BDL/04/83/TPTDated: 12/10/2007
BDL desires to enter into contract for transportation of their employees from various locations in twin cities to Kanchanbagh and back. For Tender details refer website No.http:/
Telephone:24587045, 24587516
BDL/04/83/TPTDated: 12/10/2007
(For Submission of Bids by the Transport Contractors of Twin Cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad only)
Sealed Tenders are invited for Transportation of their employees from different locations of Hyderabad, Secunderabad and surrounding places to BDL, Kanchanbagh, Hyderabad and back
- Bharat Dynamics Limited intends to award contract for hiring 8 Nos. of 25 seater Mini buses, 9 Nos. of 13 Seater van and 4 Nos.of 10 Seater Tata Sumos of 2005 or later models for transportation of our employees from various locations of Hyderabad, Secunderabad and surrounding area to BDL, Kanchanbagh, Hyderabad in shifts and General Shift.
- The Detailed Tender Documents are placed on our website No. http:/ which can be down loaded and will be submitted along with tender documents fee of Rs.1000/- by way of non-refundable crossed D.D. drawn on or before 05/11/2007 from any scheduled Bank in favour of Bharat Dynamics Limited, Hyderabad. In case you desire to have the documents from us please send your request with crossed D.D. for Rs.1000/-drawn from any scheduled Bank in favour of “Bharat Dynamics Limited” towards Tender fee.
1.Last date for issue of Tender Documents:05/11/2007
2.Last date of receipt of quotation:05/11/2007 by
1530 Hrs
3.Date & Time of opening Technical Bids:06/11/2007 at
1330 Hrs
BDL shall be under no obligation to accept the lowest or any other tender and reserves the right to accept or reject the request for tender documents and to accept or reject in part or full of the tenders submitted by the Tenderer without assigning any reason what so ever. Further BDL has the right to cancel/withdraw/modify/amend this notification at its sole discretion.
The Quotation of the parties whose total contract was terminated earlier in BDL will not be considered.
BDL/04/83/TPTDated: 12/10/2007
BDL, Kanchanbagh complex is proposing to hire 8 Nos. of minibuses of 25 Seating capacity, 9 Nos of 13 Seating capacity van and 4 Nos. of 10 Seating capacity Tata Sumos for transportation of employees from different locations in Hyderabad, Secunderabad and surrounding areas to BDL, Kanchanbagh and back. The vehicles should be 2005 or later models. This tender document is issued with reference to the payment by DD towards the cost.
Tenderers are required to submit their offer in two parts viz., Technical Bid & Commercial Bid in two separate sealed covers. Technical and Commercial Bids duly filled in should be submitted on or before 05/11/2007 BY 15:30 Hours enclosing EMD of Rs.80,000/- for 25 Seater mini buses, Rs.90,000/- for 13 Seater Vans and Rs.40,000/- for 10 Seater Tata Sumos in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of Bharat Dynamics Limited, Hyderabad.
Separate tenders should be submitted for 25 Seater mini buses, 13 Seater Vans and 10 seater Tata Sumos along with separate Demand Drafts towards EMD. Security deposit if any held with BDL will not be adjusted towards EMD.
Technical Bids will be opened first. The Commercial bids of only those Tenderers who are qualified as per Technical bid will be opened next. The criteria for qualifying Technical bid shall be as under:
a)The Tenderer should have minimum fleet of 10 vehicles for 25 Seater mini buses, 11 vehicles in case of 13 Seater vans and 6 vehicles in case of 10 Seater Tata Sumo in the name of Travel Company or on lease.
b)The Tenderer must have executed two orders of one year duration each supplying minimum of 10 vehicles of 25 Seater mini buses, 11 vehicles of 13 seater vans and 10 Tata Sumos during the last two years respectively depending on the vehicles for which he is quoting.
c)The Tenderer should have acquired Labour Licence, PF Number, ESI Code and Service Tax Registration Certificate.
d)The Tenderer should produce latest Income Tax clearance Certificate and its PAN No. Without PAN No. the Bids will be summarily rejected.
e)The vehicle should be of 2005 make or later.
f)The vehicles should be physically verified before opening the commercial Bids by BDL Officers and if they are satisfied only the Commercial Bids will be opened.
g)An undertaking from Tenderer that in the event of successful award of the contract, such of the vehicles identified in the tender only will be used or brand new vehicle purchased on award of contract will be operated.
h)The Tenderer shall ensure that the road and other taxes shall be paid for the seating capacity for which the vehicle is identified and proof of payment shall be produced before commencement of contract and subsequently there after.
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Tenders without EMD and Documentary evidence are liable to be rejected. Tenderers are therefore required to submit EMD and relevant documents as required/mentioned in the Technical Bid. The EMD & Document evidence shall be enclosed to the Technical Bid, otherwise the Bids will be summarily rejected.
Tenderer should carefully read the footnotes in the Commercial Bid and understand the same, before quoting.
Offers both Technical and Commercial Bids should be submitted in separate sealed covers and they should be separate for minibuses, vans and Tatasumo’s clearly super-scribing “TENDER FOR HIRING VEHICLES, TECHNICAL OR COMMERCIAL BID FOR MINIBUS OR 13 SEATER VAN OR 10 SEATER TATA SUMO” in our General Administration (GAD) by 05/11/2007 at 15:30 Hrs. and obtain acknowledgement. No tenders will be accepted after 15:30 Hrs. The sealed Technical Bids will be opened on 06/11/2007 at 13:30 Hrs. in the presence of Tenderers present. The Commercial Bids of only those qualified as per Technical Bids will be opened later. If the Technical Bid and Commercial Bids combined into one, the bid will be summarily rejected.
BDL shall be under no obligation to accept the lowest or any other tender and reserves the right to accept or reject the request for tender documents and to accept or reject in part or full of the tenders submitted by the Tenderer without assigning any reason what so ever.
Encl:1.Technical Bid
2.Commercial Bid
3.Terms and Conditions of Tender
Tender No.BDL/04/83/TPT/Tender/2007Dt: 12/10/2007
- The number of 25 seater minibuses, 13 seater vans and 10 Seater Tata Sumo required will normally be 8,9 and 4 respectively but the tenderer should be able to supply minibuses or vans at short notice when demanded on the same terms and rates whether for short periods or long periods. BDL reserves the right to increase or decrease the number of mini buses or vans and / or routes at any time during the contract period.
2.The transport contractor will be responsible for the safe, comfortable and timely transport of the employees of BDL.
3(a).The Minibuses and Vans should be in good running condition and well maintained exterior and interior with models not earlier than 2005.
3(b).The vehicles are subject to inspection by authorities of BDL and only such vehicles that are approved should be plied. The vehicles also should be produced for periodic inspection as and when required. The successful Tenderers should have sufficient spare vehicles to meet the contingencies like unexpected failures, maintenance schedules and increased demand etc., Incase the contractor sends a vehicle of earlier model than 2005 and if due to exigency BDL decides to use the vehicle for particular trip, BDL reserves the right to deduct a penalty of 20% from the bill for the particular trip for which an old vehicle is sent.
4.BDL reserves its rights to refuse to engage any vehicle even after arrival at the factory, if the driver and/or the vehicle do not confirm to any of the regulations of M.V.Act or/ and A.P.M.V Rules. The tender should furnish the list of Regn. No. of vehicles offered along with the tender.
5(a).The Tenderer should obtain at his own cost all Road permits, driver licences, Police Verification of antecedent of Drivers, pollution clearance certificate etc., for running his mini buses, vans & Tata sumos. BDL will not be responsible for any complications arising out of such contingencies, if any.
5(b).The Transport Contractor should maintain the mini buses/van in good running condition at his cost. Experienced drivers with valid license and cleaners for mini buses should be deployed with the vehicles. In the event of complaints of rash driving, discourtesy etc., the Transport Contractor should immediately change the crew attached to the vehicle.
5(c)The vehicle operated for BDL should be cleaned by water interior and exterior once in week.
6.Any claims due to any mishap i.e., accident fire or arson such incident en-route will be settled by the Tenderer, at his cost and he is also responsible for safe transshipment of the passengers/employees.
7.M/s.Bharat Dynamics Limited, Hyderabad reserves the right to split the transport contract among two or more contractors for the same period or any part thereof.
8(a)The contractor should be in a position to supply and ply at short notice additional vehicles in the event of certain exigencies like civil commotion, curfew, bandh etc. The contractor will have to make his own arrangements for fuel, lubricants, consumables repairs etc. at his cost. BDL will have no obligation whatsoever in this regard.
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8(b)In case, the Tenderer does not provide sufficient number of vans as and when required, alternate arrangements will be made by BDL and difference in cost if any, will be recovered from the Tenderer. This is also applicable in case of consistent default of daily performance of vehicles.
9.(a) The Mini buses & Vans must be operated on all working days of BDL, Sunday normally is a weekly holiday.
9(b) The Contractor is required to operate the vehicles as per the shift timings mentioned in Commercial Bids. However, Management may change the shift times as and when required and the Contractor is required to operate the vehicles accordingly.
10(a).The Tenderer shall insure the vehicles, passengers and for third party liability to the extent required as per M.V.Act and A.P.M.V Rules thereon. Alternately, the Tenderer may insure the vehicles comprehensively.
10(b).The Transport Contractor shall always be regarded as independent contractor and its employees shall not at any time be regarded as employees of BDL. The BDL shall not be liable or responsible for any damages, loss or injury caused to the personnel/employees of the Transport contractor. The Transport Contractor should comply and maintain all registers & Records under Motor Transport workers Act 1961 and rules made there under and comply with all other statutory obligations applicable under EPF & MP Act, ESI Act, workmen’s compensation Act, The payment of Bonus Act, Minimum Wages Act, Payment of Wages Act and any other enactment of both State & Central Government applicable to him/them as Transport Contractor.
11(a)In case any strike or lock out of BDL factory, or during bundhs, civil commotions and other disturbance, the Tenderer shall make earnest efforts for plying the vehicles as usual and if any problem arises, the same should be intimated to Transport Department Officials immediately and follow their instructions.
11(b).In situations like, curfew, labour unrest, and or strike by the employees of BDL, the Contractor should be in a position to operate vehicles. The payment of hire charges shall be made for only such trips that are actually operated. In the event of any strike or unrest by the employees of the Contractor, he shall make alternative arrangements to operate vehicles at his own cost and risk. In case, the contractor fails to make alternative arrangements, BDL reserves its right to arrange vehicles at the cost of the contractor. The Contractor shall post his representative at BDL for appropriate supervision of the services and to attend to day-to-day problems/complaints and the cost of alternate arrangements will be deducted from the running Bills besides fine/penalty.
12. The workmen of the tenderer shall maintain good behavior and courteous relationship with the officers and employees of BDL and shall not indulge in any strike or go slow or other act which is likely to adversely effect functioning of the timings and of the schedule of the Transport system under the contract. In such event, BDL shall have the right to terminate the contract without notice at any time and without paying any compensation, and also forfeit the security deposit of the tenderer held by it.
13(a). Any penalty or fine levied on account of negligence and/or breach of contract and related laws should be borne by the contractors. The contractor is responsible for safe transportation/commuting of BDL employees To & Fro as per routes & scheduled timings. The contractor shall meet all expenditure towards road tax, permit, audit fee and other statutory payments.
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13(b).Drivers employed by the tenderer must invariably observe all Traffic rules while driving and should drive the vehicles with utmost care and diligence. Physically fit, able bodied, healthy persons holding appropriate and valid driving licence must drive the mini buses/vans of the tenderer. There shall be no compromise or relaxations on this condition. The drivers should be provided with Uniform and cell phone.
14.The Tenderer should quote the rates in the quotation in figures as well as in words. No corrections or over writings are allowed.
15.No Upward revision of rates will be entertained during the tenure of the contract unless there is a price increase in HSD and additional statutory levy of road taxes by State/Central Governments. Similarly there shall be decrease in the event of decrease in taxes/rates. The amount payable for increase or decrease will be calculated on the basis of 9 km per litre of HSD for 13 seater vans, 6 KMs per litre of HSD for 25 seater Mini Buses and 10KMs per litre of HSD for 10 seater Tata Sumo. The current rate of HSD as on 12/10/2007 is Rs.33.79ps per litre. The road tax per seat per quarter as applicable for different vehicle as per A.P.Govt. Rules.
16.The Tenderer should enter into an agreement with M/s.Bharat Dynamics Limited, Hyderabad, on a non-judicial stamp paper value of Rs.100/- after obtaining the text of the agreement from the Transport Manager of BDL.
17.In case of any suit or the other legal proceeding arising under or relating to the contract to be entered into, the courts at Hyderabad only shall have the jurisdiction.
18.The Tenderer shall have to maintain the logbooks provided by BDL for each vehicle by getting the details entered by concerned Officers of BDL for unscheduled kms. The Tenderer shall submit his bills once in a month and it will be authorized by the Transport Department of M/s.BHARAT DYNAMICS LIMITED, Hyderabad for payment.
19.The successful Tenderer should start the work or run the services on receipt of intimation of award of contract, failing which the EMD paid by him stands forfeited and the contract shall be awarded to any other agency at the discretion of the company without any further reference to the Tenderer. The vehicles which are to be operated for BDL are to be finalised and will be inspected by BDL Authorities before entering into the contract.
20.The Tenderer should abide by the security rules of BDL.
21.Seating Capacity:Each mini bus should accommodate 25 passengers, van should accommodate 13 passengers and Tata Sumo should accommodate 9 passengers excluding driver. Proof of payment of taxes for the capacity tendered should be produced at the beginning of every quarter to the Management.
22.The minibuses/vans/Tata Sumos are required for picking up and dropping the employees for the BDL from Monday to Saturday. The picking up and dropping timings are as given in Commercial Bids. These are the present timings and may change according to Factory timings. If any Sunday/any holidays happen to be a working day for BDL, the Transport contractor shall provide minibuses/Vans/Tata Sumos vehicle for transporting of employees.
23.It is the responsibility of the Tenderers to pay all the taxes and other statutory levies and BDL will not accept responsibility for any action/actions that any State Government agency or any statutory body may take against the Tenderer for such non-payment of taxes/levies. However, the Service Tax will be paid to Contractor.
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24(a)The contract once finalized shall be valid for a period of two years from the date of awarding the contract and renewable for a period of one year on the same terms and conditions.
24(b)BDL reserves the right to terminate the contract awarded at any time during the currency of the contract without assigning any reasons by giving three (3) months notice in advance in writing. Similarly, the Tenderer should give three months advance notice in writing for termination of contract, failing which the security deposit stands forfeited.