The conference will commence in King's Row located on the seventh floor of the Pfister Hotel.
We encourage you to arrive at least 20 minutes before the start of the event to allow time for registration,seating, and personal introductions.

9:30 / Registration/Coffee Meet and Greet
Welcome and Announcements
Lenny LaCour, Chair, The Great Lakes Alliance
Keynote Speaker
Mark Zabel, Global VP of Product and Marketing, Johnson Tech

Market Driver vs. Market Driven Company
Which one are you and where do you want to go?

JHT/Matrix Fitness started out as a market driven company. Learn the difference and experience how theytransformed into amarket driven companythrough strategic partnerships, technology and innovation.

12:30 / Sponsor "Mind Share" Session
Time to connect as you share your insights with fellow attendees and the companies
that make our events possible.
Technology in Our Industries: What's Coming Down the Road...
Panel Discussion Moderated by: Kate Leydon
Panelist:Susan Haises
Panelist: Andrew Kolman
Networking Lunch
3:15 / Round Table Community Collaboration
Discuss issues raised by morning presenters and real life applications
as you tackle critical industry questions by sharing insight and experiences
with those around you.
Sponsor "Mind Share" Session / Final Raffle
Connect with industry leaders and experience their companies.
Closing Speaker
Joe Kurth, General Manager, The Pfister

“Service Excellence: The Key to Consistent Profitability”

The Pfister is the flagship property of Marcus Hotels and Resorts and one of only thirteen 36 year
AAA Four Diamond Award winners out of over 50,000 hotels nationwide. Learn frominsightfulideas as Joe shares some of the key factors that have contributed to The Pfister's success.

4:15 / Conclusion
Ending on a celebratory note, The Great Lakes Alliance
thanks all who've made this event possible and gives details
on upcoming events that will keep your business moving forward