Foster, G. S., M. Sherrard, J. R. Cosbey and R. L. Hummel. 2001. “Dying to be Old: A
Sociological Analysis of ‘Old Age’ as Cause of Death.” Journal of Aging and Identity 6(3): 165-179.
Chen, J., D. Hendrickson and C. Eckert. 2004. “Diversity Oriented College Courses’
Impact on the Support of Feminism and Feminist Self-Identity.” Sex Roles.
Under review.
Cosbey, J., and M. Steinhour. 2001. “College Students’ Attitudes Towards Older
Adults.” Paper presented at the Gerontological Society of America, November. Chicago.
Cosbey, J., and D. Miller. 2001. “Applying Sociological Theory to ‘Real Life’ Through
Novels.” Paper presented at the Midwest Sociological Society, April. St. Louis.
Eckert, C., L. Diedrich and Stefanie Michaelis. 2004. “College Students’ Perceptions
of Gays and Lesbians.” Paper presented at the Midwest Sociological Society. April. Kansas City.
Foster, G. S., and M. Sherrard. 2001. “Dying to be Old: A Sociological Analysis of ‘Old
Age’ as Cause of Death.” Paper presented at the Midwest Sociological Society,
April. St. Louis.
Lloyd, A., and J. Cosbey. 2001. “Planning for Retirement: Do Professors Do Their
Homework?” Paper presented at the Midwest Sociological Society, April. St.
Sweitzer, J., C. Eckert and D. Hendrickson. 2002. “Diversity Oriented College Courses’
Impact on the Support of Feminism and Feminist Self-Identification.” Paper
Presented at the Midwest Sociological Society, April. Milwaukee.
One faculty member supervised 5 students during Alternative Spring Break, Lake Metropark, Madison, Ohio, March, 2001.
Alpha Kappa Delta, Thanksgiving Basket Project, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004.
Sociology Club, Christmas Assistance Project, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004.
Sociology Club, Christmas Cards for Nursing Homes, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004.
Sociology Club, fundraisers to support the Domestic Violence Support Group of HOPE,
20 students were placed in agency settings for internship credit in academic 2001-2002.
14 students were placed in agency settings for internship credit in academic 2002-2003.
10 students were placed in agency settings for internship credit in academic 2003-2004.
Alemi, F., R. Stephens, S. Llorens, D. Schaefer, S. Nemes and R. Adrendt. 2003. “The
Orientation of Social Support Measure.” Addictive Behaviors 28: 1285-1298.
Brown, B., and W. R. Benedict. 2002. “Perceptions of the Police: Past Findings,
Methodological Issues, Conceptual Issues and Policy Implications.” Policing:
An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management. 25 (3): 543-580.
Brown, B., and W. R. Benedict. 2004. “Bullets, Blades and Being Afraid in Hispanic
High Schools: An Exploratory Study of the Presence of Weapons and Fear of
Weapon-Associated Victimization Among High School Students in a Border Town.” Crime and Delinquency 50: 372-394.
Foster, G. S, and C. M Eckert. 2003. “Up From the Grave: A Sociohistorical
Reconstruction of an African American Community from Cemetery Data in the
Rural Midwest.” Journal of Black Studies 33 (4): 468-489.
Foster, G. S., D. Hendrickson and L. New Freeland. 2002. “A Sociological Assessment
Of Centenarians from Central Illinois Cemeteries, 1825-1985.” Journal of Aging
And Identity 7(3): 257-273.
Kashefi, M. 2004. “Racial Differences on Organizational Attachment? Structural
Explanations of Attitude Differences Between White and African American
Employees.” Journal of Black Studies 34 (5): 702-718.
Kashefi, M. 2002. “Disproportional Representation of Men and Women Across the
Levels of Skill Required for Professional and Managerial Occupations.” Social Insight Knowledge at Work 7: 31-39.
Kashefi, M. 2002. Why Iran Lagged Behind and the West Moved Forward (book
review). Rahanavard 58: 342-346.
Kashefi, M. 2001. “A Study on the Declining Probability of Social Revolutions:
Structural Factors.” Mehregan 9(3): 108-114.
Kashefi, M. 2001. “A Study on the Declining Probability of Social Revolutions: Social
Agent and Ideology.” Mehregan 9 (4): 98-108.
Kashefi, M. 2001. “Social Statistics Syllabus.” In Cynthia Line (ed). Social Statistics:
Syllabus and Materials. Washington: American Sociological Association.
Schaefer, D. 2003. “A Disembodied Community Collaborates in a Homicide: Can
Empathy Transform a Failing System of Justice?” Contemporary Justice Review
Schaefer, D., 2002. “Police Gang Intelligence Infiltrates a Small City.” The Social
Science Journal 39 (1).
Benedict, W. R. 2001. “Victimizations and Perceptions of Crime in School Among
High School Students in a Hispanic Community.” Paper presented at the
Southwest Academy of Criminal Justice, San Antonio.
Benedict. W. R. 2001. “Safety Concerns of High School Students in a Border
Community.” Paper presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences,
Washington, D.C.
Cosbey, J. 2001. “Teenagers with ADD: Losers or Leaders?” Paper presented at the
Midwest Sociological Society. April, St. Louis.
Duff, A., J. Cosbey and J. Weisenhaus. 2001. “Hull House Revisited.” Paper presented
At the American Association for the Advancement of Social Work with Groups,
October, Akron.
Eckert, C. 2002. “Technology and Us.” Paper presented at the School of Technology
Centennial Celebration, Eastern Illinois University. September.
Foster, G., and C. Eckert. 2002. “Up From the Grave: A Socio-Historical
Reconstruction of an African American Community from Cemetery Data in the
Rural Midwest.” Paper presented at the Midwest Sociological Society, March,
Hendrickson, D., and G. Foster. 2004. “Graves of Unknowns in Gardens of Stone: An
Analysis of Infant Anonymity.” Paper presented at the Midwest Sociological
Society. April, Kansas City.
Hendrickson, D., B. Zollinger, and R. McClearly. 2003. “Predictors and Patterns of Use
Of Complementary and Alternative Medicine.” Paper presented at the Midwest
Sociological Society, April, Chicago.
Kashefi, M. 2003. “Structural Features of Jobs and Organizational Attachment:
Examining Variation in Organizational Attachment Between White and Black
Employees.” Paper presented at the Midwest Sociological Society, April. Milwaukee.
Kashefi, M. 2002. “The Use of Computers in the Workplace and the issues of Gender,
Social Status, and Job Satisfaction.” Paper presented at the Midwest Sociological
Society, April. Milwaukee.
Kashefi, M. 2002. Globalization and Declining Probability of Social Revolution.” Paper
Presented at the Association for Humanist Sociology, October. Madison, WS.
New Freeland, L. 2004. “Threads of Inheritance.” Paper presented at the Midwest
Sociological Society, April. Kansas City.
New Freeland, L. 2004. “The Status of Reproductive Rights and Related Research and
the Impact on Dialogue.” Paper presented at the Oxford Roundtable. August.
Oxford, England.
New Freeland, L., C. Eckert and J. Cosbey. 2004. “Thirty-two Years After Title IX:
Have Men’s Sports Programs Suffered in the Wake of Its Passing”? Paper
presented at the Midwest Sociological Society. April. Kansas City.
New Freeland, L. 2003. “It is not all Fun and Games: Using Simulation Games to
Stimulate Critical Thinking in Social Problems Courses.” Paper presented at the
Midwest Sociological Society. April. Chicago.
New Freeland, L. 2002. “Combining Student Choice and Holistic Grading for Writing
Intensive Sanity.” Paper presented at the Midwest Sociological Society. April
New-Freeland, L. 2001. “Oral Quality of Life: The Social Smile as a Health Indicator.”
Paper presented at the Midwest Sociological Society, April. St. Louis.
Schaefer, D., 2003. “Police Reports on Dangerous Teens: Going Beyond Media
Stereotypes and Serving Justice.” Paper presented at the Justice Studies
Association, Albany, NY.
Schaefer, D., 2002. “Graffiti and the Broken Windows Metaphor: Reflections of
Inequality and Injustice.” Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology, Chicago.
Schaefer, D. 2001. “Needs-Based Activism in a Power-Based Structure.” Paper
Presented at The Society for the Study of Social Problems, Annaheim.
Schaefer, D. 2001. “Graffiti, Broken Windows, and Restorative Justice.” Paper
Presented at the Justice Studies Association, Norton, MA.
Wohlstein, R., D. Miller and M. Katovich. 2004. “The Continuing Significance of
Milgram’s Obedience Studies.” Paper presented at the Midwest Sociological
Society. April. Kansas City.
Wohlstein, R., 2004. “Some Thoughts on Flash Mobs (Gatherings) and Collective
Action.” Paper presented at the Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction.
August. San Francisco.
Wohlstein, R. 2003. “Policing and Protest Post-September 11, 2001.” Paper presented
at the Midwest Sociological Society. April. Chicago.
Wohlstein, R. 2003. “The Maddening Crowd Goes to School: Myths about Crowds in
Introductory Sociology Textbooks.” Paper presented at the Midwest Sociological
Society. April. Chicago.
Benedict, R., Dean’s Award for Service, School of Continuing Education, Eastern Illinois
University, 2003.
Benedict, R., Alpha Sigma Lambda Society (National Honor Society for Adult Learners
In Continuing Education), 2003.
Benedict, R., Student Advocate Award, EIU Student Government, 2002.
Benedict, R. Achievement and Contribution Award in Service, 2001.
Benedict, R. Omicron Delta Kappa – Leadership and Service in Collegiate Activities,
Benedict, R. Faculty member of the Year Award – Illinois Board of Higher
Education Student Advisory Committee.
Eckert, C. EIU Panhellenic Council/Intrafraternity Council Faculty/Staff Member of
The Month, January, 2001.
Foster, G. Lawrence A. Ringenberg Award. College of Sciences, EIU. 2004
Hendrickson, D. COS Small Grant Award, 2001. 2002.
Kashefi, M. TEDE Grant, Fall, 2001
Kashefi, M. Special Projects Grant, Summer, 2001
New Freeland, L. COS Small Grant Award, 2001. 2002. 2004
New Freeland, L. CFR Summer Research Grant. 2003
New Freeland, L. Redden Grant. 2002.
Schaefer, D. TEDE Grant, Spring, 2001
Schaefer, D. COS Small Grant Award, 2001
Benedict, R., Chair, North Central Association, Mission and Integrity Committee,
Eastern Illinois University, 2003-2005.
Benedict, R., Chair, Student-Faculty Relations Subcommittee of the Faculty Senate,
Eastern Illinois University, 2002-2005.
Benedict, R., Chair, Continuing Education Coordinating Council, 2003-2004.
Benedict, R. Vice-Chair, Faculty Senate, 2001-2002
Benedict, R. Editor, Council on Undergraduate Research, Social Science Division
Benedict, R., Councilor, Council on Undergraduate Research, 2001-2002, 2002-2003.
Cosbey, J., Chair, Midwest Sociological Society, Committee on Women, 2004-2005.
Eckert, C. Mayor, Philo, Illinois. 2001-2004.
Hendrickson, D., Chair, College of Sciences Curriculum Committee, 2003-2004.
Hendrickson, D. Vice-Chair, College of Sciences Curriculum Committee, 2002-2003.
New Freeland, L. Secretary, Board of Directors, HOPE, Coles County. 2003-2004.
New Freeland, L. Library Coordinator, Women’s Studies, 2002-2003.
New Freeland, L. Secretary, Board of Directors of Housing, Outreach, Prevention and
Education, Charleston, IL, 2001.
Schaefer, D. Program Chair, Association for Humanist Sociology, 2002
Schaefer, D. Secretary, Mideastern Illinois Labor Council (MILC), 2001-2002.
Schaefer, D. Vice-Chair, Justice Studies Association, 2001-2002.
Benedict, R., TEAM Grants Council, Eastern Illinois University, 2003-2004.
Benedict, R., Roger Whitlow Teaching Award Selection Committee, School of
Continuing Education, Eastern Illinois University, 2004.
Benedict, R., Marketing Task Force, Eastern Illinois University, 2003-2004.
Benedict, R., External Relations Committee, Eastern Illinois University, 2003-2004.
Benedict, R., North Central Association, Mission and Integrity Subcommittee for EIU
Visitation, 2003-2004.
Benedict, R., Faculty Development Steering Committee, 2002-2003.
Benedict, R. Member, Constitution and Bylaws Committee of the Council on
Undergraduate Research, 2001.
Benedict, R. Faculty Senator, EIU, 2001-2002, 2002-2003, 2003-2004.
Benedict, R. Expert Witness Testimony, McCredie vs Karls, Madison, Wisconsin
Cosbey, J. Faculty Development Committee, Association for Gerontology in Higher
Education, 2001
Cosbey, J. Program Committee, Association for Gerontology in Higher Education,
Cosbey, J. Committee on Women in the Profession, Midwest Sociological Society,
Cosbey, J. Council on Academic Affairs, EIU, 2001
Cosbey, J. Committee to Assess Student Learning (CASL), EIU, 2001
Eckert, C. Institutional Review Board, Eastern Illinois University. 2004.
Eckert, C.. Standards and Freedom of Research, Publication and Teaching Committee,
Society for the Study of Social Problems. 2003-2004.
Foster, G. Social Sciences Teaching Certification Committee, EIU, 2001-2003
Foster, G. College of Sciences Sciencefest Planning Committee, 2001-2002, 2002-2003,
Foster, G. University Calendar Committee, EIU, 2001-2002
Hendrickson, D. SECA Advisory Board, Eastern Illinois University. 2004.
Hendrickson, D., COS Representative on the Walter and Lola Stephenson and Edgar
County Lord Scholarship Committee, 2003.
Hendrickson, D., MA in Gerontology Committee, 2002-2003, 2003-2004.
Hendrickson, D. COS Curriculum Committee, 2001-2002, 2002-2003, 2003-2004.
Hendrickson, D. African American Studies Committee, 2001-2002, 2002-2003
Kashefi, M. Minority Scholars Committee, Midwest Sociological Society, 2001-2002.
Kashefi, M. University Personnel Committee, EIU, 2001-2002, 2002-2003, 2003-2004.
Kashefi, M. Financial Aids/Grants Committee, EIU, 2001-2002, 2002-2003, 2003-2004.
New Freeland, L. Faculty Sponsor, Sigma Lambda Alpha. 2003. 2004.
New Freeland, L., Women’s Studies, EIU, 2001-2004.
New Freeland, L. Honorary Degree Committee, Eastern Illinois University. 2003-2004.
Schaefer, D. Judicial Affairs Board, 2003.
Schaefer, D. Delegate to the American Federation of Teachers, 2000-2002, 2003-2005.
Schaefer, D. Editorial Board Member, Humanity and Society, 2003-2005.
Schaefer, D. Executive Committee Member, Justice Studies Association 2001-2003.
Schaefer, D. Program Committee Member, Justice Studies Association, 2003.
Schaefer, D. UPI Representative to the Mideastern Illinois Labor Council, 2001-2003.
Schaefer, D. UPI Executive Board, 2000-2003.
Schaefer, D. UPI House of Delegates, 2002, 2003.
Schaefer, D. College of Sciences UPI Representative, 2000-2002.
Schaefer, D. Food Bank Co-ordinator for MILC, 2002-2003..
Schaefer, D. TRIO Volunteer and Mentor, 2002-2003.
Schaefer, D. Nominations Committee, Association for Humanist Sociologists, 2001.
Schaefer, D. Co-Organizer of the Rich Dulka Labor Picnic, 2001, 2002, 2003.
Schaefer, D. Project Advisory Committee, TEEN REACH, Charleston, IL 2001
Schaefer, D. Embarrass Volunteer Steward Executive Committee, Charleston, IL
Wohlstein, R., COS Review Committee for Reassigned Research CUs. 2004.
Wohlstein, R. EIU Representative to the IAI Sociology Panel. 2001-2004.
Wohlstein, R. BOT Minority Internship Program Committee. 2001-2004.
Wohlstein, R.. Board of Directors, Lincolnland Hospice (SBLHC). 2001-2003.
Wohlstein, R.. Board of Directors, Coles County Housing Authority. 2004.
Jill Buchar, Braden Scholarship and Alumni Scholarship, 2004.
Scott Easternday, Baumgartner Scholarship, 2004.
Stefanie Michaelis, Women’s Studies Student Woman of Achievement, 2004.
Josh Stortzum, Pre-Law Scholarship, 2004.
Ifraj P. Watts, Braden Scholarship, 2003
Jennifer Lode, Alumni Scholarship, 2003
Curt Maas, Hummel Scholarship, 2003
Audrey Bonanno, Wood Award, 2003
Jenny Belcher, Wood Award, 2002
Audrey Bonanno, Braden Scholarship, 2002
Brigid Matchen, Wood Award, 2002
Starla Porter, Hummel Scholarship, 2002
Brigid Matchen, Braden Scholarship recipient, 2001
Jessica Swietzer, Wood Award (Outstanding Graduating Senior), 2001
2, University of Chicago; Illinois State University (2002)
1, John Jay School of Criminal Justice (2003)
3, Eastern Illinois University (2003)
1, University of Colorado (2003)
1, East Tennessee State University (2004)
1, University of Illinois (2004)
2, University of Tennessee (2004)
Most graduates from 2001-2002 are employed, though none as professional sociologists since it is a liberal arts degree