PAPRN+ Network Call Notes
Thursday, September 29, 2016 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Updates from the CDC
1.Dissemination and Implementation Meeting Follow-Up
CDC hopes to get some funding to convene a round table around Dissemination and Implementation (D&I) with specific interest in the kinds of activities that PAPRN+ is doing. The science isn’t there yet in the area of D&I, as it pertains to physical activity (PA) policy interventions. The CDC eventually wants to be a junior partner with NIH in D&I research as it relates to PA, and they want to think through a strategy to make this type of research more competitive for funding. More information will be provided in the near future.
2. REACH (Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health)
REACH is a funded, longstanding project that has been in another division and will be joining our division. This is good because they do complementary work to the things we’ve been doing including promoting complete streets and increased access. Perhaps some insights can be learned regarding how PAPRN+ types of activities can be integrated into what they are doing or be a source of information to them. Their focus is much more at the Community Participatory level and uses a similar model toPatch (a community intervention from years ago). We will consider having REACH present on a future PAPRN+ Network Call.
Updates from the PAPRN+ Coordinating Center
1. APHA Social Event with NOPREN
NOPREN and PAPRN+ are hosting a joint networking event at the upcoming APHA meeting in Denver, CO! The event will be held on Sunday, October 30 from 6pm-8pm at the Denver Convention Center. This will be a great opportunity for networking and connecting in-person with your colleagues. If you are planning to attend APHA and would like to come, please RSVP to Keshia Pollack(). We hope you can make it!
2. ALR2017
The ALR 2017 annual conference will be held February 26 - March 1, 2017 in Clearwater Beach, Florida. The theme is Active Living across the Life Span. We hope to see many of you there! We will be in touch later with more information about PAPRN+ members meeting at the conference.
3. Working Groups
The leaders of the Working Groups (WG) came together at the D&I Meeting and had good discussions and several follow-up calls since. The goal is for each WG to have one product by the end of this year.A couple of groups are already working on collaborative papers and in the process of launching some other subgroup committees.
If you are interested in being involved in a WG, there are always opportunities to connect. The WG are gathered around topics of older adults, complete streets, workplace health promotion, parks and recreation, school wellness, and rural physical activity, and some subgroup committees have also been created. Look at the PAPRN+ website ( or reach out to Amanda Wilson () for information about meetings times and activities. Thanks also to all of the Working Group leaders for keeping things moving forward!
Jana Hirsch of the Older Adult WG provided an update that theywill be presenting at the Gerontology Society of America in New Orleans in November. This will also hopefully help them to expand the PAPRN+ network by reaching more people who are interested in walking and walkability among the aging. This is in collaboration with the Complete Streets WG.
Kate Kraft, PhD ()
Executive Director, America Walks
Kristen Henry ()
Program Coordinator, America Walks
"America Walks: Who We Are and Measuring the National Walking Movement"
You can watch the presentation here.
There will be another Walking Summit, “Vital and Vibrant Communities: The Power of Walkability,”to be held in 2017 in St. Paul, Minnesotaon September 13-15. The Call for Proposals deadline is December 15, 2016 at 9pm Eastern. They would like this Summit to have more research and evidence-based and data driven sessions.
Note from American Walks: Call for Evaluation Advisory Board Members:
America Walks is developing an Evaluation Advisory Board to help us to meet one of our internal goals of better understanding the reach and impact of all of our programming and to make sure we are meeting the needs of our network to the best of our ability.
We are looking for 5 or 6 professionals to join this team.
Responsibilities include:
· Periodic review of America Walks Evaluation plans
· Submission of comments/edits to measurement tools being used by America walks
· Attendance at 5 or 6 (virtual) meetings throughout the year
Additional opportunities for members of this team are:
· Reviewing proposals for the 2017 National Walking Summit
· Participating in the Every Body Walk Collaborative
If you are interested in hearing more about this opportunity, please reach out to Kate Kraft () or Kristen Henry ().
The America Walks Team
Open MicDiscussion
1. Collaborating Centers submitting abstracts to ALR - The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois will be submitting one on the results of their Google street view work and have submitted one on their qualitative study on implementation experiences with Complete Streets policies. The University of Arizona submitted an abstract on the first paper from their qualitative work they have done in Tucson. Johns Hopkins University will submit an abstract on the qualitative data, case study research on workplaces and physical activity policies. University of Rochester submitted an abstract with data from the implementation phase of their program last year.
2. The University of Arizona‘s community partner got one of the KaBOOM!grants. It’s exciting because it came directly out of the work they have been doing through this engaged research process. They now have a Safe Routes to School program and now this grant that they can track back to the work they have been doing together.
3. Approximately 40 people participated in the D&I Workshopat the end of August with the goal of developing a research agenda related to walking and walkability. This workshop came out of an NIHconference grant that AmericaWalks, PAPRN+, and ALR submitted. The state of the evidence and opportunities for D&I research were discussed. Very few interventions wereidentified as ready for D&I research. Participants learned about a number of new resources and tools that can be used to help guide their work.The NIH has a specific call for proposals for D&I research. Several people will be writing up a summaryof the meeting and will sharethis with the Working Groups. Half of the participants completed evaluation surveys of the workshop, and good feedback was received.
- Links to the recordings of the two D & I-related webinars that were precursors to the workshop:
Effective Walking and Walkability Interventions
Research Translation: Lessons from Dissemination and Implementation Research for Interventions Promoting Walking and Walkability
- NIH resources for those interested in D & I research:
National Cancer Institute Implementation Science
The mission of the Implementation Science (IS) team at the National Cancer Institute is to build and advance the field of IS by integrating new knowledge across clinical and public health research, practice, and policy. The IS team and website provide valuable resource to conduct dissemination and implementation research and practice; and disseminate knowledge gained from cancer control research by establishing robust partnerships between researchers and practitioners.
For more details, go to:
Next Meeting
The Network calls are now bi-monthly, so our next meeting will be in November. Due to the Thanksgiving Holiday, the November meeting is scheduled for Thursday, November 10,12:00 – 1:00 pm Eastern. The Research Team from the Physical Activity Research Center (PARC) will be presenting.
If you are interested in being a presenter on a future Network call, please email Keshia Pollack at can stay engaged in between the callsby participating in a working group.