TASK ONE: Create a Political Party
Determine the people that generally agree enough to form a political party.
TASK TWO: Create a Party Platform
Discuss and write down answers to the following questions. Your written answers will create your Party Policy (Platform). Choose a recorder.
For Canada and Alberta…
1. Do you support Canadian ‘social programs’? Which ones? Prioritize your programs in
order of importance. Be sure to explain why very clearly.
· Old age pension
· Universal health care (pgs 276-277)
· Education funding?
· Taxation (281-283)
2. Do you support Canada’s involvement in Afghanistan? Why or why not?
· More funding for military?
3. Do you support investing tax payer money for environmental concerns? (316-317)
4. Do you support Canada providing aid to other countries in need? What types of needs
does your party support. Prioritize in order of importance.
TASK THREE: Create and design a Political Party Identity
A party logo should be something that is simple, yet memorable. Colour is important as well. Here are a few examples of Logo’s from our federal parties:
A party slogan should be:
· Short
· Memorable
· Capture your party’s philosophy
SLOGAN: ______
TASK FOUR: Create a Promotional Poster
Include the following on your Political Party Promotional Poster (The 4 P’s):
· Party Name
· Party Logo
· Party Slogan
· Party Platform
Ensure that your poster is done in a way that best promotes your party in terms an election.
Ensure your poster is...
· Incredibly well organized
· Complete in terms of requirements
· Amazingly creative
· Beautifully colored
· Impeccably neat
Your mark will be based on the following...
· Detailed & Well Explained Platform...... /10
· Creative Party Name/Logo/Slogan...... /10
· Poster Presentation (explained above)...... /20