January, 21st 2015

1:00 PM EST

Meeting Called to Order

Meeting recording approval

Roll Call

Yale Spina, President-Present

Andy Cates, Vice President-Present by phone

Gail Brantley, Director-Present

Unit Owners Present:

Sue Sartorelli

Michael Ainsworth

Margaret Bardes

G. Griffin

Charles Brantley

Rick Bondie

Doug Dedrick

Management Present:

Scott Burt, CMM

Tom McAuley, CMM

Angela Bunch, CMM

Caden Barber, CBC

Legal Council Present:

Donna Duncan

Proof of Notice Meeting

Scott Burt certifies that all notices went out accordingly.

Appointment of Chairman (Yale Spina appoints Scott Burt and Gail Brantley Seconds)

Scott Burt is appointed as Chairman.

Reading of Minutes of the Previous Meeting

Andy Cates moved to accept the 2014 3rd Quarter Meeting Minutes Yale Spina seconds. Accepted

Announcements-Scott Burt

The owner Christmas party was a huge success.

Discussion of low fuel cost/pricing plans to re-price fuel in the near future. This price change will take effect as soon as the quantity of fuel purchased at a higher rate is sold.

The Atlanta Boat Show was a great turnout for The Carrabelle Boat Club, many prospects stopped by to inquire about the boat club.

Financial Report-Tom McAuley

Balance Sheet review $69,000 in cash. Receivables are at $2800 which is outstanding and at an all time low. The club has $287,000 in assets.

The fork lift balloon payment is coming due in July for $150,000. Andy Cates will refinance this payment with no special assessment. (Andy speaks about the benefits to RVC and the owners to keep assessment as low as possible)

Credit card fees are down 20% as we renegotiated with a new merchant service company. The credit card fees went down from $10,000 in 2013 to $8300 in 2014.

$24,000 in repairs- Repairs are down and under budget even with the forklift service and storm damage repair.

Salary/wages are down and under budget by 6%. They perform many job duties outside of their normal tasks. (Scott and Andy recognize a job well done by Caden and the staff.)

The Boat Clubs net income is $170,000 for the year.

No insurance increase in 2014 (Scott speaks about bidding insurance)

Operating profit $120,000 against a budget of $110,000

Yale and Andy congratulate Tom on a job well done, and announced a dues increase for 2015 will be only 1%.

Tom McAuley Closes the financial report- Scott Burt motions to accept the financial report and Yale Spina seconds

Andy Cates motions to vote on the close of the budget all in favor.

Reports of Officers/Committees

Andy Cates speaks- A letter is going out to owners and renters. The goal is to improve value and bring in new owners while increasing values. The only debt on the COA is the fork lift truck equipment. The channel dredging project has gone very well with no negative comments. From a sales perspective 10 units sold last year at a 60% increase over 2013. Strongest pricing with one price increase in 2014, yet another expected price increase soon. The most sold racks are “B” racks. The forklift has been reconditioned and painted. Members will continue to get discounts at Carrabelle Beach RVC owned properties. Renters do not receive discounts.

Managers Report-Scott Burt

Property review- Caden will replace the fork covers on 33,000lb capacity fork lift.

Stop plates have been repaired; they were loose and originally installed incorrectly by Dream Harbors. Frank discovered this during a routine inspection.

Elevator main drive unit replaced.

Forklifts are in excellent condition. Expected life expectancy of 20 years if maintained.

Yale Spina-The place looks great.

Scott Burt- Mentions Clarence is doing a great job and mentioned his method of compost from the fish cleaning remnants. DEP loved this idea; this is the only marina that does this.

Election of Directors

Yale Spina President, Andy Cates Vice President, Gail Brantley Director- retained seats by vote. Donna Duncan certified ballots and Scott Burt announced the decision.

Unfinished Business-

No Unfinished business

New Business-Scott Burt

Reserves are not funded by State of Florida requirements due to the difference in condo and boat clubs. We need a motion to approve a partial funding. Yale Spina motions the partial funding Gail Brantley seconds the motion. All were in favor of the partial funding. Motion moved.


Sue speaks about the adjacent property for sale and would like to see someone purchase the property. No motion presented.

Rick speaks about being welcomed to the club. He thanks the club for fixing the retaining wall and he is glad to be here.


Yale Spina motions to adjourn the meeting and Gail Brantley seconds. Meeting adjourned.