Thursday, January 19, 2017
1:30 p.m. – 4:45 p.m.
Consumer Law Section
3.0 MCLE Credit Hours, including up to 0.5 LEPR Credit Hour
and .75 Bankruptcy Specialization Credit Hour
Supreme Court Commission on CLE Course #: 170434
Regency Ballroom DE
Confronting Your Phobias in the Virtual Frontier: Practicing Consumer Law in the New Wild, Wild West – the Digital Age
Join US Bankruptcy Court Judge John E. Waites, Eric Reed, Jason Wyman, Dave Maxfield, Marilyn Gartley, Michael Pratt, and Jack Pringle for a Wild West shootout that is better than the O.K. Corral! This innovative yet practical program will help you confront your phobias in the virtual Consumer Law frontier. You’ll receive valuable information on recent developments in the mortgage modification/loss mitigation/mediation program of the US Bankruptcy Court for the District of SC; a tour de force on hot topics in Consumer Law from the “One-Man Bandit” Dave Maxfield; and an essential primer on E-Discovery and ESI, which will walk you through the basics and the latest on collection, search utilities & terms, metadata, production methods/formats, affordable e-discovery software options, technology-assisted review, tips on custodial & non-custodial ESI sources, clawback agreements, preservation essentials, the trends that are changing e-discovery, and much more!
Our program ends with a presentation by Jack Pringle on ethics and technology, including addressing the Ethics rules applicable to the protection of client information and cyber-security fundamentals required to safeguard against potential breaches of data security and client confidences.
1:30 p.m. – 2:15 p.m. Using the Portal to Strike Gold—Recent Developments of the Mortgage Modification/Loss Mitigation/Mediation Program of the US Bankruptcy Court for the District of SC & Tips on Analyzing the Pros and Cons for your Clients in Undertaking Modification through the Portal versus Outside of Bankruptcy
Hon. John E. Waites, Columbia
Eric S. Reed, Columbia
Jason D. Wyman, Columbia
2:15 p.m. – 3 p.m. Consumer Law Topics from a One-Man Bandit
David A. Maxfield, Columbia
3 p.m. – 3:15 p.m. Break
3:15 p.m. – 4:15 p.m. Know the Weather Before You Start the Oregon Trail – Everything You Always Wanted to Know About E-Discovery & ESI
Marilyn E.L. Gartley, Columbia
Michael V. Pratt, Charleston
4:15 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. Ethics & Technology (Bit by Bit): From the Stagecoach to the Pacific Railroad—Cybersecurity Essentials Required for Your Practice to Safeguard Protected Consumer/Client Information—Guidance on the Effective and Competent Use of People, Processes, and Computer Technology
Jack Pringle, Columbia
Course Planner: Marilyn E.L. Gartley, Columbia