Name of Clinic
Service Re-Evaluation Plan
PURPOSE:To insure quality of services and continued short and long term strategic vision and management of the XXXXXXXX Clinic
- Performance improvement and quality measures will be reported on a monthly basis by clinic pharmacy staff and evaluated quarterly by leadership of the clinic.
- Clinic leadership with clinic staff will be responsible for developing an improvement plan as needed based on quarterly evaluation.
- Clinic leadership with clinic staff will provide an evaluative report to administrators bi-annually.
- Clinic leadership with clinic staff will meet with administration annually to discuss short term and long term plans based on clinic evaluation reports.
The re-evaluation plan for the clinic includes the following:
Performance Improvement and Quality Measures
- Performance improvement and quality measures will be collected and reported on a routine basis.
- The clinic staff and leadership will identify measures based on current internal and external issues and trends. The PDSA model is encouraged to allow quick flexibility and adaptation to needs.
- Measures should include at a minimum one measure in each of the following categories:
a. Patientoutcomes and experiences in the clinic, i.e. clinical measures, patient satisfaction
b. Financial measures, i.e. growth, ROI, etc.
c. Structure measures, i.e. workload, employee satisfaction, communication issues, etc.
d. Process measures, i.e. documentation, waiting times, visit length, etc.
4. Measures will be reported on a monthly basis and evaluated quarterly.
5. Program results will be included in the bi-annual evaluative report to administrators.
Business Plan Review
1. The clinic business plan will be reviewed by clinic staff and leadership annually.
2. An environmental scan and SWOT analysis will be conducted annually, and the plan will be altered as needed.
3. A formal review and updating of services, resources and needs, financial summary, and marketing plan will be done and included in the re-evaluative report.
Strategic Plan
1. A strategic plan will be conducted once every 5 years.
2. The strategic plan will contain the short and long term goals for the clinic.
3. The strategic plan will be reviewed on a yearly basis.
Reporting Time Line:
1. The bi-annual reports to administration will be provided in October and March to allow for any needed changes in the budgeting process for the fiscal year.
2. Annual meetings will occur in November of each year.
Reviewed: XX/XX initials