HARRISBURG, PA 17126-0333
August 2006
Dear FBLA Advisor:
Welcome back to what should be another exciting and successful year for Pennsylvania FBLA!
As an advisor, you have seen firsthand the valuable knowledge and skills students develop as a result of FBLA membership. Pennsylvania FBLA would like to extend these opportunities to additional students. In particular, we have a goal to increase the number of middle level chapters.
In order to achieve these goals, your assistance is needed. While developing and implementing your chapter’s program of work, consider working with educators at your district’s middle school(s) to add a middle level chapter. The goals of Middle Level FBLA include developing competent leaders, strengthening confidence, creating an interest in entrepreneurial careers and business enterprise, developing character and citizenship, encouraging efficient money management and increasing awareness of occupational goals.
As a co-curricular organization, FBLA—Middle Level activities may address Pennsylvania academic standards including those for Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening; Mathematics; and Career Education and Work. Middle level members can also support projects developed by high school members. Students who have participated in middle level FBLA may be more likely to join the high school chapter and to take high school business courses.
Middle level members receive a membership card, Tomorrow’s Business Leader and the PA FBLA Penn Pal. They are eligible to participate in recognition and competitive event programs. Advisors receive chapter resource materials; integrated curriculum activities; access to an on-line library containing lesson plans, educational games, Internet projects and motivational activities; professional development opportunities and the Middle Level Adviser’s Hotline newsletter.
The enclosed brochure provides further details regarding middle level membership. Both the Pennsylvania FBLA website ( and the National FBLA website ( contain materials on middle level FBLA. Additional information may also be obtained by contacting me at or at 412-569-0020.
Please help middle level students in your district enjoy the many benefits of FBLA membership.
Michele Sites
PA FBLA Facilitator