Women’s life writing and historical change in Britain and Ireland since 1780
General Introductory Texts
S. Smith, J. Watson, Women, autobiography, theory: a reader (1998)
S. Smith, J. Watson, Reading autobiography, a guide for interpreting life narratives (2001)
J.W. Scott, ‘The Evidence of Experience’, Critical Inquiry, 17/4 (1991), 773-797
M.M. Dowd, J.A. Eckerle, Genre and women’s life-writing in Early modern England (2007)
D. Cook, A. Cullen, (eds) Women’s life-writing, 1700-1850: gender, genre and authorship (2012)
C. Huff, Women’s life writing and imagined communities (2005) or C. Huff, ‘Towards a geography of women’s life writing an imagined communities, an introductory essay’ Prose Studies, 26:1-2, 1-16
Women’s History, special issue: ‘Performing the self: women’s lives in historical perspective’ 22, 2 (2013)
A. Corbin, ‘The secret of the individual’ in M. Perrot (ed) A history of private life, Vol IV: From the fires of the revolution to the Great War (1990)
V. Walkerdine, 'Subject to Change without notice: psychology, postmodernity and the popular' in S. Pile and N. Thrift (eds.) Mapping the Subject: geographies of cultural transformation (1995)
F. Nussbaum, The Autobiographical Subject: gender and ideology in 18thC England (1989)
J. Siegel, ‘Problematizing the Self’ in L. Hunt et al (eds.) Beyond the Cultural Turn: new directions in the study of society and culture (1999) [online via SOLO]
L. Stanley, The Auto/biographical I: The theory and practice of feminist auto/biography (1992)
L. Peterson, ‘Women writers and self-writing’ in J. Shattock, (ed.) Women and Literature in Britain (1996)
T.Cosslett, C.Lury and P.Summerfield (Eds) Women’s Autobiographical Selves (2000)
For reference
British and Irish Women’s Letters and Diaries [available via OXLIP]
Oxford Dictionary of National Biography [available via SOLO]
Dictionary of Irish Biography [available via OXLIP]
E. Crawford, Women’s suffrage movement: a reference guide 1866-1928 (1999/2006) [available via SOLO]
E. Crawford, The women's suffrage movement in Britain and Ireland : a regional survey (2006) [available via SOLO].
B. Kanner, Women in context: two hundred years of British women autobiographers, a reference guide and reader (1997)
B. Kanner, Women in English social history, 1800-1914: a guide to research (3 vols, 1987-1990)
Bibliography of British and Irish History [available on Brepolis via OXLIP]
M Jolly, Encyclopedia of life-writing: autobiographical and biographical forms (2001)
A.Bourke, et al (eds.), The Field Day Anthology of Irish Women's Writing and Traditions, 2 volumes (2001).
Oxford Centre for Life-Writing (OCLW) https://www.wolfson.ox.ac.uk/clusters/life-writing
TORCH Women’s Writing research network http://www.torch.ox.ac.uk/networks (website under development)