County Administration Building
102 East Front Street
Lillington, North Carolina
Regular Meeting
July 18, 2016 7:00 pm
1. Call to order – Chairman Jim Burgin
2. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation – Commissioner Abe Elmore
3. Consider additions and deletions to the published agenda
4. Consent Agenda
A. Minutes
B. Budget Amendments
C. Tax rebates, refunds and releases
D. Resolution in Support of Designating a Portion of N.C. 87 in Harnett County in Honor of Nascar Legend Herb Thomas
E. General Services’ Harnett Area Rural Transit (HARTS) requests approval of the NC DOT FY 17 5311 grant agreement in the amount of $285,428; total county match is $47,108. The grant covers both capital and administration costs associated with providing public transportation for the citizens of Harnett County. General Services also requests approval of an additional grant funded position as NC DOT approved funding for an additional admin. position which is included in the total grant funding.
F. Administration requests that the Board of Commissioners rescind their award of contract (June 20, 2016) to Allied Fire & Safety for fire extinguisher services for July 1, 2016 - June 30, 2019 in the amount of $12,030. This is due to the increase in cost and having received only one bid. Staff requests approval to go back out for bid for this service.
G. Administration requests that the Board of Commissioners rescind their award of contract (June 20, 2016) to Clegg’s Pest Control for pest and fire ant control services for July 1, 2016 - June 30, 2019 in the amount of $123,540. This is due to the increase in cost and having received only one bid. Staff requests approval to go back out for bid for this service.
H. Administration requests that the Board of Commissioners rescind their award of contract (June 20, 2016) to Johnson Controls for HVAC services for July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2019 in the amount of $626,331.00. This is due to the increase in cost and having received only one bid. Staff requests approval to go back out for bid for this service.
I. Resolution to Terminate an Agreement for Purchase and Sale of Real Property Dated May 27, 2016.
J. Human Resources request approval to amend the Personnel Ordinance; Article III, Section 9E “In the event a reclassification results in the downgrade of a position, the County Manager has the authority to reclassify that position without Board of Commissioners approval.”
K. Harnett County General Services’ Animal Services requests approval of a change to the current spay/neuter voucher program to move toward a pre-release spay/neuter program. With this change, Animal Services, partnering with Harnett Animal Welfare Coalition, will begin pre-release spay/neuter procedures before adoption of eligible animals. Eligible animals will be determined by the Animal Services manager. Staff also requests approval of new fees reflecting cost for size and male/female, dogs/cats to be added to the department’s fee schedule.
L. Harnett County Health Department requests approval to establish and/or increase the following fees for services:
87651 Rapid Strep $35.00 LAB TEST
(Replacing CPT 87880-Strep Test)
87502 Influenza A & B $75.00 LAB TEST
(Replacing CPT 87804-Flu Test)
92550 Tympanometry $25.00 HEARING
90621 Trumenba (Meningitis B) $150.00VACCINE
90670 PCV13 (Prevnar) recommend $174
Insurance ($174 Plus Admin Fee 90471)
Medicare (Plus Admin G0009 $24.31Vaccine $173.69 = $198)
90632 / 90633 Hep A recommend $45
90662 Flu-High Dose recommend $61
Medicare - (Plus Admin G0008 $24.31 Vaccine $36.69 = $61)
90732 Pneumococcal Vaccine recommend $107
Medicare - (Plus Admin G0009 $24.31 Vaccine $82.69 = $107)
5. Period of up to 30 minutes for informal comments allowing 3 minutes for each presentation
6. Appointments
7. Consider proposed zoning change: Case # RZ-16-116, Landowner/Applicant: Johnny Faircloth; 2.52 +/- acres (consisting 5 parcels) Pin’s # 9575-24-1972, 9575-24-4817, 9575-24-4764, 9575-25-2300; 9575-25-1192; From RA-20R to Commercial Zoning District; Off NC Hwy 24 (on Red Bird Drive & Chipmunk Court); Johnsonville Township.
8. County Manager’s Report – Joseph Jeffries, County Manager
- Designation of Voting Delegate to NCACC Annual Conference
- Harnett County Financial Summary Report – May 2016
- Harnett County Sales Tax Analysis by Article
- Veteran Affairs Activities Report – June 2016
- Interdepartmental Budget Amendments
9. New Business
10. Closed Session
11. Adjourn
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