AVID Application
Return toMr. Kovacsev, CLMS
Name:Date of Birth:
Address: Street
City, State, Zip Code
Home Phone:
Parent/Guardian Name:
Parent/Guardian Cell/Work Phone Number:
Parent/Guardian Email Address:
Parent/Guardian Name:
Parent/Guardian Cell/Work Phone Number:
Parent/Guardian Email Address:
Free/Reduced Lunch? / Yes_____ No_____
Single Parent Family? / Yes_____ No_____
ESOL Student? / Yes_____ No_____
Large Family? (4 or more siblings) / Yes_____ No_____
Has anyone in your family attended/graduated from college? / Yes_____ No_____
Number of years in AVID program?
Current GPA: / Number of Advanced Classes Taken?
Latest FCAT scores: / Reading Score:______Math Score:______
Number of Absences?
Referrals? / Number of Referrals?______
Level of Each Referral:
Student Signature:______Date:______
Parent Signature ______Date: ______
AVID applicant:Choose one college application topic and complete a one page essay and return, attached to your application, toMr. Kovacsev at CLMS.
- Is there anything you would like us to know about you or your academic record that you have not described elsewhere in this application?
- Tell us about a talent, experience, contribution, or personal quality that you will bring to CLMS AVID.
- Tell us about yourself in such a way as to help us understand who you are and why we should consider you for the CLMS AVID program.
- If you are accepted to the CLMS AVID program, what will you do to contribute positively to the program and CLMS?
Name: ______
AVID applicant, please leave this page blank and attached to your application. This page will be completed by the person who interviews you.
AVID Interview
Advancement Via Individual Determination
Student’s Oral Responses to Eleven Interview Questions:
1. ______
2. ______
3. ______
4. ______
5. ______
6. ______
7. ______
8. ______
9. ______
10. ______
11. ______
Interviewer Feedback:
Based on this interview, would you recommend this student for AVID? Yes / No
Why or why not?______
Additional Comments:______
Interviewer Signature:______
AVID applicant, give this form to your current Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, or Reading.
Teacher Recommendation Form for AVID
Advancement Via Individual Determination
Please return to Mr. Kovacsev
Please Print In Ink.
Teacher’s Name:______
Student’s Name:______
The student named above has been recommended for placement in the AVID program. This is a course designed primarily for students who have college potential. AVID students are expected to earn a GPA of at least a 2.0, pass all of their academic classes with a C or higher, maintain good conduct, and show individual determination to be successful. As this student’s teacher, your feedback will be highly valued and much appreciated. Please take a few moments to answer the following questions so that the AVID team may determine an appropriate placement for this student. Thank you.
Please check the appropriate box: / Never / Sometimes / AlwaysDo you believe this student needs the support of the AVID class?
Does this student seem to have college potential?
Does this student display good classroom work habits?
Does this student complete their homework?
Does this student practice good citizenship?
Does this student have an acceptable attendance record?
Please write a brief description of why you feel this student would be a good candidate for the AVID program: ______
Teacher Signature: ______
AVID applicant, give this form to your current Math teacher.
Math Teacher Recommendation Form for AVID
Advancement Via Individual Determination
Please return to Mr. Kovacsev
Please Print In Ink.
Teacher’s Name:______
Student’s Name:______
The student named above has been recommended for placement in the AVID program. This is a course designed primarily for students who have college potential. AVID students are expected to earn a GPA of at least a 2.0, pass all of their academic classes with a C or higher, maintain good conduct, and show individual determination to be successful. As this student’s math teacher, your feedback will be highly valued and much appreciated. Please take a few moments to answer the following questions so that the AVID team may determine an appropriate placement for this student. Thank you.
Please check the appropriate box: / Never / Sometimes / AlwaysDo you believe this student needs the support of the AVID class?
Does this student display good classroom work habits?
Does this student complete their homework?
Yes / No
If the student is currently a8th grader, what HS Math course do you recommend them to take?
Please write a brief description of why you feel this student would be a good candidate for the AVID program:
Teacher Signature: ______