Japanese Teachers’ Association of NSW(JTAN) Inc.

Univ. of Sydney and JTAN

Holiday Student Workshop, Japanese Extension course

Dear Teachers,

Thank you for applying for your student/s to attendthe University of Sydney and JTANStudent Holiday Workshop/s. Theaim of these workshops is to provide the participating students withuseful HSC exam skills, which may increase their possibilities of achieving a better HSC outcome. Taught by experienced HSC teachers, the workshops will consolidate and further build on the Japanese skills that the students have acquired through work completed at school up to June 2017.

Registration Process:

  • After booked seats with the convenor, Teruko Sharif, at ,please fill in the Registration form(page 2)and send the PDFto Friday,9th June, 2017.
  • Please issue the following to your students: 1) Information sheet (page 3), 2)Consent form (page 4). We ask you to post the original signed forms to JTAN at PO Box 6453, North Sydney 2060. The forms should be receivedby us no later thanThursday, 15thJune, 2017.
  • Please read through and explain the information sheet to your student/s.
  • Please note that JTAN will NOT provide a Risk Management Form on behalf of the University of Sydney.

Students withPhysical Disability, Mental and/or Health Issues:

  • The utmost care will be taken to ensure the safety of any students who have physical disabilities.
  • Generally speaking, JTAN will NOT be able to manage students with mental and/or health issues during workshops. If any of your students have such issues, please suggest the student that they withdraw from the workshop as JTAN willNOT take any responsibility for any effect that our workshop may haveon the student.
  • If you have a student with other special needs, please inform us in writing ASAP.

Methods of payment

Please refer to Join us tab, Methods of payment. The payment should be made by your school. Please do not let your student to send their fee directly to the bank accounts of JTAN.

Thank you very much for your cooperation.

Kind regards,

Teruko Sharif (Convenor)

Univ. of Sydney and JTAN

Holiday Student Workshop, Japanese Extension course

Registration form

Dear Teacher,

Please fill in the following details and send the PDF to by Friday 9th June, 2017.

Date: 5th July2017 - Extension Course

Venue:The Education Building, University of Sydney

School name:

Teacher's name:

Teacher's mobile phone number:

Teacher's email address:

Student details : Extension course
Full name / Preferred name / Maleor
Female / Mobile phone number / Email address

Participation fee: $110.00 per student.

Univ. of Sydney and JTAN

Holiday Student Workshop, Japanese Extension course

Information for Students and Parent/Guardian

Day schedule: 9:00 -10:30Session 1

10:30 - 11:00 Recess

11:00 - 12:30 Session 2

12:30 - 13:30Lunchtime

13:30 - 15:30Session 3

Students should bring their own refreshments, lunchand dictionary.

Meeting Time and Place:

  • On the day of the workshop students are required to meet their workshop teacher/s at the entrance of The Education Buildingon Manning Road, the University of Sydney, Camperdown Campus at 8:45 a.m..


  • Participating students are required to take reasonable care of themselves and others at the venue. They must not bypass rules or misuse systems or equipment provided. They must report any unsafe conditions which come to their attention and address these concerns where possible to the teacher of the workshop.
  • During lesson time, recess and lunchtime, the purchase and/or consumption of alcohol, cigarettes or illicit drugs is strictly forbidden. If such an incident is found, the student will be dismissed from the workshop.

Cancellation, No attendance and Refund:

  • If a cancellation notice is received by JTAN after the payment is received and by 27th June, we will forfeit 50% of the participation fee. This rule will be strictly adhered to as JTAN appoints teachers according to the attending number of students for the course.
  • If a student does not attend the workshop without notice of cancellation, no refund will be given.
  • In the case that an unexpected event occurs on the day (e.g. compassionate case, sickness), student/parent should contact 0425-217-898 (Megumi Mamone) or 0450-143-681 (Kentaro Otani) prior to the workshop, and then postyour refund request with an explanation to JTAN at PO Box 6453, North Sydney 2060.
  • If non-attendance/no show is due to illness, we will organise a full refund as soon as we receive the original doctor's certificate by post.

Univ. of Sydney and JTAN

Holiday Student Workshop, Japanese Extension course

Consent form

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Please fill in the following and hand your original signed form to the school teacher as soon as possible as this form should reach JTAN by post by Thursday, 15th June 2017.

Course name:Japanese Extension Course

School name:......

Teacher's name:......

Parent/Guardian consent:

I give permission for ...... to participate in the above workshop/s. I have read the Information sheet and accept the rules and cancellation policy.

In the caseof an emergency, I understand that JTAN will contact me. However, if I cannot be contacted, I hereby give consent to JTAN to do all that is possible for the wellbeing andsafety of the student.

Name (please print) : Title...... Name......

Home address: ...... Post code......

Email address: ......

Mobile phone number: ...... Signature: ...... Date:......

Student Declaration:

I agree to observe the rules and policiesof the workshop and to co-operate with the workshop teacher/s throughout the workshop.

Student's signature: ...... Date: ......