City of Nicoma Park
Regular Meeting
November 1, 2011
7:00 p.m.
The City Council of Nicoma Park met in the Council Chambers at 2221 Nichols Dr., Nicoma Park, OK.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Pittman at 7:00 p.m.
Invocation led by Robert Thompson and flag salute led by Mayor Pittman.
City of Nicoma Park/NPDA – November 1, 2011 MINUTES – Page 1
Councilmembers present
Mark Brill – Ward 1
Jim Shonts – Ward 3
Shelley Meyers – Ward 5
Cindy Williams – Ward 6
Robert Pittman – Mayor
Councilmembers absent
Kevin Loudermilk – Ward 2
Ward 4 - vacant
Others present
Beverly McManus – City Clerk
Robert Thompson – City Attorney
City of Nicoma Park/NPDA – November 1, 2011 MINUTES – Page 1
The Consent Agenda includes routine items that can be approved by one motion of the Council. If any proposed item does not meet with the approval of the Council, said item will be removed and placed under the Business Agenda. The following items are recommended for consideration:
a. Minutes of the October 4th Regular Meeting.
b. Payment of October Claims.
c. Acknowledge payment of October Payroll and Benefits in the amount of $40,746.58; City Attorney $500.00; Judge $700.00.
d. Approval of November estimated payroll in the amount of $42,000.00.
e. Reimbursement of Petty Cash:
General Government $49.59
Police Department $52.80
Fire Department $11.98
MOTION BY Shonts; SECOND Williams, to approve the Consent Agenda.
AYE VOTES: Brill, Shonts, Meyers, Williams, Pittman.
NAY VOTES: None. ABSENT: Loudermilk, Ward 4-vacant. MOTION CARRIED.
No items for discussion.
A. Discussion, consideration and possible action: Declaring the 2003 Crown Victoria Police Vehicle, Unit 032, as surplus and authorizing the Mayor to dispose of or sell.
MOTION BY Meyers; SECOND Brill, to declare the 2003 Crown Victoria vehicle as surplus and authorize the Mayor to dispose of or sell.
AYE VOTES: Brill, Shonts, Meyers, Williams, Pittman.
NAY VOTES: None. ABSENT: Loudermilk, Ward 4-vacant. MOTION CARRIED.
B. Discussion, consideration and possible action: Developing and/or implementing a Courtroom Policy for our Municipal Court.
C. Discussion, consideration and possible action: Adoption of Resolution No. 2011-06 Notice of Election calling for the 2012 election dates, offices to be filled and filing period.
MOTION BY Shonts; SECOND Meyers, to adopt Resolution No. 2011-06 Notice of Election.
AYE VOTES: Brill, Shonts, Meyers, Williams, Pittman.
NAY VOTES: None. ABSENT: Loudermilk, Ward 4-vacant. MOTION CARRIED.
D. Discussion, consideration and possible action: Approving Regular Council Meeting dates for 2012.
MOTION BY Williams; SECOND Meyers, to approve the 2012 Regular Council Meeting dates.
AYE VOTES: Brill, Shonts, Meyers, Williams, Pittman.
NAY VOTES: None. ABSENT: Loudermilk, Ward 4-vacant. MOTION CARRIED.
E. Discussion, consideration and possible action: Changing to a Council-Manager form of Government.
There was much discussion about changing the form of government. It was decided the City Attorney would continue gathering information to present to the council and the public for future discussions.
F. Discussion, consideration and possible action: Adoption of new ward boundaries to reflect the latest census.
MOTION BY Shonts; SECOND Meyers, to adopt the new ward boundaries as presented.
AYE VOTES: Brill, Shonts, Meyers, Williams, Pittman.
NAY VOTES: None. ABSENT: Loudermilk, Ward 4-vacant. MOTION CARRIED.
This item is listed on the agenda to provide the opportunity for City Council discussion on items which may arise, and which could not have been known about, within 24 hours prior to the meeting.
No new business.
Remarks from the public or members of the governing body. No formal action can be taken.
Shelley Meyers asked about the meeting with the library system on the possibility of moving the library to the media center at the old school. The Mayor reported he had met with the Executive Director of the Library System and she had some concerns about work that needed to be done before this change could be made. The Mayor is also waiting for some information from the County to see if they could provide some of the work to be done.
Aubrey Trowell let the Council know he was interested in serving as Ward 4 Councilmember. He is a 20 year resident of Nicoma Park and lives on NE 17th Street and works at Tinker AFB. The Council asked him to attend the December Council Meeting to be appointed to fill the vacancy and to be sworn in.
Cindy Williams mentioned there is a huge breakdown in communication between the council and the mayor’s office. She would like to receive more information the mayor talks about so the Council can also read the material and be informed about what is going on.
No items for discussion.
a. Code Enforcement
b. Fire Department
c. Police Department
e. Eastern Oklahoma County Medical Development Authority
The meeting adjourned at 8:08 p.m.
Prepared by City Clerk on November 2, 2011. Approved by City Council on December 6, 2011.
Nicoma Park Development Authority
Regular Meeting
November 1, 2011
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Pittman at 8:08 p.m.
City of Nicoma Park/NPDA – November 1, 2011 MINUTES – Page 3
Trustees present
Mark Brill – Ward 1
Jim Shonts – Ward 3
Shelley Meyers – Ward 5
Cindy Williams – Ward 6
Robert Pittman – Mayor
Trustees absent
Kevin Loudermilk – Ward 2
Ward 4 - vacant
Others present
Beverly McManus – Secretary
Robert Thompson – City Attorney
City of Nicoma Park/NPDA – November 1, 2011 MINUTES – Page 3
a. The Mayor reported the sewer project is underway and getting ready to break ground.
a. Minutes of October 4th Regular Meeting.
b. Payment of October Claims.
c. Reimbursement of Sewer Fund Petty Cash in the amount of $170.00 (estimate).
MOTION BY Shonts; SECOND Brill, to approve the Consent Agenda.
AYE VOTES: Brill, Shonts, Meyers, Williams, Pittman.
NAY VOTES: None. ABSENT: Loudermilk, Ward 4-vacant. MOTION CARRIED.
A. Discussion, consideration and possible action: authorizing the Mayor to execute a deed to transfer real estate used as a part of the sewer system to the Nicoma Park Development Authority.
MOTION BY Williams; SECOND Brill, to authorize the Mayor to execute the deed.
AYE VOTES: Brill, Shonts, Meyers, Williams, Pittman.
NAY VOTES: None. ABSENT: Loudermilk, Ward 4-vacant. MOTION CARRIED.
The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
Prepared by Secretary on November 2, 2011. Approved by Trustees on December 6, 2011.
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