Jesus: God's Gift

John 3:16

Key Verse: 16

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

First of all, I really praise and thank God for his amazing grace and mercy upon sinners like me raising me as a Christmas messenger.I want to start my message with one question.What kind of person do you want to be at this Christmas season?Do you want to celebrate this Christmas as an annual event or do you really want to be joyful because of Jesus Christ, who came to this world as a baby and gift to save sinners.I pray God may open and move our hearts before Jesus Christ and we may bring our offerings with humble heart and honor.

According to Wikipedia, John 3:16 is one of the most widely quoted verses from the Christian Bible, and has been called the most famous Bible verse.Martin Luther called it “the gospel in miniature.”Heisman trophy winner Tim Tebow has had it printed in the black shade he has under his eyes in football games, widely photographed in playoffs and championships in college and the pros. In-N-Out Burger puts it on the bottom rim of their coffee cups.It’s been used as song titles, on banners at various sporting events, and in various unexpected places all the time. It always seems to be popping up somewhere.

People love this Bible Verse a lot. Then, let us think about real and deep meaning of this bible verse: "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

“God so loved the world.”

Here the world refers to people in this world or sinners like me. In fact there are no reasons that God could find to love the sinful world and people. How much corrupt and wicked we are! But history proves that God has forgiven Israel and sinners like us again and again until they come back to God.

We often see people behave like wild animals and evildoers as we simply look around the world. Most people enjoy their pleasure seeking life and just focus on future carriers and secure life. They really don’t care about whatever happens in this world even in their close neighborhoods. So many terrible things are going on in this world, andpeople just think this is not their own business and don’t care. The world we are living in right now is almost like Noah’s generation.

I will read Genesis 6:11-13.“Now the earth was corrupt in God’s sight and was full of violence. God saw how corrupt the earth had become, for all the people on earth hadcorrupted their ways. So God said to Noah, “I am going to put an end to all people, for the earth is filled with violence because of them. I am surely going to destroy both them and the earth.”Here, the focal point is not destruction or judgment, but God’s love. Probably people in Noah’s time who were destroyed by the floods were sons and daughters of the godless evil people. 100 years of God’s warning and calling for their repentance didn’t work for them at all. God could have destroyed the earth and everything in from the universe. But he didn’t. Because of His love for His children—Noah and his family, God had no choice, but judgment by the flood.

According to statistic Canada ninety percent of new cancers were diagnosed in people 50 or over. Lung Cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer. The lung cancer 5 year survival rate is 15%. Early detection is critical in preventing the spread of cancer and keeping options for surgery available to the patient. Probably God found the cancer among the world and it was almost the stage 4. Although it looked and crucial the way God did, but to save life God had to do. Otherwise, there is no chance to save them. He asked Noah and his family to build the ark and escape the judgment. We can see God’s love for his children, behind this judgment.In fact, God is patiently waiting again for us. This might be the final surgery. Father, please get rid of our sins and wickedness, but we may remember God's love and we all may be saved by Jesus Christ.

Now let us think about the next phrase of John 3:16

‘“That he gave his one and only Son”

God proved His love toward us with the best love expression. God gave his one and only Son. Weknow the parable of the penants in Matthew 21:33-48.A landowner sent his servants to his tenants to collect his share of the crop. But the tenants stoned and killed the servants. So the landowner sent a larger group of his servants to them again to collect his share, but the wicked tenants treated them in the same. Finally the owner sent his son, but the result was same. They killed the son.

This parable shows God’s perfect love toward us. God sent His one and only Son to the wicked people. He knewthese wicked people would kill His Son, but he sent him anyway because that’s the only final way to show his love and save them. Jesus is God’s final and perfect gift of love for us.At this Christmas season, let us really think about God’s gift; only and only Son Jesus Christ for us who are sinful and wicked. Especially let us think about God’s heart.

How do you shop for Christmas gift?Every one of us here knows that it is not easy to prepare the best and perfect gifts for our special people. You have to think many, many times and find the best love expression for others. I remember one time on my wife’s birthday I just bought 2 or 3 dolls randomly and hurriedly because I didn’t have enough time. Then my wife was not happy at all. In fact I ruined her birthday. However in another time, I thoughtfully prepared flowers and a gold necklace for her birthday gift in advance, after she lost her old necklace. I prepared exactly what she needed then on that day she was so joyful and even shed tears.

What about our God? In fact our God prepared his one and only Son Jesus Christ as his gift for us even before the universe formed. At Christmas, God gave His Son the best gift to sinners like us. Jesus was born in a stable and placed in a farm animal’s feeding through. God allowed His Son to be exposed to a world full of hate, injustice, evil, poverty and disease. God allowed His Son to endure the torture of Roman soldiers. God allowed His Son to be nailed to a cross. God entered this world in the person of His Son in order to die for your sins and be raised again so that you might gain an eternal relationship with Him. This is God’s perfect love expression for us.Father, please help us to know your amazing and awesome love for us.

Finally, let us see the last phrase ofJohn 3:16.’

”… that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

As we can see here we have a choice to perish or to have eternal life. Whoever believes in him, the best gift from God, Jesus Christ, we shall not perish but have eternal life. It is very true that everybody here on earth will perish. Whatever you are, whether youare the most powerful king or the strongest man in this world, you will perish at certain point.

According to the media Mbah Gotho claims to be world’s oldest man at an incredible 145 years and has told the media that he is ready to die now. These days, his grandchildren say Mbah Gotho mostly sits listening to the radio because his eyesight is too poor, and for past three months, he has had to be spoon-fed and bathed as he has become frailer. Mbah Gotho says “What I want is to die”.

It is sure he will die and perish. A person’s longevity does not guaranteehim to receive the gift of God, Jesus Christ. God says whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. Our faith in God’s gift Jesus. How blessed we are that we have believed in Jesus Christ and we will have eternal life!At this Christmas season, let us be joyful and thankful for the gift of God, Jesus Christ. Especially let us share this good news of Jesus Christ.Eternal life is for God’s blessing for everybody who believes in Jesus Christ.

Frankly I really want to know God’s love very personally. When we are young we are very self-centered and do not understand well about our parent’s hearts and love. In my memory, my father was a man of few words,but he was a diligent, hard-working man. I complained often my poor family condition. I often thought that my father was like a robot. He never gave me words of encouragment and any practical love expression. So I thought that maybe I was adopted from somewhere. I was too foolish and immature at that time. After Ibecame the father of two kids I understand my father’s heart deeper. Especially I understand how much my father struggled to keep our family healthy and sound in the midst of broken and wounded family condition. So these days I feel his love more and I phone him often.I feel his sacrificial love and genuine heart toward me.

What about my Heavenly Father?How can I understand His deep and wide love toward sinner like me?How can I understand fully His sacrifice and love for me through His one only Son, Jesus Christ?Father, please help each individuals here at this place to know your love and believe in Jesus Christ.