American Chemical Society Meeting Boston, August 1998. Three contributed papers. "Vesicle-to-Micelle Transition in Mixed Systems: Presence and Absence of Thread-like Micelles", “Cryogenic transmission electron microscopy (cryo-TEM) in the study of macromolecular aggregates” (two Invited Lectures).
57.15th European Chemistry at Interfaces Conference, Jerusalem, October 1998. Member of the Organizing Committee. Two contributed papers.
58.“Associating polymers and surfactant systems: microstructure and macroscopic properties”. An International Workshop, Nagoya, Japan, February 1999. “Cryo-TEM extended: direct imaging of biological and synthetic supramolecular aggregates” (Invited Lecture).
59.3rd International Conference on Gallstones, Tiberias, October 1999, Member of the Organizing Committee, co-chairman of the symposium on cholesterol crystallization and modulation.
60.“Surfactants and Water Soluble Polymers in the Bulk Phase and at Interfaces”, Bayreuth, August 2000, “Digital Cryogenic Transmission Electron Microscopy: The State-of-the-Science” (Invited Lecture).
61.4th National Congress of Turkish Chemical Engineers, Istanbul, September 2000 “Applying cryogenic temperature transmission electron microscopy in the study of complex fluids” (Invited Lecture).
62.“Self-Assembled Fibrillar Network (SAFIN) 2001”, Autrans, France, November 2001, “Cryo-TEM of Self-Assembled Monodisperse Organic Nanotubules in Water” (Plenary Lecture).
63.“Physical and Biophysical Aspects of Complex Fluids”, 3rd Binational Franco-Israeli Conference, Tel Aviv February 2002 "Unusual Lipid-Based Nano-Aggregates" (Invited Lecture).
64.The 2002 Gentner Symposium on “Ascending the Materials Hierarchy”, Potsdam, Germany, April 2002. “Imaging Single Molecular Layers: from Nanotubes to Lipoplexes” (Invited Lecture).
65.224th National American Chemical Society Meeting Boston, August 2002. “Direct Imaging of oligonucleotide-lipid complexes” and “Cryo-TEM study of self-aggregation of sodium lithocholate single-molecular walled nanotubules”. (Two Invited Lectures).
66.Minerva Students Symposium, Complex Macromolecular Architectures: Single Molecule Properties and Supramolecular Assemblies, Naurod, Germany April 2003. “Developments and Limitations of Cryo-TEM in the Study of Complex Fluids” (Invited Lecture).
67.“Cryo-Day” of the Dutch Electron Microscopy Society, Vlaardingen, Holland, May 2003. “Surfactant and Polymer Nanostructures in Complex Liquids (Keynote Lecture).
68.227th National American Chemical Society Meeting Anaheim, CA, March-April 2004. “Biliary Cholesterol Crystallization Characterized by Cryogenic TEM and Electron Diffraction” (Invited Lecture).
69.Member of the Organizing Committee, Eastern Mediterranean Chemical Engineering Conference, Dead Sea, January 2006, and an invited lecture.
70.45th Microsymposium of The Prague Meetings on Macromolecules, “Cryo-TEM direct imaging of polymer nano-aggregates in aqueous and non-aqueous solutions”, Prague, July 2006 (“Main Lecture”).
71.16th International Microscopy Congress, Sapporo, Japan, September 2006. Member of the International Federation of Societies of Microscopy (IFSM) International Scientific Advisory Committee (ISAC).
72.Annual Meeting of the Japan Research Institute of Material Technology, Tokyo, December 2006 (Award Lecture).
73.ChemAnalytica, The International Analytical Chemistry Conference 2007, Tel Aviv, February 2007, “Cryo-TEM of Self-Aggregation in Solution” (Invited Lecture).
74.The China-Netherlands Symposium on Electron Microscopy of Polymer Systems, Beijing, November 2007, “Nanostructural Aggregation in Polymer and Polymer/Surfactant Aqueous and Non-Aqueous Solutions Imaged by Cryo-TEM”(Invited Lecture).
75.The University of Karlsruhe-Technion-Weizmann Institute Symposium on the Interface between Nanotechnology and Biology. Haifa, March 2008 (Symposium Organizer and Chair).
76. China-Israel Joint Symposium on Nanobiomaterials and structures October 2008, Beijing, “State-of-the Science Electron Microscopy of Nanostructured Systems”(Invited Lecture).
77.CFN-RBNI-Weizmann Symposium on Nanotechnology, Karlsruhe, November 2008, “Cryo-TEM and Cryo-SEM in Nano-Bio Science” (Invited Lecture).
78. “Capturing Colloids” meeting of the Royal Microscopical Society and the Royal Society of Chemistry, Manchester, UK, March 2009, “State-of-the-Science Electron Microscopy of Nanostructured Liquid Systems”, (Invited Lecture).
79.“Soft Matter at Interfaces: from Self-Assembly to Nano-Confinement”, Neveh Ilan, June 2009 “Cryogenic-Temperature Electron Microscopy of Carbon Nanotubes Dispersed in Super-Acids” (Invited lecture).
80.238th ACS National Meeting, Washington, DC, August 2009, “Combined electron microscopy approach for the study of nano-aggregates in liquids”, (Invited lecture).
81.“A Warm Heart for Cold Microscopy”, Symposium in Honor of Peter M. Frederik, The Technical University of Eindhoven, October 2009, “Cryo-Electron Microscopy - a Personal Perspective” (Keynote lecture).
82.“Nanomaterials for Energy and Biotechnology, November 2009, Donostia - San Sebastian, Spain, “State-of-the-Science Electron Microscopy of NanostructuredLiquid Systems” (Invited lecture).
83.Physics of Emerging FunctionalMaterials (PEFM-2010) Sept. 2010,Mumbai, “Cryo-EM: an Update” (Invited lecture).
84. “Liposomes in Jerusalem 2011”, May 2011 Ma’aleh HaHamisha. Israel, “Direct Imaging of Liposomes and Related Structures by Cryo-TEM and Cryo-SEM” (Invited lecture).
85. 7th Chemical Engineering Conference for Collaborative Research in Eastern Mediterranean Countries (EMCC7), Corfu, Greece, April 27 to May 1, 2012, “High-Resolution Cryogenic-Temperature Scanning Electron Microscopy: A New Tool for the Study of Nanostructured Liquid Systems” (Invited lecture).
86.26th Conference of the European Colloid and Interface Society (ECIS), September 2012 Malmö/Lund, “High-Resolution Cryogenic-Temperature Scanning Electron Microscopy: A New Tool for the Study of Nanostructured Liquid Systems” (Keynote lecture).
87.NANOCON012 Pune, India, October 2012. Member of the International Advisory Board and of the Technical Committee. “Cryogenic Temperature Electron Microscopy in Nano- and NanoBio-Science and Technology Research” (Plenary lecture).
88.Nanoscience Symposium and TRAIN2 Event, Barcelona, November 2012, “The RBNI at the Technion” (Keynote lecture).
89.From Nanomedicine to Brain Imaging. New Frontiers in Nanobiotechnology Pula, Cagliari, Italy, April 2013,“Cryogenic Temperature Electron Microscopy in Nano- and NanoBio-Science and Technology Research” (Invited lecture).