ready2climb / Conventional Climbing
Training Courses / Spring Term 2019

This booking form is intended for the ConventionalClimbing Training Courses (top rope, leading, abseiling) offered by ready2climb for the Spring term 2019. This form is not for fun climbing bookings, private tuition or Supervised Top Rope climbing sessions – booking for those activities simply needs a phone call.

The form can be filled out electronically using any version of MS word after 2007 or printed out and filled out by hand. Please return the completed form to us by hand during opening hours or e-mail to and we will confirm availability. At this point, the course fee must be paid in full beforehand. Refunds will not be given for non-attendance. Proof of age may be required.

Please tick one box (age at start of course)

Age 8 – 12
10 week course / ☐
Age 13 – 16
10 week course / ☐
16 – Adult
4 week course / ☐
5 week course
Thursday10th January
4.30pm – 5.45pm / 1: Wednesday 9th January
5.30pm – 6.45pm
2: Thursday10th January
6pm – 7.15pm / 1: Thursday10th January
2: Thursday 14th February
3: Thursday 21st March
4: Thursday 25th April
7.30pm – 9.30pm / By mutual arrangement
Cost £80 per person / Cost £160
Course feesare per person for a fixed duration of course and are not transferrable. They include entry to ready2climb for the specific purposes of the training course and cannot be used as credit for any other activity. The course fee covers the provision of safety equipment for use during the course, but does not include the use of climbing shoes. Climbing shoes can be rented if required for £1.50 per pair. We reserve the right to combine groups into workable group sizes. If low delegate numbers require us to cancel a course, fully paid-up delegates will be refunded.
Delegates may use their own harness but must be able to fit and adjust it themselves and thread the rope through the appropriate attachment points themselves

Each course delegate will also need to complete a medical / consent form prior to participation in the course. Please note, for course delegates under the age of 18, we must witness the consent form being signed by a parent, guardian or carer at ready2climb and a Responsible Adult must remain on site for all delegates under the age of 15.

Course delegate details
Full Name / Click here to enter text. / Age / Click here to enter text. /
Name of parent if U18 / Click here to enter text. /
Telephone number / Click here to enter text. /
E-mail address / Click here to enter text. /
Any prior climbing experience: / Click here to enter text.
ready2climb use only
Date received: / Course allocated:
NICAS Required? / NICAS UID:
Fee paid: / Consent form(s):
Staff initials: / Date:

©2018Effective Spring Term 2019Version 8